Cyber-bullying is not like ONE person yellig at you in IN THE CAFETERIA. It's like HUNDREDS of people yelling at you WHEREVER you go. And what they yell at you is way more horrible than what people would yell in the cafeteria : They don't have to see you, to look at you in the eyes when they yell at you, they don't have to think about what other folks around them might think of what they say, how they could react, wether or not they would side with you so they can totally unleash and say the most horrific things that come to their mind.
And the mlan in the cafeteria will yell for 2-3 minutes but the people on social medias are gonna post horrible things for days, aybe even weeks or monthes.
Shuting down social medias can be a solution but to a teenager, that's almost impossible to shut down Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
And to some public figures who are known and appreciated for how they interract with fans on social medias (like August Ames), they can't afford to shut down social medias.
WHY is shutting down social media sooooooooo "impossible?!" I don't have ANY social media accounts. I communicate with people via the phone (imagine that!), e-mail, and SMS text. And the rare snail-mail letter / card.
So - again: what am I missing?!