Erica Campbell quits

Erica Campbell is quite popular, although she never ventured into hard core porn. She definitely had her modeling niche well established.

Since she retired a few days ago, there is about 100 chicks waiting to take her place. Believe that.
what about all the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

are they taking all our porn star jobs? should we be worried?
Some of you may not like what I'm about to say, but I'm gonna say it anyways.

Honestly, I'm tired of all these fucking whiners. "The adult industry is bad... it ruined me... I can't handle it anymore... I'm devoting my life to God"... Fuck that! If you can't handle the choices you make in life, then it's your own damn fault. I wish people would stop trying to throw the adult industry under the bus because they weren't strong enough to handle their career choices.

If you join the military, you'd better be prepared to shoot and be shot at. If you can't mentally handle seeing people get blown up and die, then the military is not for you. By the same token, if you can't handle doing sexual things on camera then the porn industry is not for you.

I have no sympathy for Erica Campbell or anyone else that "quits" the porn industry because of their own poor choices in life/career. And then to have the nerve to speak out and bash the industry that made you who you are today and provides steady income to so many people.... I say FUCK YOU to all of these people, and may they have a nice life. Good riddens.

Oh please, I think you defend the industry too much. You know what I hate? I hate those people that want to tell others what to do with their life, enforce their morality on others, and try to protect other adults from themselves...

...But you know what I hate just as much? It's the people in the industry or the ones that defend the industry and just blindly look past the vast multitude of faults that it really does have. The industry does have a tremendous amount of things it deserves to be bashed for. It would be ridiculous to assume that all the bad happenings of the women in the industry are their own entire fault, and none of the blame at all rests with the countless shady characters that do business in it. There is a slimebag waiting around every corner in it to exploit some young and dumb person that should never have gotten into it and is too young and naive to realize otherwise. Does that keep them from using them?...hell no. It doesn't keep them from lying or exaggerating about the industry to them to get them into it either. It's not like everybody will realize the whole truth. At least with military service almost everybody knows what that might mean at some point, even if the assume that they will probably never have to do that.

I don't like any political or religious group that can't keep their noses out of other peoples' business, and I don't like it when they make up dumb stuff about the adult industry when they really don't know what they are talking about. On the other hand there is a large portion of industry people and fans that treat anybody that states a half way legitimate complaint about it as if they are some part of a large conspiracy that is trying to bring the industry down, instead of thinking for a second and realizing maybe some of those people have a point when they speak about it.

The industry also changes a lot of people. Some of them are just dumb and never gave a damn about their lives and are just searching for the next quick dollar, but a lot of them go in as relatively nice young caring people, that are constantly pressured, and pressured, and then pressured some more by agencies, producers, fans, and their dwindling shelf life, whether it be going even harder, getting into prostitution, or getting into drugs. It eats away at a lot of them until it destroys the person they once were. They literally come out of it unrecognizable and might as well be somebody else. Of course once that's done and their careers are over what happens to them is that they usually are thrown out like yesterdays garbage when it doesn't have any more use for them so it can go on to the next person and the cycle can continue.

There is personal responsibility one must take for ones own actions in everything in life. However, two wrongs don't make a right, and just because an individual has to accept responsibility for the actions they have did, that doesn't dismiss the wrongdoing of others that were around them along the way.
Actually, it's also quite similar in the entertainment industry in general for actors and actresses, much more media celebrities in front of the camera. So that doesn't stick too well. ;)

I have to disagree with you on this. Go to and look up the trivia of any 10 actors/actresses and you will find that probably half of them have either a post secondary degree or at least have some substantial post secondary schooling. Granted, it may be in acting. But a degree is a degree.
I highly doubt that even 20% of pornstars have post secondary degree's. Not that I blame them, most of them start their 'careers' before they are old enough to have graduated from a post secondary institution.

The industry also changes a lot of people. Some of them are just dumb and never gave a damn about their lives and are just searching for the next quick dollar, but a lot of them go in as relatively nice young caring people, that are constantly pressured, and pressured, and then pressured some more by agencies, producers, fans, and their dwindling shelf life, whether it be going even harder, getting into prostitution, or getting into drugs. It eats away at a lot of them until it destroys the person they once were. They literally come out of it unrecognizable and might as well be somebody else. Of course once that's done and their careers are over what happens to them is that they usually are thrown out like yesterdays garbage when it doesn't have any more use for them so it can go on to the next person and the cycle can continue.

