Born Again Christians ...
Ever noticed how so many of these "born-again Christians" have some sort of a history, i.e. porn, drugs, crime, promiscuity, or something of the sorts?
Yes. The great majority of "Born Again Christians" that were not just following their parents into the same church, and are of "radical repentance," are often from just backgrounds they wish to forget.
But not only do I not think that is the case here, but I don't see ERC's "sin" as one needing repentance. But I'm ignorance of her life outside the camera, and those experiences, so I don't know all the details.
Often times, the reason they got themselves into such situations is because of their inability to moderate their convictions, i.e. their tendency to do things to extremes.
Agreed. They lacked moderation, willpower, responsibility, etc... so they need some sort of "discipline" that many "radical repentance" churches bring. So be it.
But I don't see that here.
So here we have Erica Campbell who has been in the porn industry for several years, spread-eagle in front of a camera for who-knows-how-many photos, and now she finds "Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior". Does she simply quit the industry, perhaps acknowledging that there is a God who may lead her to better things? Nope. She has to become a "Christian" who is now "Doing the Lord's work" and "Serving Christ".
Like I said....from one extreme to the other.
I disagree. She made her choices for whatever reasons. I don't see them as "extreme," and I'm
not jumping to conclusions if either before or after is! If she's repenting what she's done, she shouldn't. She should just let them be.
In fact, if someone is telling her she's caused too many men to lust for her, and that was her fault and sin, they need to be smacked. It's men who lust and don't moderate that lust that are at fault, not her. I'm tired of churches claiming "she deserved it" when women get hurt. No, no woman ever deserves anything, and men shouldn't blame women for their own inability to control their temptations.
I wish her enlightenment. She deserves it. I don't see her past as being "extreme." And I don't see anything that says she's amid "rabid repentance" either. The only thing I saw her possibly allude to was the number of men who contacted her about "being lonely." I honestly hope she doesn't blame herself for men being unable to find contentment in their own lives.
She has three (3)
Playboy titles to her name last time I checked, and it's all because she was a lady. I don't see it any other way. God bless her, however she chooses her life from here on out. But I hope she doesn't dwell on her past or blame herself for men who complained of "being lonely." No woman is to blame for a man's lack of contentment, it's only men themselves.
And that's the even greater tragedy. She was always a lady who had her limits. Now that it sounds like she's moved on, if she still dwells on men being lonely, and blaming herself for that, it's a double-insult when men complain about her leaving. They are so fixated on her leaving, and possibly their belief that she "wants to be respectable," some are complaining her to "bring her back" to the alleged "reality she wasn't respectable before," and "can't escape it now." WTF?
Man, that's what really hurts. I hope she doesn't feel that pain. God doesn't want her to feel that pain. I hope she finds peace, and never, ever inflicts herself with any blame. She is not to blame for anything anyone else does. She was a lady. We were blessed to have her. Her nature, at least on this board, was always of divine representation. And I hope she finds some well-deserved happiness if she hasn't had it in the past.