Conspiracy Theory about the member above me...


Closed Account
Is become a member of the Night Watch, a secret organisation out to hunt the vampyre. At times he has come close to death, in fact even admitting it as such. He intends to cover his true intentions by spreading the rumour that he has, in fact, passed out of sight, therefore hoping to be out of mind, all the better to slip out from the shadows to attack his prey.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

Wanker on German Wiki

You are trying to act like you are non-german, but really you are the head of that record albel

Trying to raise back the Ramones from the dead

Good Luck :thumbsup:
wrote lies on the school paper!
Was once in a bank robbery in a small town of Iowa! That is why he is in Finland now.


Closed Account
Is a little known member of a secret group within the cartel managed by powerful financiers. It is called the "Distinct Elite'. Their function is to bring any group, organisation or corporation opposed to being part of the changes today, to its knees, up to the point of using deadly force.

He oversees the smooth and sometimes not so quiet running of any wet work that may be needed to silence any voice daring to rise above the general din of media intervention.

The ultimate goal is to indoctrinate all major players into one world group, with their masters at the wheel. This group will control everything, tax on soft drinks, buying Herschey bars, toilet paper, everything.

He watches everyone on this board, myself included. As I started to write this about an hour ago, I had to struggle to regain control of my computer as systems started going off.
Has a lucrative farm where busty topless ladies tend to the making of his sub par wine! If they step out of line he makes them do it completely naked! Thus constantly changing the rules. He is a bit of a dictator on the farm, but they realized that it isn't so bad once they get him drunk on the wine and he passes out.

That is when they run wild in the house and have sexy pillow fights and make out sessions!

Trust me, I've seen it! I mean it!
is probaby trying to imaginate a strategy to ask me if we can have fun one of those days !


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Is Kevin Sorbo's lookalike.
Is actually the loose true story behind the first Resident Evil plot. A secluded man who owns a mansion and has a fondness of puzzles and underground labs. Sadly, however, L3ggy spent so much time on Freeones he stopped taking data in his labs and soon a zombie outbreak happened, thus, he is in his panic room of his mansion in the Arklay mountains surfing Freeones. Well, at least, until a Hunter finally comes along and rips the door off or bashes through the wall on the other side. Perhaps a Tyrant, instead.

Little does he know a spider spun its webs all throughout the hallway and the when the baby spiders hatch, their acid will eat through the wall and metal. Thanks Freeones, because of your addicting qualities, we have a zombie outbreak!



Closed Account
He has various computers in his dank basement three floors down, where he and other super nerds watch the movement of members on Freeones. As soon as they post something odd, unusual, different or just plain whacky, he scribbles little notes for future use. At the end of each day he sneaks furtively upstairs to open up a box he keeps in a safe hidden behind a painting of David Duchovny, where he slips all the notes, and the flashcards full of members personal info.

He will use all this info either to give the aliens when they land, or to auction off to the highest bidder, this being the CIA, FBI, NID, OHS, President's personal guard or whoever.

Nobody has ever found out what is in the safe hidden behind the painting of Rick Moranis.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You forgot to mention that he wil get no money at al, because the FBI has built a backdoor to his wallsafe.

Every morning at 5 AM, one of their staff members takes the new stuff out, copies it and puts it back.

Behind the picture of Rick Moranis is a rare nude picture of Rick Moranis, the stud we all dream of being :rofl:


Postal Paranoiac
SDF has Obama's ear. He gives him info on the Afghan and Iraqi wars. That's why he's here. Instead of anywhere else.
Is part of a secret organization planning to take over the world by manipulating it's flow of mail. Your girlfriend breaking up with you last year because she found that nude magazine catalog that you mysteriously got and had no idea why it was sent to you in the mail was all part of his plan to move in your woman.


Closed Account
He is not a real person at all. In fact he has long since ceased to exist. Unable and unwilling to leave his favourite forums, he developed a brilliant program into which he downloaded his consciousness. It is this same AI that continues to assemble, draw and post not only words based on what he thought, but also these signatures we see from week to week.