Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
I would equate it to driving 60 mph through a school zone versus 90 mph on an interstate with a 75 mph limit. Both are breaking the law and have penalties, but the circumstances are not equal. Biden should expect repercussions from mishandling the documents.

Trump says it was no big deal that he possessed some classified documents at his home. So Biden should be given a pass using that logic.

If this issue speeds up Biden’s decision to pass on running in 2024, then I am for it. 2024: No Trump, No Biden!
And now this:



Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
When the breast cancer society of America calls you for a donation, ask how much of every dollar they give to the charity. They will say, a FULL 15% of every dollar goes to those in need. A FULL FIFTEEN PERCENT!

Trump is an asshole, and so are all the rest. Look around you, you are surrounded by evil, vile pieces of filth, and at least half, are democrats. You would be pretty ignorant to believe that trump is the first, the only, or the worst.


Right now ahole Trump is one the worst, and most corrupt aholes are Republicans.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
So is biden, and his kid, and their involvement with china. So are a lot of democrats. A lot more then you obviously want to believe.


Yes, most people in positions of political or financial power are corrupt aholes, but most of them are Republicans.
Joseph Biden and Hunter Biden are making history as the first sitting president and his son, both being federally investigated. Let's go Brandummie!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Generally reliable, but defiantly skews to the left. So I'm not going to accept a meme as proof. I don't know if the FBI unified crime report puts out stats on political crimes, but it is the ONLY unbiased place that is reliable for unbiased gun and violence stats.

Once again bud, they all suck, quit chugging the Koolaid.
You have to be careful when thinking about "media bias". It's so easy to fall into the False Balance Logical Fallacy. While I don't dispute the existence of places with a actual blind liberal or left slant, when conservatives complain about "the liberal media" or "liberal bias" it's usually overstated if not a total load of shit. I've said this before on this site, but it's not so much as that conservatives have think the media has a liberal bias, but they flat out think reality itself has a liberal bias.

It's not so much that the media is bias towards liberals but that people on the left have views that more coincide with reality and are more factual and use more evidence, and THE MEDIA IS JUST STATING THAT REALITY.

That's not being unfair to anybody. Engaging in Bothsiderim in an false appeal to fairness is nonsense. You don't have to advocate, platform, or give equal representation or voice to people who's ideas are incredibly stupid and objectively factually wrong. If the vast preponderance of evidence or large consensus of experts on a subject agree on something you don't have to prop up the idiots that go against that. That conservatives do that to a much greater degree in this country and the world than other people is not the medias fault.

I'd argue an actual more real form of bias from media is from donors, sponsors, and other corporations that give them money to create a conflict of interest. That's a different thing than political affiliation though.
You have to be careful when thinking about "media bias". It's so easy to fall into the False Balance Logical Fallacy. While I don't dispute the existence of places with a actual blind liberal or left slant, when conservatives complain about "the liberal media" or "liberal bias" it's usually overstated if not a total load of shit. I've said this before on this site, but it's not so much as that conservatives have think the media has a liberal bias, but they flat out think reality itself has a liberal bias.

It's not so much that the media is bias towards liberals but that people on the left have views that more coincide with reality and are more factual and use more evidence, and THE MEDIA IS JUST STATING THAT REALITY.

That's not being unfair to anybody. Engaging in Bothsiderim in an false appeal to fairness is nonsense. You don't have to advocate, platform, or give equal representation or voice to people who's ideas are incredibly stupid and objectively factually wrong. If the vast preponderance of evidence or large consensus of experts on a subject agree on something you don't have to prop up the idiots that go against that. That conservatives do that to a much greater degree in this country and the world than other people is not the medias fault.

I'd argue an actual more real form of bias from media is from donors, sponsors, and other corporations that give them money to create a conflict of interest. That's a different thing than political affiliation though.
Strictly speaking, certain segments of the media about which I am informed enough to speak are left of center biased, in a general sense. That's a product of education (the decline of education correlates to the decline in quality of "the media", incidentally), and a diversity of ideas among those educated, in those places. There has always been the friction, because the United States developed from a rural, agriculture-based society (conservative, right of center, old school - shout-out!) to one that's only a little less rural, but a whole lot different in many other ways relating to norms and sensibilities. When media was run by media companies and not General Electric and the like - integrity in reporting are words that don't get viewers and clicks, sadly. The argument is what sells. The flashy flashy. Because it became a business over being a profession. Everywhere.




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Sounds like Joe was trying to complete his collection. He should have just kept them in one location - maybe a resort he owned.

This is a battle to two career-long, self-admitted, and confirmed liars. Joe v Don!

Let’s find someone better than Trump, Biden, and Clinton for 2024.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Vote for me, I'll set you free.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I am free thank you. (Well, the government does not hold me back. My wife though …)


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Strictly speaking, certain segments of the media about which I am informed enough to speak are left of center biased, in a general sense. That's a product of education (the decline of education correlates to the decline in quality of "the media", incidentally), and a diversity of ideas among those educated, in those places. There has always been the friction, because the United States developed from a rural, agriculture-based society (conservative, right of center, old school - shout-out!) to one that's only a little less rural, but a whole lot different in many other ways relating to norms and sensibilities. When media was run by media companies and not General Electric and the like - integrity in reporting are words that don't get viewers and clicks, sadly. The argument is what sells. The flashy flashy. Because it became a business over being a profession. Everywhere.
Good post. The blurring of lines between news (presenting facts), opinion, and entertainment has certainly impacted society in many negative ways. Those same entities took their model to healthcare as well - same result.

You are correct, the rural/urban friction has long been with us. This takes me back to the free silver arguments of Bryan and his faction. We act like these are new issues, but they are just actions and reactions we have seen before. The causes change, but the underlying conditions do not.