Please...before you get upset with the "handwringing, loss-of-moral-highground lamenting, let's-waterboard-Bush/Cheney/Hannity/Limbaugh-and-other-fat-old-men-but-never-those-poor-unfairly-accused-Afghan/Syrian/Iranian-farmers-and-shopkeepers-we-keep-snatching-up-after-firefights-just-'cause-they-are-carrying-RPGs-and-AKs" concerned citizens and FreeOnes posters, remember that both Hot Mega
and Mancow have testified that waterboarding is torture...just because AlQuada has been on the run and trying to just find someplace to hunker down and safely resume terror ops planning for upwards of 8 years, and we haven't had the slightest big or little BOOM here in the US, doesn't really justify using "mean" tactics if we want to wring intel from some major players.
There's no comparison between saving lives and defeating terror ops, versus acting "uncivilized"...better to clean up body parts and let our fellow citizens die than to go over that line.
I fully expect Pelosi, or Boxer, or some other Obama minion to begin revealing plenty of other secret and crippling info; Biden shared with the world where they stashed the VP during crisis mode, so that's now an easy target until they spend a few millions to create a new hiding place for our country's second in command...although I'm sure they'd gladly give the enemy strike force Biden's exact position if Pelosi wasn't the next in line.:rofl:
Now that's terrifying...a junior Senator from Illinois fumbling and bumbling his way through his first year as Commander in Chief, backed up by "Big Mouth" Joe and "No-No" Nancy...if the terrorists and Jihadis were smart, they'd just back off and let the whole "Duck Soup" scenario play out and we'd be easy pickings after a few years of Groucho, Zeppo, and Harpy.