I'd just like to say how disgusting it is nowadays for any country -
especially a developed country and the only super-power left in the world which is a self-styled chapion of freedom, democracy and human rights - to use such tactic no matter how bad their situation.
Looking back at history though, this seems like a classic case of the kind of stupidity caused by times of extreme pressure, and crumbling power and influence. Though kids in some 100 years time when the Chinese are the super-power will be taught that these cruel tactics caused the downfall of the evil US empire.
The US is already losing badly in Iraq, with the Maliki government poised as there future puppets like the Jordanians and Saudis having back-stabbed the US and ran to the Iranian Ayatollahs, who have so much more influence and exploitation in Iraq. Now the priority is cut the loses in Iraq short and at least win in Afghanistan to not completly flat-out fail the war on terror. But that too doesn't look too promising either with Pakistan over the border.
I guess every dog has his day. As my grandfather used to say - even Pharoah's mighty empire and army had their downfall after Moses.
Oh, and it's great to be back guys :wave2: - for anyone who remmebers me. I've been bussy making the transition into uni and getting hammered senseless every night and studying like I never studied before during the day.