Conspiracy Theory about the member above me...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Lungzyn, so you are sitting in the Mount Aspiring National Park ^^

I know that Dr. Evil is building his new secret (no more!) underground lair down there...

Tell us the truth, you are his son, huh :)


Die For Me
My secret revealed :eek:
Of course, the lair is important to protect ourselves from when you release your army of winged baboons upon the world


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Admit it, you are all just after me Lucky Charms :jester:

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Sdfly s a queer stalker who wants who wants to reach a gay world domination! He tries to make everyone gay, by pretend interest in our pets. That way he "gets to know" us lots better, like he said!

Also he wants every guy to have 2 cute cats. That way our gayness is absolutely irreversible! :eek:

PS: His name proves at least his queerness. I mean c'mon...Supadupa? That sounds like "Lets disco!" or something like that.
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Die For Me
maleonetwo has that name because he has cloned himself, which explains his high rate of posting


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
maleonetwo has that name because he has cloned himself, which explains his high rate of posting

In fact, he tried to clone himself, but he did not manage to split the materal correctly, so now he is stuck with two bodies, one is hetero, one is homo...

Imagine his love-life, the double dates are really out of this world :rolleyes:


Closed Account
Has secret connections allowing him to pick up free gas from the Russian pipeline that runs through his backyard.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Has secret connections allowing him to pick up free gas from the Russian pipeline that runs through his backyard.

You got fooled, that's my very own gas :rofl:

I am a major chili fan :nanner:


Die For Me
Major chili is the name of the mutant three headed chihuahua that lives in Supadupaflys basement. The major has been helpful in eating all the fungus that has built up down there
^^Is making cakes full of cyanide, to be eaten by all the world leaders.


Closed Account
Busenbust died recently. He now walks amongst the undead, prowling the streets at night, jumping out of the shadows at young girls who walk by to scare them half dilly. He is unstoppable, unkillable.


Postal Paranoiac
Gets paid by silicone companies to encourage women to enlarge their boobies. :boobies:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
prints up thousands of credit card offers for the post office and delivers them on his own so the masses will buy more stamps
Feller is paid by the Big 3 to steal peoples cars and dispose of them, so they are forced to buy a new car.