There is personal responsibility one must take for ones own actions in everything in life. However, two wrongs don't make a right, and just because an individual has to accept responsibility for the actions they have did, that doesn't dismiss the wrongdoing of others that were around them along the way.

A great post. POTW candidate, imo. I especially liked the parts above.

As far as I am concerned, the people on this thread that have attacked Erica Campbell's negative remarks the most, are obviously the most emotionally (financially?) dependent on it.
Even though she clearly has FAR more inside experience then anyone on here that has posted so far. There are members that assume they know better then her; when clearly they do not. They need porn in their lives and they need to believe that this thing that they are so dependent on is not inherently bad. Which is human nature. So they blind themselves to the truth from women like Erica Campbell. And instead believe what the industry tells them to believe.
what credentials would you like?
what credentials would you like?

Well...some reasonably confirmable proof that you have as much behind-the-scenes experience in the adult entertainment industry; especially in so far as what the models/actresses feel/think when they are not on the job; as Erica Campbell.


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...But you know what I hate just as much? It's the people in the industry or the ones that defend the industry and just blindly look past the vast multitude of faults that it really does have. The industry does have a tremendous amount of things it deserves to be bashed for.
Hey, I never said the industry doesn’t have things it should be bashed for. There are a number of things with the industry that I myself have a big problem with. But suddenly having an “awakening” that what you were doing for the industry (by your own choice) was wrong, is not automatic grounds to bash the industry that you were a part of just because you don’t like it anymore.

It would be ridiculous to assume that all the bad happenings of the women in the industry are their own entire fault, and none of the blame at all rests with the countless shady characters that do business in it.
What happened to Erica Campbell that wasn’t her own fault? Please tell me. Sure there are cases in the industry were something bad happened to a girl that wasn’t at all her fault. Sure there are cases where girls leave the industry with psychological problems… just the same as there are cases where people leave the military with psychological problems (happens a lot in wars). But it’s not always the industries/military’s fault. Sometimes it is, but a lot of times it’s the person who causes their own problems.

To me, Erica Campbell just seems to be a whiner and a bitch. If you’re gonna bash the industry that you were a part of for so long, then you’d better have some sort of just basis for doing so besides the “I quit, I don’t want to do this anymore because God says it’s wrong rutine”.

There is a slimebag waiting around every corner in it to exploit some young and dumb person that should never have gotten into it and is too young and naive to realize otherwise.
See, that’s not a viable excuse in my book. At 18yrs old, you should be of sound enough mind to make your own decisions and realize the repercussions that come along with them. You make a bad decision and you’re the one that has to live with it. That’s life. And sometimes in life people have to learn things THE HARD WAY.

You’re trying to let people off the hook for their own choices. That’s like an 18yr old saying… ”I shouldn’t have gotten involved in that credit card fraud ring… But I was young and didn’t know any better… I just needed cash and it was a way to get a lot of money quick.” Are you gonna take that girls side the same way you want to take the side of every young girl in the porn industry???

Does that keep them from using them?...hell no. It doesn't keep them from lying or exaggerating about the industry to them to get them into it either. It's not like everybody will realize the whole truth. At least with military service almost everybody knows what that might mean at some point, even if the assume that they will probably never have to do that.
You’re delusional. Military recruiters flat out lie to people all the time; especially when it comes to benefits and perks. They promise people the world and after they join they realize that they were “exploited” just like some of those young girls you talk about who were lied to in porn.

If people lie to you, that’s one thing… but don’t try to feed me that crap about people not knowing what they’re getting themselves into. Everybody knows that when you sign that contract for a porn shoot that you’re expected to fuck on camera. And everyone knows that if you get sent out on the front line in the military it’s kill or be killed. That’s life, and it was your decision to sign the papers and get involved from the jump.

