I'll facebust you when I shove my cock in your mouth!!!!!!!!!!
— sua·vi·ty \ˈswä-və-tē\ noun
synonyms suave, urbane, diplomatic, bland, smooth, politic mean
pleasantly tactful and well-mannered. suave suggests a specific ability to deal with others easily and without friction <a suave public relations coordinator>. urbane implies high cultivation and poise coming from wide social experience <an urbane traveler>. diplomatic stresses
an ability to deal with ticklish situations tactfully <a diplomatic negotiator>. bland emphasizes mildness of manner and
absence of irritating qualities <a bland master of ceremonies>. smooth suggests often a deliberately assumed suavity <a smooth salesman>. politic implies shrewd as well as tactful and suave handling of people <a cunningly politic manager>.
More Suave is recommended: