Conspiracy Theory about the member above me...

A friend of his who works at the Staples center sneaks him in after hours so he can hang naked, upside down, alongside the Laker championship banners.
...has been banned from stepping foot in Pauley Pavilion for the things he did to the ucla championship banners...
Was actually sent here by the justice department to report back on the goings on of those in the porn industry!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Personal File

Age: 54

Location of Residence:
(This is called 'STUDIO CITY, California'. Hollywood seems more than desperate.)

Personal Network:
(This 'Tom' character seems to be very popular. Must investigate)


Father was Verne Bodie: (


Take over the US Railroad System (

Details: Get on a friendly base with as many so-called OCSMs (Must investigate further) and let them distract the top staff at a given momment while he takes over control.
Is actually Japanese living in Germany for freakier sex shows that doesn't include tentacles.

For once.


Lord Dipstick
Is known to absolutely NOT, under ANY circumstances, look at ANY woman who wears any sort of make-up!:1orglaugh