Why save the world, when you can rule it?
in reality hates Vodka
in reality hates Vodka
Is terrified of aircrafts, ever since the anal shotglass incident.
is really very fond of planes and hides one under his baseball court until he needs it.
I don't have a baseball court.
I gave it to you along with 6 dozen incredibly rare and expensive black roses, a 10 year old whisky and a bottle of my very favourite oak aged Sicilian red wine.
But you didn'tpay attention! You never acknowledge my love for yoU! *cries like a baby*
The member above me is probably slightly freaked out by what I just wrote... Or rather she would be if she weren't really an emotionless human-form android prototype!
Vodka I spend 6 entire weeks locked in a hotel room with you. What did you want me to never leave?
The member above me forgets as a prototype I can not cry or I short circuit.They are working on it but the problem hasn't been fixed yet.
i thought that was anthrax!
is currently seeking a way to deviate popular culture back toward the hippy aesthetic