The industry also changes a lot of people. Some of them are just dumb and never gave a damn about their lives and are just searching for the next quick dollar, but a lot of them go in as relatively nice young caring people, that are constantly pressured, and pressured, and then pressured some more by agencies, producers, fans, and their dwindling shelf life, whether it be going even harder, getting into prostitution, or getting into drugs. It eats away at a lot of them until it destroys the person they once were. They literally come out of it unrecognizable and might as well be somebody else. Of course once that's done and their careers are over what happens to them is that they usually are thrown out like yesterdays garbage when it doesn't have any more use for them so it can go on to the next person and the cycle can continue…
There are pressures everyday in life. Drugs are not just in porn, they are out in every aspect of society. Also, people change through time. I wasn’t the same person I was at 18 (Im 27 now), and I won’t be the same person at 40 that I am now. It’s called evolution. If we do not change and evolve then we might as well be dead. With age and knowledge comes wisdom, and we can’t honestly say that some of the people that feel they were changed by porn, wouldn’t have gone through the same (or similar) change had they never been in porn. People that want to bring demise upon themselves will find a way to do it… if not by porn then by something else.

Look, the porn industry is not cut out for everyone. Just like the military isn’t for everyone. If you don’t have a strong mentality, then you should NOT be getting involved in porn. Just like if you can’t handle people taking personal shots at you, then you should probably stay out of politics. It’s like they say, “people that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks”.

There is personal responsibility one must take for ones own actions in everything in life. However, two wrongs don't make a right, and just because an individual has to accept responsibility for the actions they have did, that doesn't dismiss the wrongdoing of others that were around them along the way.
I don’t disagree with this… BUT, I think people need to take a little “more” responsibility for their own actions instead of always looking to cast blame on somebody else. If someone has truly been done wrong by someone in the industry, then I think we all should know about it. And I will stand up for that person, just the same as I will attack those that want to bash the industry because of their own “personal” or “moral” beliefs. Erica Campbell has not given any reason for her bashing other than her own “personal” change of heart. And until she does, I consider her attack to be baseless and unwarranted.


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As far as I am concerned, the people on this thread that have attacked Erica Campbell's negative remarks the most, are obviously the most emotionally (financially?) dependent on it.
Even though she clearly has FAR more inside experience then anyone on here that has posted so far. There are members that assume they know better then her; when clearly they do not. They need porn in their lives and they need to believe that this thing that they are so dependent on is not inherently bad. Which is human nature. So they blind themselves to the truth from women like Erica Campbell. And instead believe what the industry tells them to believe.
I wouldn't go around making blind assumptions about people on the board if I were you. You don't know what anyones "inside" experience is on this board with regards to the porn industry, and to suggests that no one here has any credibility compared to Erica Campbell is VERY naive.
I wouldn't go around making blind assumptions about people on the board if I were you. You don't know what anyones "inside" experience is on this board with regards to the porn industry, and to suggests that no one here has any credibility compared to Erica Campbell is VERY naive.

Prove me wrong and I will apologize.
One thing I do know based on the posts I have read of yours in regards to the adult entertainment industry; you know more then most members on here about it. But you also think you know way more about it then you really do. Especially when it comes to the women in it.


knows petras secret: she farted.
aww is that a bunny?! <3 sooo cute! i never looked up this girl before, but im going to out of curisoity, god knows ive heard the name a million times.

whatever she wants to do is fine with me, i wish her good luck and extreme happiness.


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Prove me wrong and I will apologize.
One thing I do know based on the posts I have read of yours in regards to the adult entertainment industry; you know more then most members on here about it. But you also think you know way more about it then you really do. Especially when it comes to the women in it.
I am not trying to pick a fight with you. I am simply saying it like it is.
I'm not trying to claim that I'm some expert on the industry. Take my statements for what they're worth. I can only give my opinion based on the knowledge I've gained through my own "personal experience", and by reading and conversating with various others throughout the industry.

And FYI, it's a misconception to believe you have to be an "Erica Campbell" in order to have any credibility in a discussion that involves girls like her.

No one can tell you what someone else is thinking/feeling. You may think you know, but you really don't (unless that person tells you him/herself). Look at how many people commit suicide each year as a total surprise to everyone around them. You can never know what's going on in someone else's mind. So even if you bring another Erica Campbell to chime in on this thread, it still doesn't give them automatic credibility over anyone else.
I'm not trying to claim that I'm some expert on the industry. Take my statements for what they're worth. I can only give my opinion based on the knowledge I've gained through my own "personal experience", and by reading and conversating with various others throughout the industry.

And FYI, it's a misconception to believe you have to be an "Erica Campbell" in order to have any credibility in a discussion that involves girls like her.

No one can tell you what someone else is thinking/feeling. You may think you know, but you really don't (unless that person tells you him/herself). Look at how many people commit suicide each year as a total surprise to everyone around them. You can never know what's going on in someone else's mind. So even if you bring another Erica Campbell to chime in on this thread, it still doesn't give them automatic credibility over anyone else.

I am not personally giving more weight to Erica Campbell's words about the industry because she is Erica Campbell. I am giving them weight because I know she is right.
But others (outside of yourself) who have no such knowledge should listen to someone who has more inside information then they do.
Only a fool disregards the wisdom of their elders. And as adult ent. employees go, Erica Campbell was an elder; or very close to it.

I don't fault her for saying what she did. I think it's great what she said. I fault her for not saying it sooner - assuming she had her doubts before she did. It is only when she had no personal stake in it any longer that she came clean with her thoughts. Not that that is not understandable.


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I am not personally giving more weight to Erica Campbell's words about the industry because she is Erica Campbell. I am giving them weight because I know she is right. But others (outside of yourself) who have no such knowledge should listen to someone who has more inside information then they do.
Only a fool disregards the wisdom of their elders. And as adult ent. employees go, Erica Campbell was an elder; or very close to it.
How do you know she's right? And what is she right about? I have yet to see anything she claimed about the industry to be more than a personal cheap shot at the industry as a whole because she has had a change of heart. If she can show how she was mistreated or done wrong by someone, instead of just casting a baseless attack, then I have no problem backing her up.

You can't just take someones word as gold because they said it and must be right because they were a part of the industry.
How do you know she's right? And what is she right about? I have yet to see anything she claimed about the industry to be more than a personal cheap shot at the industry as a whole because she has had a change of heart. If she can show how she was mistreated or done wrong by someone, instead of just casting a baseless attack, then I have no problem backing her up.

I am not trying to pick a fight with you. But if you really know the industry, then you should know what a terrible price the female (and sometimes male) performers in it have to pay. And the fact that they know full well the risks going in is not enough. Most women that get into the industry do it because they have naive personalities or they think they have no choice (ie. think they are desperate).

If you want to discuss this further with me, I suggest you use pm's.


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I am not trying to pick a fight with you. But if you really know the industry, then you should know what a terrible price the female (and sometimes male) performers in it have to pay. And the fact that they know full well the risks going in is not enough. Most women that get into the industry do it because they have naive personalities or they think they have no choice (ie. think they are desperate).

If you want to discuss this further with me, I suggest you use pm's.
Re-read post #71, 3rd paragraph. I discussed my views to your point in that section.

I have no prob discussing personal matters with you via PM, but part of the reason I replied to this thread is because I feel that people need to hear what I'm saying about this topic. If I wanted to keep it "private" I wouldn't have responded at all. I have nothing to hide, and I think people need to realize that these girls aren't always the innocent victims they claim to be. Sometimes they have to be held accountable for their own choices in life... just like everyone else in the REAL WORLD.
Re-read post #71, 3rd paragraph. I discussed my views to your point in that section.

I have no prob discussing personal matters with you via PM, but part of the reason I replied to this thread is because I feel that people need to hear what I'm saying about this topic. If I wanted to keep it "private" I wouldn't have responded at all. I have nothing to hide, and I think people need to realize that these girls aren't always the innocent victims they claim to be. Sometimes they have to be held accountable for their own choices in life... just like everyone else in the REAL WORLD.

I wasn't suggesting that you stop posting in this thread, not at all. I simply felt that our discussion was beginning to dominate it, that's all. That's why I mentioned pm's.

BTW, I think you and I are taking different things from her letter. I really don't care whether she is blaming anyone or not. I just am pleased to read such a popular model tell it like it is. Because almost no model/performer does when they are in 'it'.
And maybe her words will help people (men and women) realize just what a horrible and dehumanizing industry it can be.
And everyone is to blame. The consumers (like me), the producers and, of course, the performers. But those that profit from it and yet know full well how horrible it can be are the ones that truly disgust me. They profit from the unhappiness of others. Others like, apparently, Erica Campbell.