Christine Mendoza

Have you & CM made peace or is she mad about what transpired??

yes, we've made peace. I opened her eyes to the fact that now people know what she does in VIP, she'll only make more money. i'm banned from AnB and she tried getting the ban lifted but it wasn't happening. Now that she came elsewhere i'll be able to see her again. however I will not be sharing my vids this time around as promised to her. so I patiently wait for her site to open.
That's fine for you and I hope that Christine is not so hostile, we are all fans and support her. I predicted this long ago, this girl has gold in her hands. Pity that she realized this so late. Doesn't she has no professional counselors, advisors or managers? And who are those amateurs who are working on her site?
This was on Christine's FB page tonight:

and to those asking about when will be released, im so so sorry its taking way longer than expected. but last finishing touches are being made. i will post when its up and ready and it WILL be worth the wait, i promise! :)

I think the Taj Mahal was built faster than her website, so hopefully it's worth the wait.
well, it was gettin' late here on the east coast so i just peeked into someones VIP session. both christine and her friend were topless...but the guy was requesting petty stuff like "smack eachothers boobs" and "how about a lotion rub down" well...the cam was still kinda choppy...they went into VIP almost immediately to be prepared to spend some cash if you want to see her/them in the future...i personally won't be spending anymore money on cam shows, however i'll def sign up to her site when it opens.
How will the new site be different than her old site?? Also I agree that she needs some type of business guidance which it seems she lacks. Lots of sleazy people in that business that would give her a line of BS. Why not one of the writers here make a bid to do her management. There are a lot of good people here that appears to know this line of work & care for CM. Why not
Hello to all of our members and non-members! Its funny to me how angelsnbabes can call us a non-established site. Sure, you're right. Thats probably only because we have only been in business for less than 2 weeks! We are working extremely hard to fix all of our kinks and deliver you guys the BEST webcam chat site with all of the hottest girls. We are trying our best to upgrade our video systems and make sure that our site runs smoothly. And you are absolutely right, WE ARE IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH ANGELSNBABES. Another thing I don't understand is all this banter about traffic. For only being open less than 2 weeks, our girls stay in vip mode with at least 4-8 voyeurs and when its free chat there's between 50-150 users online. To me, those numbers aren't too shabby. Unlike these other sites that claim they look out for the "best interest" of the model, sorry to break it to you all, but THEY ARE ALL LYING. Those other sites offer low percentages, so when you think your favorite cam model is taking home all of the income, think again.
http://WWW.GLAMCAMLIVE.COM offers the highest percentage on the web!!! We are here to create a place for these girls to interact with their fans and help their situations out in giving them MAJORITY of the income. To those that have stood loyal beside us, we appreciate all of you and are working hard to offer credit bonuses and credit give away promotions! We thank you for understanding that we are A BRAND NEW SITE and of course things need to get fine tuned. For those of you that are frustrated, we hope you can bare with us as we work out all of our problems. Email me direct if you have any issues and I will do my best to resolve. Thank you all!

-Admin @ Glam Cam Live
It's interesting how we now have A&B and Glamcamlive both making (basically) press statements on their position on Christine Mendoza. I personally don't care for either site. They both are exactly what you called them webcam "Pimps"...good call DELTACROSSROADS. But they do served a purpose for us, (getting to see Christine Mendoza), and once she moves on to another will I. I joined A&B to see Christine & now that she's gone (or suspended as A&B said) so am I. Here's to hoping that CM gets a webcam chat service setup on her site so she can reap all the profits, or that she just creates one so whenever down the line when she does retire she can make a good profit off a webcam site of her own...and for her come out of retirement for a few webcam shows from time to time. Sorry for the long rant...oh one more thing. Glamcamlive you have not only been out for 2 weeks. Lana lopez did a show on Feb 9th.....bad math my friend....bad math.
Flynn007, technically we have been on the web since Feb and a few of our girls may have promoted around that time but we didn't have any broadcasts until 2 weeks ago. So I apologize to you for the error. I considered us being "out" from the day of our first broadcast. We actually jumped from 100 to 2000 members within those 2 weeks so thats mainly what I was talking about!

Deltacrossroads, actually most sites may seem that way since they take an unfair LARGE percentage from the models but GLAMCAMLIVE is not one of them. We only take a small % just to host the girls. I started this site as a pure hobby and am not insane about taking an unfair amount of money from our models seeing as how they do all the work. I guess thats why all the models on our site have chosen to work with us. We also don't force our girls to work a minimum amount of hours like a lot of these other sites. After all, I am just as much a fan as anyone else on this message board and grew up with their posters on my walls! All we want to do is continue to improve our site for our members and to keep our models happy!
Hey glamcam, who owns you? I only ask because everyone knows who owns anb, mfc, streamate, cwh, etc. I see people ask this question, but models BS and say they have no idea :facepalm:
Dropkickyankee, I actually do. My normal business is a CPA and Law firm. I dabble a bit in web design and saw it as a fun opportunity. I've never worked in the "adult" industry before. I'm just a no body who wanted to try something new!
Dropkickyankee, I actually do. My normal business is a CPA and Law firm. I dabble a bit in web design and saw it as a fun opportunity. I've never worked in the "adult" industry before. I'm just a no body who wanted to try something new!

Cool! Good stuff! Do you also run Christine's new site too?