from christine facebook
UPDATE ON MY NEW SITE: I know a lot of you are waiting on my site & a few of my fans are complaining. Im so so sorry. It was supposed to be up in February but its still not up yet.

I have NO excuses for it lagging but the reason why is because I was not entirely happy with it to be released just yet. I do NOT want to release a website and take anyone's money from memberships if it is mediocre o...r not up to par. I figure people would be ok with waiting if the website is WORTH the membership and not just a bunch of crap thrown together. I want my members happy with the content. So I am working to get it there.
I ended up old website abruptly due to complaints of the content not being sufficient, so why would I start a new site with insufficient content? I saw the mock up and was not happy.
Also, I have been struggling with the decision to go into topless modeling.
I honestly am nervous about it. So I wrestled with it for a long time. My site will be MOSTLY implied nudes, but will have some topless photos in there. But my site will offer more interactive features so it will be more interesting than the last site.
And lastly, the reason why I decided to venture into the world of topless modeling is because I do plan on retiring soon. I figure I owe it to my loyal fanbase of over 10 years. I thought about just retiring without going topless, but I didnt think it was fair. I have built a strong connection with my fans and since Ive been webcamming, the least I can do is finally go topless in a photoshoot, right?

The reason why I am retiring is because I am opening a new business in Los Angeles. I dont want to tell everyone just yet, but lets just say you can visit me at my business which will be opening later this year.

I have saved up my money, worked very hard, and I am finally excited to be my own boss. Lets just say the new venture will still be SEXY and I will be having my sexy model girlfriends pop in every now and then!
I truly love my fans and am grateful for the support. I wanted to open the new site for them to keep in touch with me as I venture into a new life as a model/entrepreneur.

And that is whats been going on with lil ol' me ♥