Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You missed a point too. The fact that they are illegal guns, proves gun laws DO NOT work. How is it my fault if someone steals my property, especially since it's always secured? If someone goes to Indiana And sells a gun to a resident of Illinois, he's in violation of the law, He is a criminal, unless he transfers it to a licensed gun dealer in Illinois, and it is then picked up after a back round check is performed. If someone that can buy a gun, buys one for another person, he is in violation of the law, and become a criminal. The guns very well may have come from another state, but it was all part of a criminal act. So law abiding gun owners are at fault for that? I've seen posts you made, stating not all felons should be barred from gun ownership, on this very board. Any chance maybe thos guns are coming from other members of a criminal enterprise in another state, and part of a larger crime. Maybe before shitting on my rights, and wiping their ass with the Constitution, they should increase the time in prison for gun crimes, quit slapping wrists and handing out second chances like they were lollipops, and don't let them plea bargain down violent crime, and more strictly enforce what's on the books. As far as your link goes, seems it's a little skewed to the left. As far as your "typical conservative trait". comment goes, first off, it's funny you don't see that the liberals do the exact same thing, and you can't seriously call me a conservative. I guess you can say I lean more right then left, but I do take pride in hating everyone equally. As far as Shitcago goes, Beetlejuice Lightfoot is to blame for that mess, and you know what direction she leans. Maybe she should have filled up her prisons, instead of forgiving everyone.