Embarassing Facts About Yourself...

I sometimes grow my fingernails long,and once I was fingering a girl and she got cut. She had cum so many times that she didnt even feel any pain whatsoever. It was when we were 'finish' doing what we were doing she realised she had bled.
I hate taking a bath,sometimes up to 2 days or maybe 3 will pass and I have not taking one.
I dont like brushing my teeth.
I wear women deodorant. Say what you will,but Axe and Tag dont last long unlike a women antiperspirant. :thumbsup:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Wow, this thread makes me feel good. Like my grandma said:

'Everybody is perfectly normal until you get to know him better'

So let's come out of the closet :1orglaugh

- I love dance movies, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, etc
- I like to watch Bollywood movies
- I like Celine Dion and other chanteuses

- Yeah, I shit my pants, too, back in '96 in Roskilde. Patti Smith was about to go on stage when I felt I had to go search a toilet cabin. Of course, there were 20 cabins in a row, but in front of every cabin there was a line of 15 people.

When I finally was about to open the door, I farted and BANG! I had what felt like two pounds af shit in my pants. My luck in that situation: I was wearing a army poncho because it was raining and so noone got to know this.

Back to the tent ...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Yeah, a couple of girls have told me that I am the gayest hetrosexual male they ever knew :)

Well, I haven't told you I like to watch the Backstreet Boys and Westlife...

Oh deary me, I sound so queer ^^

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Yeah, a couple of girls have told me that I am the gayest homosexual male they ever knew :)

Well, I haven't told you I like to watch the Backstreet Boys and Westlife...

Oh deary me, I am so queer ^^

Fixed that for you. :wave:

You dont have to be ashamed of yourself. :thumbsup:

Btw I love the Backstreet Boys!! Oh and Ricky Martin! :bowdown:
And I dont think its gay or embarassing! :tongue:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
That must be because we *Old World* Europeans are open minded, or maybe we two are just the two awesomest guys around ^^


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
We are so awesome even Chuck Norris looks like Pee Wee Herman next to us ^^
-I shit with the bathroom lights off.

I'm a bit obsessive compulsive, so here are a few of my quirks:
- I have to eat small foods in odd numbers, particularly potato chips or candy
- If a tv's volume is measured in numbers, I have to keep it at a multiple of five.

-I eat "small foods" in amounts of 3.
-I also have to keep measured tv volumes in numerals of five.


Closed Account
I know nothing about computer software packages, like photoshop, Powerpoint, Excel, etc, nor about computer language, like how to write whatmacallits for thingamajigs, :dunno: how to do webpages, all the kinds of things all the cool kids know.

In fact, I don't know much about anything.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I can barely pee without hearing music. At home I always turn on the radio and when I'm somewhere else for example in a public toilet then I have to listen to the music on my iPod to be able to pee. :o
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Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Until I was born, my mom thought I'm going to be a girl. She already had a girl's name for me.

I'm not going to tell the name here though. :tongue:
I was in an oriental restaurant eating with my hands and my fingers were horribly sticky. There was a finger bowl provided for the purpose ...

I dabbled my fingers expecting to have to wipe the grease on the napkin. To my surprise the stickiness just disappeared.

When the waiter came to the table I said something about it being marvellous stuff for washing in the finger bowl and asked what it was so I could get some.

"Water sir"
