Embarassing Facts About Yourself...

I get turned on by girls' feet. I'm a foot fetishist!!!
I'm not. Quite a few good actors are Canucks - Brandon Fraser, Keanu Reeves, William Shatner, Pam Anderson... and so are some of the greatest pro-wrestlers of all time.

Keanu is American, buddy. He's one of ours!
You forgot to mention Jim Carrey, John Candy, Michael J. Fox, Dan Aykroyd, Alanis Morrisette, Celine Dion, the entire lineup of Nickelback.
You havent see her before she went to a major dental surgery eh? There isnt much stuff that is natural left on her body ;) :D
The first time I had sex, my mom was proud of me.

That was 6 months ago. Also the last time I had sex.


Postal Paranoiac
I can't masturbate with my left hand. When I try my tallywhacker ends up at a bizarre angle for two days. :confused:


Closed Account
I er, ahem. I....ah... umm, hmm, I LIKE COUNTRY MUSIC.

There, I said it. Oki not a lot of it, mostly good rockin' tunes. When you can get some.

Oh, and I am so not able to learn hairstyles just by watching a demo once like the other cool kids. I have to practice and ask for help over and over.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm a bit obsessive compulsive, so here are a few of my quirks:
- I have to eat small foods in odd numbers, particularly potato chips or candy
- If a tv's volume is measured in numbers, I have to keep it at a multiple of five.
- All books and DVDs in my apartment are alphabetized.
- All of the shirts and pants in my closet have to be arranged by type and color (i.e. all button down shirts are organized by color, all khakis are placed together)
- I delete all text messages and call histories immediately because I can't stand to have them back up.

There are more, but those are enough to demonstrate that living with me can be interesting...
When my sis listens to backstreetboys I actually don't mind it, ya whatever fuck you all they have good voices.

In grade 9 I had a big zit and used to let my sis put cover up on it so my girlfriend wouldn't think it was gross.
I like Backstreet Boys, Nsync :)
I Hate Showers but enjoy baths
I talk far too much
i like to wear suits on casual nights out.