Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy

Checking to make sure we are in the politics section.

Yeah but it comes down to location, location, location. People work themselves into a lather upstaging each other with their own propaganda while being as fixated on something from the other section that keeps their hand buried deep inside their pants while they debate.


I'm only a messenger, I've heard and seen enough to know that it's real.
I wouldn't try to convince anyone. You'll have to do that yourselves.
The point was if you ever wondered why trumptards are so blindly loyal to Trump, this is one of the main reasons.
Believe it or not, I don't care.


On the dark side of the moon
Yeah but it comes down to location, location, location. People work themselves into a lather upstaging each other with their own propaganda while being as fixated on something from the other section that keeps their hand buried deep inside their pants while they debate.
The lather does come in helpful. :)

We will begin footnoting everything. This is a porn board after all - facts matter. Are you good with secondary sources or do we need to provide citations to primary documents?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Perhaps an annotated bibliography, I mean merely circulating and trying to convince people of some bullshit you heard from a guy in passing somewhere in a field awhile ago is kinda lock, stock, and two smoking barrels for what tries to pass off as SeRiOuS jOuRnALiSm in some quarters.

Believe it or not, I don't care.

Being obsessed with a person using hatred as your beacon of light allowing them to live rent free in your head having verbal ticks that include their name is definitely showing an interest. Not good for your mental health either, buddy. If you have no love in your life something will fill the void.


I'm not obsessed with Trump, I'm concerned that he may be re-elected president again, regardless of all the crimes, corruption, and ties to the mafia that he's been accused of in the last 5 years. The mafia are parasites, they are better at committing crimes than the FBI or police are at solving crimes. If Trump and his mafia cronies get into the white house again, they will rig future elections so that they always win, just like Putin did in Russia.

Many people predicted before the Nov. 2020 election that if Trump lost, he would try to stay in office and possibly stage a coup. How did they know?
I even quoted the prediction in one of my posts way before the 2020 election.



Republicans know ahole Trump is a corrupt criminal and has ties to the mafia and Putin.
Most Republicans are spineless cowards and hypocrites who can't even publically admit the truth that ahole Trump lost the 2020 election and was responsible for the Jan. 6, 2021 riot and failed coup attempt/trial run.
Liz Cheney was canceled by spineless Republicans for saying that ahole Trump lost the 2020 election.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I need clarification on when it's not obsession with hatred and rent free head living Et al., as it seems we all take the piss out of politicians and the political party we don't like.
I need clarification on when it's not obsession with hatred and rent free head living Et al., as it seems we all take the piss out of politicians and the political party we don't like.

You take the piss out of politicians. The other one has piss run down his leg at the thought of a certain politician. Big difference.


What clarification?
Dino is simply and obsessively trolling me to try to hurt my feelings and provoke a reaction. :rolleyes:



On the dark side of the moon
Can we return to the regular programming now?


The only things most people expect from an online discussion forum are honest opinions without malice.
Regardless of one's feelings on President Trump, he is divisive and chaos surrounds him.
I can only assume the the passions of love and hate circle him so much that it drowns out the logic that the Republicans, the U.S., and the world would be better if we just moved on from him. Perhaps showing my naivete and ignorance.


On the dark side of the moon
That seems to be a stretch here sometimes.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The only things most people expect from an online discussion forum are honest opinions without malice.

Today's not Throwback Thursday, but even that doesn't qualify. Reagan repealed The Fairness Doctrine in '87 and political discourse has long since left the toilet.