Christine Mendoza

How will the new site be different than her old site?? Also I agree that she needs some type of business guidance which it seems she lacks. Lots of sleazy people in that business that would give her a line of BS. Why not one of the writers here make a bid to do her management. There are a lot of good people here that appears to know this line of work & care for CM. Why not

Delta, she can't trust you cause you'd be the one constantly advising her to show you the "Full Monty" just poking fun at you Man, you are the only one keeping this thread alive, also think your her most sincerest fan although I do think you have a one track mind.
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I recently heard that Christine's new site will feature zipsets! if true, I hope she does it differently compared to other sites.
What i hope she doesn't do (but is extremely likely) Is charge money to join, but doesn't actually give you everything by charging more for the zipsets. I wouldn't mind so much if she sells her zips without a membership, because maybe I just want "the good stuff" but charging her loyal fans twice would be absolutely ridiculous. Here's hoping that doesn't happen!
Sable can't disagree with you on that one. I have a one track mind when it comes to CM & beleive me I would demand the "Full monty" as my fee.
Actually I use that term due to it not being "nasty" & it's humorous intent. I have the utmost respect for CM, she is very soulful person. I would love to converse just once with her (minus the full monty for a change). Anyways, appreciate the sentiments, & do love the humor as well.
Sable can't disagree with you on that one. I have a one track mind when it comes to CM & beleive me I would demand the "Full monty" as my fee.
Actually I use that term due to it not being "nasty" & it's humorous intent. I have the utmost respect for CM, she is very soulful person. I would love to converse just once with her (minus the full monty for a change). Anyways, appreciate the sentiments, & do love the humor as well.

Hey, Delta. Don't know if you have a Facebook Accout, but if you do, request for Christine as a friend. When she accepts your request, you can send her personal messages and she is usually good about responding.
Can't wait to see what her shows on glamcam are like, esp if the panties stay down :)
Hope they can get Miss Tee on there too! Maybe even Nikita Esco one day, but that might be wishfull thinking.
Dal thanks for the heads up. Unfortunatly I do not do facebook for I keep myself & idenity out of the internet due to the nature of my job. I work with some pretty dangerous people & would hate for them to get info from a facebook page. Any other ideas, Im open. I would just want one or two time contact with CM, not to be a pest, because she deserves her privacy & respect. Again Dal thanks for the suggestion & the thought. All you guys are very good people here.
Good after noon all. Has anyone heard from the lady of the thread latley?? Still no sign of the site yet. Also anyone have a pattern for when she goes on Glam Cam & how often. Like the other person usually I am working during those times. Hope there is some posts of her soon from there.
I know there's no doubt that I'm joining her site when it's finally up, but do you think she's taking a longer than expected amount of time getting it up and running?

It was expected to be up by the end of February. It's now the beginning of April.

I find that the longer it takes for the site to open, the greater expectation I have of it being sexier-hotter-riskier-more over the top than the last site...but then again, I also think with more time that goes by, the greater the disappointment factor will be of it not being any of those at all.

I know she want's it to be perfect, but nothing is... Why not put it out there...give us fans something to join...and we can all watch it grow into a great site with content add (hopefully) on a weekly basis.

DELTA. to my knowledge. she's been on glamcam 3 times (3/18 3/20 3/28)

love this page!! the best place I've found for info on this beautiful woman.
My guess is that her new site will be the same as her old in terms of riskiness unless fans are willing to pay twice for her "good stuff" We'll see what happens.
I'm usually not into philippines, but this girl makes me hard.
I have to admit that I am getting tired of hearing the excuses as to when her new website will be up and running. As I said earlier, the Taj Mahal was put together faster than her website. Love ya, Christine, but cmon now....
Someone must have pissed off Christine, this was a post on her FB page:

VERY upset and frustrated today with work. Im quiet, cordial, professional, and I ALWAYS keep my business personal. But that doesnt mean Im too nice so people can screw me over. If you decide to do so, I will work on making your life and business miserable- legally and behind closed doors, and all done with a smile on my face. I wont work on blasting you online for a public show, but instead where you can really be affected, personally and privately.
Some people think models are stupid and can be easily taken advantage over with no repercussions. But mind you shady fuckers, Its the QUIET ones you're gonna need to worry about.

Ive worked over 10 years in this business without screwing anyone over. I rarely ever complain ONLINE and never make it known to the public for a REASON.

And no I do not wish to tell anyone here of what my work issue is, in case I get a flood of questions as to why Im upset.. Just stating my obvious aggression and frustration with a certain individual I dealt with today. But thank you for reading .

Warren Eckstein has updated his Best Of and it features quite a few great shoLts of Christine. Check out p23, p33, p43, p94.

Nice find!
My hope for the new site (whenever we see it) is that Christine works with a greater variety of photographers.
She obviously has a great history with Brian B but everyone brings something new to the table and helps bring out different sides of her.
I know this will break Delta's heart, but Christine was commenting on Facebook what will be in her new website (when she finally gets it running) and what was causing the delay. She mentioned that one of delays was due to her struggling with the decision to go into topless modeling. She indicates how nervous she is and how she wrestled with the decision for a long time.
Christine then states that the new website will be mostly implied nudes, but will include some topless photos in there. She then further states another reason for topless modeling is her plans to retire soon. and that she owes it her loyal fanbase of the last 10 years and that it would not be fair for her to retire without going topless and the least she can do is go topless in a photoshoot.

So the bottom line is that she is thinking of retiring soon like we all though and she will have some nudity on her new website, even though it won't be the full monty per her post from today.