Comments about Bush re-elected.

bigdan1110 said:
Man you are stupid Georges Brino told you a lot of time that he do not believe everything Moore is saying just like you dont believe everything GWB is saying... so please stop saying that because you're just asking for it.... :yesyes:
He posted things related to Michael Moore. Harry Lime made a sarcastic remark, I only took the opportunity to agree with him.




georges said:
Don't listen to Brino,Brino you are not here to dictate me lessons about what I should post or not, am I enough clear? It is not offensive material as far as I know, those are just documents and not childish pics that you posted in huge numbers Brino. Did I ever ask mods not to approve your chilidsh pics Brino. No never,so don't do the other what you don't want be done to you.
You were passing Kerry for what he isn't first and second you always put Kerry as a victim those are proofs of what he voted against. I know about Cheney but here we discuss about Kerry.

Your fucking documents are a waste of space. I already knew what they were and you have posted them several times before.


bigdan1110 said:
Man you are stupid Georges Brino told you a lot of time that he do not believe everything Moore is saying just like you dont believe everything GWB is saying... so please stop saying that because you're just asking for it.... :yesyes:

Thank you for your support! :hatsoff:


georges said:
He posted things related to Michael Moore. Harry Lime made a sarcastic remark, I only took the opportunity to agree with him.



Prove it!
Brino said:
What about my post had to do with Michael Moore?

Nothing. It's just the constant cries of claiming any negative statement here about Kerry is propaganda. You just seem like a blind politico to me.

Kerry's senate record is fact, not propaganda.
Mr. Green Genes said:
You will never learn......don't you?

HOLY SHIT...I have not seen this guy in a long time. i thought he was banned. lol i hope he is not giving you to much shit georges. :D
I was at 31 yesterday and 2 persons-2 me I am guessing who you are both. Both these two negative points were given to me in that thread now I have enough.
bigdan1110 said:
What about Bush presidential record ?

Wich is worse a bad senate record or a bad presidential record ??

Both go hand in hand. What is so horrible about Bush's presidential record? Are you just listening to the "propaganda" that this war was a mistake and that there is no exit strategy?

I won't praise everything he's done. But he isn't a bad president by any means. He isn't the greatest either. I'll be the first to say that. In fact, I disliked Bush in 2000, I was a McCain man. But the more I learn the more I like him. I know in 20 years I won't be ashamed to say I supported him.
Bush is a putz....a religion pushing, holier than thou censor freak.....let me decide what i should read and watch and listen to, its MY decision no anyone elses, and dont push religion in my face, ever hear of seperation of church and state? Four years cant go fast enough.
ckjedi66 said:
Bush is a putz....a religion pushing, holier than thou censor freak.....let me decide what i should read and watch and listen to, its MY decision no anyone elses, and dont push religion in my face, ever hear of seperation of church and state? Four years cant go fast enough.

Both sides do that. It isn't just the religious right. Clinton was good with all that shit, I'll give him that. But look at Al Gore. He is a democrat, a liberal, and it was basically him and his cunt wife that started all the censorship shit in the first place.

Tipper Gore invented this


Harry Lime said:
Both sides do that. It isn't just the religious right. Clinton was good with all that shit, I'll give him that. But look at Al Gore. He is a democrat, a liberal, and it was basically him and his cunt wife that started all the censorship shit in the first place.

Tipper Gore invented this

Oh there are so many dumb people who look at porn. First of all, I would like to point out that this arguement is goign nowhere, in any of the threads. This is because there are some smart people and some idiots on both sides of the debate, and the stupid people are just stupid and don't make sense, and the smart people just attack the stupid people's arguements and ignore the intelligent ones that the other smart people make. Secondly, warning parents about explicit content seems perfectly reasonable to me, it in no way limits the freedoms of the authors or of the purchasing power of the consumers, so that's really not censorship. censorship is saying eminem cant say fuck in his songs, not warning parents about it when he does.
Harry Lime said:
Both go hand in hand. What is so horrible about Bush's presidential record? Are you just listening to the "propaganda" that this war was a mistake and that there is no exit strategy?

I won't praise everything he's done. But he isn't a bad president by any means. He isn't the greatest either. I'll be the first to say that. In fact, I disliked Bush in 2000, I was a McCain man. But the more I learn the more I like him. I know in 20 years I won't be ashamed to say I supported him.

I dont need propaganda for this, i'm just listening to every international media and everbody could see what is "really" happening in Irak, the US journalists are so pro war i just can't believe it... only a few have started to see the light... finally ! To bad its just a month too late...
Jism: My bad. You're right, Hebrews is New Testament. But the passage you quote is very Old Testament in it's tone.

And I've found that normally when folks start quoting the bible in a political discussion they choose Old Testament passages, as most folks who mix the bible and politics are into the totalitarian elements of the Old Testament.

I'm a Methodist. Are you an active church member? If so, what faith?