He will declare "interest" is a terrorist group that we must be protected from! But seriously of course he can't and your right in a few years if something isn't done interest will be the biggest single budget item.
And the more I am hearing of analysis of this debate particulary the things you couldn't see on TV like you could being there like body english the worse it sound like it went for McCain.People there are saying McCain looked mad and uncomfortable.And one of the things people are talking about the most is he refused to look at Obama.What's that about, scared to meet eyes with him or calculated to try and disrespect Obama? Whatever it was people are saying resoundlingly they didn't like it or his demeanor compared to Obama's who was polite talked directly and looked at McCain the grumpy ole S.O.B.
To be honest I think I understand exactly what it was as I think have seen enough elections to know.McCain's stategy in this debate was to not look at Obama to send the signal that in his opinion Obama isn't even worthy to be on the same stage with McCain with the difference in experience they have while saying repeatly to Obama "you just don't understand" this or that.Obama on the other hands strategy was to do exactly the opposite ,show that he belonged there and could easily debate McCain on anything.Obama easily was able to respond to all McCain's attacks and looked very much more Presidential.All the focus groups that watched it saw it this way,McCain was like a glass of sour milk their describing him as.McCains stategy seems to have not played well with people.