>>> The NEW BOARD is LIVE!


Do not approach, call 911
Thank you for keeping all links to freeones galleries, videos and promo links working the same!

I'm cleaning up my links and browser bookmarks and everything still works! :)(y)
Not everything is the same. I've had to search for about 15 different threads that vanished in the move but was able to find them all in the new board.
While they are not answering maybe they can refine the search mode so it will include 3 letters or less names. Many women use three letter names and with out the further clarification there can be a long list to go through. Quotes doesn't always help.


Closed Account
Was the blog feature removed? I find my previous blog entries on a search engine. I would have preferred to write my latest thread in a blog for those few who want to hear my opinion. (Especially since it was a possibly unwise hot take)
Was the blog feature removed? I find my previous blog entries on a search engine. I would have preferred to write my latest thread in a blog for those few who want to hear my opinion. (Especially since it was a possibly unwise hot take)
I thought I read earlier in this thread that the Blog could not be supported in this board. You might want to check earlier posts.


Do not approach, call 911
Is the board team working on bringing back the feature where model names are parsed and turned into freeones links? I miss that feature from the old board.
I was starting new threads about certain musicians (I was the one who started one about Georgian pianist Khatia Buniatishvili a while back), have tried to post images (via the 'Insert Image' function), and have had no luck. For instance, I would post the link through insert image to https://www.wikifeet.com/Taimane_Gardner#&gid=1&pid=2749591 , and it would respond that an error occurred, and to contact the administrator. I tried the URL in my browser, and it (and several other) were correct, so it wasn't a problem there. What am I doing wrong?
mon problème c'est les crédits que je n'est pas reçu pour une biographie.
Je ne sais pas cette histoire de musiciens inconnus, je n'est jamais parler de ça.
Je suis inscrit depuis 27 juin 2020 sur ce site,je crois il y a un bug sur le site.
Is the board team working on bringing back the feature where model names are parsed and turned into freeones links? I miss that feature from the old board.

I totally subrscribe to this!
Where is the list of all OCSM? In the old site they appear either in the freeones site and at the bottom of the board mainpage. Plus, on freeones site it doesn't appear if the model you are looking at has a specific thread here on the board...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Where is the list of all OCSM? In the old site they appear either in the freeones site and at the bottom of the board mainpage. Plus, on freeones site it doesn't appear if the model you are looking at has a specific thread here on the board...

We're not there yet, unfortunately. Currently we're running off 2 admins so my first goal is to get use 100% on the new site. This will hopefully happen before the end of the year.

One of the things that we need to get off the old CMS is to build out the babe management in the new CMS. Connecting OCSMs to their freeones profile is one of the steps. Once that happens then we can create something you guys can see and interact with in the new year.

Then, I'm hoping to be able to get the ladies taking over their freeones profiles by mid year next year (if not before). We've thought out a lot of nice interactive features but I'll probably start seeking out feedback from OCSMs and members around the end of the year so I can start actually planning the first 2 quarters of 2021. ;-)

I know it's not going as fast as you'd like, but we have a lot of behind the scenes things that need to be done too.


I had all my subscribed threads categorized in different folders on the old site. I really miss that function... I hope that can be added to this site too?


I had all my subscribed threads categorized in different folders on the old site. I really miss that function... I hope that can be added to this site too?
That is a good one!
I think it was posted in another thread that feature is being worked on. I'll try to find it.
I appriciate it - thanks!
Bumping this!

I'd also like to underline that I find this function very relevant.
Now there's just one big mess and there's no order which led to me not even posting outside of the Babe-threads anymore, 'cuz it takes too much time finding the proper thread where stuff should be... I really hope you can sort this out and get this back!
I subscribe to that, it does gets a bit messy. It easier to find the posts you are subscribed to. I do find myself neglecting several threads because of it. Which means less interacting as well with other boardmembers. Which I find to be an issue period since the board changed, less interacting, more distance between members overall. A pitty.