Comments about Bush re-elected.

Mr Miyagi

I have to say that I'm with Nightfly on this one.

First of all you guys need to realise that this is FREEONES. A place to go for free porn FFS and NOT thread after thread of peoples political views! (6 political threads in the first 15 at time of posting this)

Secondly not everyone here lives in America or is American. Not everyone understands the American political system or even wants to understand.

I'm not saying dont post your political views or thoughts but can we all at least try to keep it all on 1 THREAD ONLY . That way the rest of the members can carry on with their other threads easier.

The fact of the matter is... Mr. Miyagi... If you dont understand the world power's political system then your doomed to watch whatever they fucking want to happen happen.

And the new forum sounds like a good idea, but then it would just be a few threads in a new forum rather than a few threads in the FORUM TALK forum. Look boys and girls... these threads aren't in the funny section... the favorite babe section... the movies section...

Its in the talk section. And Im sorry... but even the most perverted individual doesn't talk porn all day long.

And there are a few people on here that aren't from the US that participate in these discussions. Georges comes to mind, but I know there are others.

Its funny that the people that were argueing against me about SPAM want to now limit the forums against good long threads.

I think their biggest problem is that they don't want to read long posts.
Im am so glad he got re elected I should have voted for him...I mean it is so exciting to imagine invading another country...Iran? North Korea? Syria? Come on he is a 'war President" and he brags about one wants peace...america has turned bloodthirsty since 9-11 and we want someone anyone to be responsible for all the deaths that has happened during that day. The deficit in this country is breaking records every day, but never mind we can go bankrupt I think thats what the terrorist wanted anyways. I love the patriot act and nothing better than a republican congress to back our dear prez, conservative america here we come, hey why not try to put some values on the rest of the world or keep changing their goverment, you got to love the cowboy attitude and 48 hours deadlines, oh and the CIA lies that led to war, and I thought it was about WMD, but anyways who america you can lie, lead a whole nation and a coalition to war on false information have some many killed , don't appologize for nothing and just say that you are the greatest christian alive and fuck them gay people rights fuck civil liberties, big brother will take care of that for you and you'll get re-elected. I love a divided america it is democracy at work and there's nothing better than different views..:glugglug:

Mr Miyagi

Goblin said:
The fact of the matter is... Mr. Miyagi... If you dont understand the world power's political system then your doomed to watch whatever they fucking want to happen happen.

Goblin, I understand the system perfectly well. I was merely trying to point out that others may not or may not want to.

I'm all for the political discussion (or any other subject). The only point I was trying to make was that instead of having a dozen various threads, causing repetition of posts, why not have 1 official thread.


Because there are a lot of fuck tards on this site that can't scroll through a lot of typing and want to make their own thread.

I agree with you though... One thread should be enough.


For all the complaining you guys do you somehow still manage to read all these threads. It's the weirdest thing! :D


Closed Account
I still say its alot of clutter and needs separate subforum . People do have the right to debate it , but those who don't wish to should have fun here in main forum without having to sift through the political clutter . ;) , just my :2 cents:

Brino said:
For all the complaining you guys do you somehow still manage to read all these threads. It's the weirdest thing! :D

its true. i rarely look around in the find your favoret babe section of the forem because it boring (don't get me wrong the girls are great but it seems to be the samething over and over). since i don't like it I don't look it problem solved. it is pretty obvious when a thread is going to be political. God knows when georges start copying books that he has read i just skip right over it. :2 cents:
I'm all done bitching about this, we will all be screwed anyway, at least now we know by who and we know its in the next 4 years.

Peace out everybody ! :nanner:

I put in my vote for a Politics folder. Why not name it "FreeOnes Political Discussion" or something like that? :)
Starman said:
I put in my vote for a Politics folder. Why not name it "FreeOnes Political Discussion" or something like that? :)

Glad to see you're back active on the board ! :)

I would agree with, create FreeOnes Political Discussion section is a very good idea. ! :thumbsup:


Closed Account
I have suggested that three times since I came here . *hits head against brick wall * Pussy around here is like a well mannered child ,

"TO BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD " :dunno: I give up , I will stay in word association . :(
I am a firm Bush supporter. I do not support everything he stands for.

That being said, DaLastDay makes a comment about Bush being elected for Moral Values and how that won't fight terrorism. Well, Bush is fighting terrorism. And I do beleive he is doing a better job than John Kerry would do.

