Also, I would never sit in the 'plug-hole' side of the bath.
I like listening to the Time Live infomercials selling records so I can hear the constant 6 second clips from old songs.
Back when I was in the second grade, I pissed my pants during recess for some reason. There were many shrubs and bushes to my left, but no. I had to make my pants all sticky.
I shit my pants once when I was like 10 years old.
I actually like to eat beets and pickled eggs. :eek:
I LOVE pickled eggs, MMMMMMMM!!!
Have you ever had pickled herring? Now that's some good shit. :thumbsup:
One of my favorite actors is from Canada! :eek:
Yes, I know....I feel so ashamed.
I'm not. Quite a few good actors are Canucks - Brandon Fraser, Keanu Reeves, William Shatner, Pam Anderson... and so are some of the greatest pro-wrestlers of all time.