Disrespect for the Porn Industry?

Do you Respect Porn Stars/People in the Industry

  • Yes

    Votes: 92 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 32 25.8%

  • Total voters
I defiantly respect them man. these girls make my Fucking Day, and YES I believe they do for the sex over the money,

great thread!
I have very much respect for pornstars!
I love pornstars!
Pornstars are my favourite type of women!
I am single but would not mind my wife being a pornstar (unless she would do real extreme stuff, that I don't like). Actualy, I would love to marry a pornstar
One thing though, might be hypocrite, But I would not like it if I had a daughter that was a pornstar.
we must respect the honeys for helping our minds create all of these sexual fantasies and we must not respect all the dirt bags in the industry because we all know they exist on every level in some shape or form, Cheers to the Honeys:crowdgrin


Official Checked Star Member
Yes; respect is earned. I neither respect nor think less of a person that does porn for the most part. I think that's way judgemental to just say they're all "mindless sluts" or something similar. Unless you know all the details of their life, that's unfair.

Certain acts can definitely creep me out though and wonder how and why they'd allow them self to both perform the act AND be seen doing it. O_O
Ah damn!!! I voted wrong! :(

Short answer: I have much more respect for people in the industry than for anyone that trashtalks them.

Kinda a weird thread but I have been noticing a lot of posts on the forums that don't show much respect for the porn industry or the girls involved in the industry.

Its weird that so many people on here spend so much time in their lives looking at some type of pornographic materiel yet you see so many comments stating that "certain girls shouldn't do porn because their too pretty" or "you wouldn't want your wife or daughter to be a porn star" or "porn stars are just all mindless slut"

Just seems like a lot of Disrespect for the whole subject yet ironic because you would think on a site like this there would be plenty of respect and support.

I personally have a lot of respect for the people involved in the porn industry for many reasons for instance. They get so much ridicule from so many people but still do what their passion is. They are comfortable enough with themselves to show their bodies to the world. 90% enjoy their job and they teach us a lot when we are young about sex

Those are just a few reason but I am curious to see what everyone else thinks

Do you Respect Porn Stars/People in the Industry?

If yes or no what are your reasons?

There are plenty of people who watch reality TV but don't respect the people on the shows.

I think many of them, especially some of the real young girls who want to be models/actresses/reality stars think it's a springboard to something else. Most of the time it's not a springboard to anything but a career as a very well paid escort.

There are a handful of exceptions out there. I think that pornstars are showing up more often on reality tv and internet sites like TMZ. Down the road there will be more "respect" for the profession but it'll never be fully accepted or respected.
I neither respect nor disrespect any pornstars. I've yet to hear of a pornstar doing something kind and genuine for the good of somebody else. There are far more people in other occupations, which would more likely gain my respect.