Damn. This board needs to be more suave...


Lord Dipstick


Lost at Birth
i feel bad for ruining Whimsy's moment of Suave'. I feel like....like.....like an asshole!

What the hell is this!!!

My thread is sullied by all these gay videos! I post a kick ass, awesome video for people to live by to live better lives! And what happens? They bring their filth in!

You people are the reason why there is no world peace!!!!



Lord Dipstick
What the hell is this!!!

My thread is sullied by all these gay videos! I post a kick ass, awesome video for people to live by to live better lives! And what happens? They bring their filth in!

You people are the reason why there is no world peace!!!!

Dont catch one of these Whimsy:



:thumbsup: I forget all about his sculpted abs :)

Let's have another round of Guniness for the Beantown, everybody better Jump Around!

Pause at 1:48 for Donnie, Mark's older KNOTB brother.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What the hell is this!!!

My thread is sullied by all these gay videos! I post a kick ass, awesome video for people to live by to live better lives! And what happens? They bring their filth in!

You people are the reason why there is no world peace!!!!


At least there is no Rick Astley.


Lost at Birth
this thread is beyond you now,it has cut its apron wings. let it fly!
stay golden Sauve' thread, stay golden!!!


i'll see your suave and raise you two gays:

no one in germany has ever been able to figure out why exactly the blonde "man" has a guitar.
I'll facebust you when I shove my cock in your mouth!!!!!!!!!!

That was awfully polite of you to add the girl for us people that aren't too into wresting! :hatsoff:

Although, I delieve that move's called a "Facebuster", correct? :dunno:

Randy's move is called the "RKO" but the standard wrestling name is "Jumping Cutter". A variation of the "Diamond Cutter".
Randy's move is called the "RKO" but the standard wrestling name is "Jumping Cutter".

Thank you! Yeah I just looked up the "Facebuster" and it's quite similar, but a little different. Way cooler, in my opinion! My favorite moves in wrestling:

Rey Mysterio's 619
John Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle
The Rock's People's Slap
Trish Stratus' Stratosphere/Stratisfaction (Hey, for chick move, they're pretty badass! :dunno:)


Lost at Birth
:confused: what? :dunno:

DAMN he's a mean drunk! LMAO

just roll with it man, he's been hittin the sauce all day so there's no danger of him actually getting it up :rofl:

i've completely ruined the Suave' Zen of this thread. Karma is going to kick me in the nutz.