Has anyone here, seriously, any of you Kerry supporters, every gone to a government site and sifted through his 20 year voting record in the senate. I am not talking about reading some talking points from a web site, but the actual log of his votes. NOTHING in his 20 year history in the senate tells you or anyone that he would be steadfast on home defense and military. Since he's been in the senate every vote he's casted on those issues were attempts to take funding away from both.

Not to mention he voted to take 7 billion off intelligence spending 1 month after the first WTC month after Al Qeada officially declared war on us.

Another thing, we all have the same record as John Kerry does in the Senate. Because no bills have our names on them. Same goes for Kerry. There isn't one bill that he's gotten passed in 20 years.

This is why it's extremely hard for a Senator to get elected President. They set themselves open for a n official track record that their opponent can exploit.
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AS far as the constitution goes, that is why they're are Ammendments. Each Ammendment is basically a reconstuction of the original constitution.

Banning gays from getting marries is as much discrimination as is denying a child to be born. That is denying life altogether.

I am not some anti-abortion freak. Don't get me wrong. I'm personally against it but I do not think it should be against the law. It's just my personal opinion on the issue. And I don't feel my personal opinion should be a law.

To me, marriage is really all about starting a family. Getting married is more convenient for people who have kids. Gays can't precreate last I remember.

But I don't buy into the whole "sanctity of marriage" arguement either.
Amen, good to see you Starman.

In addition to the totally screwed up election, my list of recent problems with Bush:
1) Purging the CIA -- an organization that has to be non partisan -- of anyone who doesn't share the White House's assessment of the way of the world. This was a real big favorite of Hitler and Stalin.

2) Nominating Gonzales for attourney general. This guy wrote papers on how torture is justifiable and the Geneva Convention is "quaint" and shouldn't be adhered to. He's the one who fought for George to keep the energy policy documents secret, to prevent George and Cheney's testimony before the 911 commission private and off the record, along with the lame rules for Condi Rice's testimony. He was George's primary counsil re: 142 people George killed in Texas without arguments from the plaintiffs. He's a Latin Uncle Tom who believes first and foremost in the government's right to keep information from the people, and secondly believes in "guilty until proven innocent". The guy might as well be a Nazi, and he's next in line to be the lawyer for the people.

3)Consume failure Condi Rice as Secretary of State. She failed her country before 911, lied afterwards to the people and to Congress, and alienated many of our allies with thoughtless comments. The only justice here would be if Bush ended up getting a Clintonesque bashing over blowjobs... Which some folks in Washington are contending.


LadyLove said:
I have suggested that three times since I came here . *hits head against brick wall * Pussy around here is like a well mannered child ,

"TO BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD " :dunno: I give up , I will stay in word association . :(

Calm Down LL :D

A lot of people have suggested that before and none of them were heard. I guess freeones just doesn't have the time to hear us out or create another section.


Harry Lime said:
I am a firm Bush supporter. I do not support everything he stands for.

That being said, DaLastDay makes a comment about Bush being elected for Moral Values and how that won't fight terrorism. Well, Bush is fighting terrorism. And I do beleive he is doing a better job than John Kerry would do.

Has anyone here, seriously, any of you Kerry supporters, every gone to a government site and sifted through his 20 year voting record in the senate. I am not talking about reading some talking points from a web site, but the actual log of his votes. NOTHING in his 20 year history in the senate tells you or anyone that he would be steadfast on home defense and military. Since he's been in the senate every vote he's casted on those issues were attempts to take funding away from both.

Not to mention he voted to take 7 billion off intelligence spending 1 month after the first WTC month after Al Qeada officially declared war on us.

Another thing, we all have the same record as John Kerry does in the Senate. Because no bills have our names on them. Same goes for Kerry. There isn't one bill that he's gotten passed in 20 years.

This is why it's extremely hard for a Senator to get elected President. They set themselves open for a n official track record that their opponent can exploit.

First let me say that I'm glad that your not against overturning Roe V. Wade

Second, I have to say concerning John Kerry's Record in the Senate that the stuff you hear from the right about that is just propaganda. Cheney has voted against the same weapons systems as Kerry and more. On top of that Kerry said that it would be a mistake to vote against those same systems today. Seriously, do you truly believe that if Kerry was elected president that he would vote against weapon systems? In the world were living in today? I don't think so.