Conspiracy Theory about the member above me...

Is terrified of aircrafts, ever since the anal shotglass incident.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If you're feeling down depressed and lonely,
I know a place where we can go.

Yet I think for me, the travel expense outweight the fifteen quid you pay.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
is really very fond of planes and hides one under his baseball court until he needs it.

I don't have a baseball court.
I gave it to you along with 6 dozen incredibly rare and expensive black roses, a 10 year old whisky and a bottle of my very favourite oak aged Sicilian red wine.

But you didn'tpay attention! You never acknowledge my love for yoU! *cries like a baby*

The member above me is probably slightly freaked out by what I just wrote... Or rather she would be if she weren't really an emotionless human-form android prototype!
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I don't have a baseball court.
I gave it to you along with 6 dozen incredibly rare and expensive black roses, a 10 year old whisky and a bottle of my very favourite oak aged Sicilian red wine.

But you didn'tpay attention! You never acknowledge my love for yoU! *cries like a baby*

The member above me is probably slightly freaked out by what I just wrote... Or rather she would be if she weren't really an emotionless human-form android prototype!

Vodka I spend 6 entire weeks locked in a hotel room with you. What did you want me to never leave?

The member above me forgets as a prototype I can not cry or I short circuit.:( They are working on it but the problem hasn't been fixed yet.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Vodka I spend 6 entire weeks locked in a hotel room with you. What did you want me to never leave?

The member above me forgets as a prototype I can not cry or I short circuit.:( They are working on it but the problem hasn't been fixed yet.

Why would I have wanted you to leave? You never had to rest and did exactly what I told you. What more could a man ask of from a woman?
(Answer: Beer flavoured nipples and nipple flavoured beer)
^ is plotting the take over of freeones by emotionless human-form android.

You do have a good point.
I'll inform them of your request and see what they can do Vodka.
^ Receives weekly skin shavings in the mail from David Draiman of Disturbed. He puts it in his coffee every morning as a way of "collecting him".


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Takes me to bed, but gets me so drunk I pass out before I can do anything.
The next morning she tells me all the things that "we did" (that i wanna hear) and then mentions how nice she's heard a very expensive and classy restaurant is...