I'm loving this game. One of the few problems I've had is that I'm so used to the Dragon Age style combat that this took some getting used to plus why do my companions have to die? RIP Sven and Golldir. :crying:
Ok I've never played a game like this before but with all the hype I think I might get it for my PS3. Is it something a n00b like me can enjoy?
This is something everyone can enjoy.
Does anyone know if Giants being able to smash things 100 feet into the air is a glitch or did they mean to do that?
Didn't know what was going on the first time one of them hit me.
I like the ice form shout best so far, but I only have about four shouts in total. The time shout looks like it would be cool.
*I would have got the shout from Shearpoint but Krosis was too strong.* might be minor spoiler
Also a blood dragon killed one of the NPCs that I was involved in a misc. objective with. At least they can't kill essential NPCs.
Okay so I've been playing a little bit here and there and enjoying it. Gonna put some more time into it today (takes a while for me to get into new games). I decided to make a Breton. When/how will I start learning spells and stuff? I'm totally new to console RPG so I'm a bit lost haha.
I really hope this helps. I do try, but not sure if I ever help anyone with my advice.
The easiest and fastest ways to get answers (to perhaps more complicated questions also) is logging onto the Irc Chat ChannelGood advice, dude. I'll be starting the game Saturday morning and this helps.
So far I've only had one freeze which is good because Fallout New Vegas was damn near unplayable for me when I first got it so I consider this a big improvement. One thing that has been pissing me off though is the dumb companion AI where they run in front of one of your attacks and get killed. It's stupid. They should make it so your companion can't take damage from your attacks.
So far I've only had one freeze which is good because Fallout New Vegas was damn near unplayable for me when I first got it so I consider this a big improvement. One thing that has been pissing me off though is the dumb companion AI where they run in front of one of your attacks and get killed. It's stupid. They should make it so your companion can't take damage from your attacks.
The companion path-finding is really bad too. You'd think for a game world that was so mountainous and had such a diverse range of terrain types, they would at least make the NPC's capable of jumping up onto/down off of small hills and ledges. Everytime I go a long distance I end up losing my companion because I climbed up a small ledge and they took off running around like a crazy person trying to find a path.
You will start to find people to talk about learning spells just a little later in Taverns. Try and head to markers and use the map often to find your current position.
Using magic is as easy as pressing O on the PS3 controller. Brings up a 4-way menu (I know how dirty does that sound) move left and you have a selection of spells, Press X on the PS3 controller to "equip" that spell.
Press L 1 when your back out of that menu to cast the spell and test it on some deer or something for practice. Avoid hitting people with red names (red means an evil act)
Learning spells is often done by reading books which can be found in chests, or brought from NPC shop keepers. You'll find a NPC vendor and you can ask them about magick, they might also tell you where you should visit to learn more about using magick.
I really hope this helps. I do try, but not sure if I ever help anyone with my advice. If you get really stuck, watching a few youtube vids will definately give you ideas.