Christine Mendoza

8 PDT? I didn't even know she started that early. Guess I'm out of touch!

Her shows with Lily and Tanya were on at 8. I noticed yesterday that the number of models on the site had dropped, and they've gone down again today. Briana, Lydia and Taylor are missing.
i have a old anb clip of her (she is topless) for about 5 mins long. PM me if anyone has her glamcam/anb sesssion and would like to trade
Well, I finally have the house to myself tonight, so, Christine, if you're out there and want to make a few bucks tonight.....just sayin'.
Im saying this, once I see "the full monty" LOL I will retire from these sites. I feel CM could be a contender for Playboy. Anyone ever say that to her or mention it. A good manager would have mentioned this & started the process instead of doing 939 club. Heffner could help her towards a different career & some fame. She has the personality for it & the disposition for more than just cam work. Hey Dal why don't you be her manager!!!! You know her right??
Im saying this, once I see "the full monty" LOL I will retire from these sites. I feel CM could be a contender for Playboy. Anyone ever say that to her or mention it. A good manager would have mentioned this & started the process instead of doing 939 club. Heffner could help her towards a different career & some fame. She has the personality for it & the disposition for more than just cam work. Hey Dal why don't you be her manager!!!! You know her right??

She indicated that she's been approached by/with regard to Playboy on a few occassions but declined as she didn't want to offend her family (her mother nearly killed her for appearing in a bikini on a magazine cover when she started out. :D). Not sure what she's say now that she's doing topless/implied nude.
Im saying this, once I see "the full monty" LOL I will retire from these sites. I feel CM could be a contender for Playboy. Anyone ever say that to her or mention it. A good manager would have mentioned this & started the process instead of doing 939 club. Heffner could help her towards a different career & some fame. She has the personality for it & the disposition for more than just cam work. Hey Dal why don't you be her manager!!!! You know her right??

I wish I knew her personally, only her Facebook buddy.
She indicated that she's been approached by/with regard to Playboy on a few occassions but declined as she didn't want to offend her family (her mother nearly killed her for appearing in a bikini on a magazine cover when she started out. :D). Not sure what she's say now that she's doing topless/implied nude.

Playboy definitely doesn't carry the same kind of weight that they used to. And it would depend if she came in as a celebrity pictorial or if she came in as playmate, cybergirl, or just as a model. I doubt she could do a "celebrity" pictorial as popular as she is on the web and car show community. She just wouldn't have enough name recognition in the E!, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood culture.

So she would probably be brought in as playmate, cybergirl or a playboy model. Playboy basically owns a model's ass for at least 3 years if she becomes a playmate. There is a little bit more leeway if you are a cybergirl or a model. And Playboy does not pay as much as you would think to be in the magazine. If a model wants to capitalize on being in Playboy, she really has to network and do a lot of "non" modeling things because playboy usually controls any sort of modeling content that the model does over the 3 years after she appears in the magazine. And often times, during those shoots models will shoot tons of content that does not appear immediately in the magazine or website. Since Playboy owns the content they can choose when to release it.

So if Christine were to shoot some stuff today for Playboy. They would probably shoot hundreds to potentially thousands of pictures. Playboy could still be releasing stuff from that shoot as far as 5-7 years (in some cases even decades later) after they did the shoot. And Christine won't see any additional money for that, since Playboy pays a flat fee up front from that initial photo shoot. Or they could reuse the content as well in the special edition magazines or features on their website. Playboy can do whatever they want with it since they own the images.

In the modeling world, models very very rarely get any sort of residuals for any of their shoots. Usually it's always up front as one time payment. That's probably why many models do so many photo shoots.
Shaz thank you for that education about Playboy. I was not aware of this & is why I am not a manager or would even consider being CM's manager, don't have that gift. Playboy was mentioned only that it could get her name known. Sounds like Hef takes advantage as well of his models.
lol at these analyzing comments... but that does look like an engagement ring (delta sad 2 say)... and looks like she's making enough from her fans cough louie bag :rolleyes:
Well if it is an enaggement ring I wish her the best. I realistically would never have gone for her for we come from 2 different worlds (plus I am a fan but not that obsessive). However the retirement talk from her now makes sense as well as her dragging her feet to get the site going. For if she is engaged, she would be making other plans. It also makes sense for her to with-hold such news of an engagement for it is like the John Lennon syndrome if the fans knew she was engaged she would loose business. Wearing an engagement ring could be a boner killer for some. Dasig I am sorry you had tech difficulties, hope it works out for you friend.
@ 26? you people can't expect her to be single, haha! Anyhow, if fans asked her and she does respond, it's pretty guaranteed she will deny it, and claim to be single because like Delta said - letting fans know (especially the sugar daddies) that you aren't single is BAD for business! Many figure well, if she's married or engaged why should i support her? Let the Hubby/BF do it.
I think both Yankee and Delta make good points that even if you asked Christine that she would likely deny it. Like they said, it would not be good business decision and could curtail some of the interest in her. I wonder if she even knows that those pictures have been posted of her with the engagement ring on. Perhaps the guy that posted them on this blog (Richie) would be nice enough to confirm where he got them from. Can he confirm the guy whispering sweet nothings into Christine's ear is her finace? Also how recent are the pictures? Cause I know Christine had posted in her diary on her old website about ended a lenghty relationship, although the photos do look recent.

Things that make you go hmmmm...... :dunno: