No I do not.
Believer: "You need God to explain the Universe. Things must have causes."
Atheist: "Well ok... who created God then?"
Believer: "Umm... no one. He's an exception."
Atheist: "Ok. Well the same exceptional status you apply to God, I apply to the Universe; Check Mate."
I'm an atheist, but I don't mind people believing in the notion of God. It's a personal thing. However, what I DO mind is people applying a standard to others' arguments that they do not apply to their own.
Also, the idea of God is introduced to us when we are young, at a time when we are copying and trusting the majority of things our parents tell us because that's the natural way (those children who do not copy their parents quickly die out, I think you'll find). This is the same time we're introduced to Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy.
Why can't religion/God be introduced to us when we're 15/16, and old enough to make a decision for ourselves, rather than being drilled into us at an age where we're too young to critically analyse such an idea.
Muchos respect to all opinions expressed so far. Nice to be having such an intelligent discussion.
I believe in things like God, good and evil as forces in the universe and within ourselves, and universal truths about existence, many of them that encompass more than just one religion. I don't hold anything against people that don't believe, although it gets tiring when I constantly read and hear about those people that ridicule people like me. For the most part I keep it just a personal thing and never feel the need to advertise the fact I believe or feel the need to prove something to somebody else because I don't need to.
In My mind,creation by God is easier to believe than evolution.--How are we to believe that many thousands of species all evolved from some slime in a pond?--Some single cell life evolved into all the species on earth?--All the different kinds of animals?--Lions,tigers,many races of humans,countless breeds of dogs,cats,bovines,fish,birds,reptiles,and all other creatures evolved and seperated from single cell life?--I find it hard to believe that elephants and sparrows have the same origin from one microscopic life source,as evolution suggests.---Go ahead,take Your shots at Me,but think about it.I know many are angry and hate the concept of God (Many of You have made that apparent),but many thousands of species coming from one microscopic simple life form?---Many creatures in the sea,many of all kinds on the land,and many in the air all evolved from the same single source of primitive life?---I find that even harder to believe than creationism.
No, read it again not just sinning their was no good there at all.
I don't ridicule anyone, but I don't like people trying to say "I am right, you are wrong." So i agree, I usually keep it a personal matter as well, and its not a subject i like to discuss unless the person has an open mind and is willing to seriously listen.
I believe in something, but i refuse to take things word for word. . . just like the fish that got away always gets bigger with each telling of the story, I think things got WAY out of hand in the writings of long ago.
pancha---Thanks for Your respectful responses.That doesn't happen too often around here lately.It is appreciated.--Sam
I understand what u are trying to say completely.. The thing about the bible is that it doesnt make sense with science and evolution.. One thing i cant stand about some religious people is that they think evolution is bullshit when science proves that it is not.
In My mind,creation by God is easier to believe than evolution.--How are we to believe that many thousands of species all evolved from some slime in a pond?--Some single cell life evolved into all the species on earth?--All the different kinds of animals?--Lions,tigers,many races of humans,countless breeds of dogs,cats,bovines,fish,birds,reptiles,and all other creatures evolved and seperated from single cell life?--I find it hard to believe that elephants and sparrows have the same origin from one microscopic life source,as evolution suggests.---Go ahead,take Your shots at Me,but think about it.I know many are angry and hate the concept of God (Many of You have made that apparent),but many thousands of species coming from one microscopic simple life form?---Many creatures in the sea,many of all kinds on the land,and many in the air all evolved from the same single source of primitive life?---I find that even harder to believe than creationism.