If we knew every shady deal, lie, tweaked information, hidden agenda, covered up operation/deal/agreement, etc. etc. etc., it can go on and on. If we knew it all this country would be gone by now.
Thing is, it is hard for us as a society of citizens to comprehend the decisions and actions, especially that of the CIA. The CIA is a Intelligence Agency. What they do every day, if they told the public because the public wants to know for whatever dumbass reason, well, imagine the consequences and problems that would arise not only on a international scale because our enemies would know what we know and what we are planning to do, but within the country regarding us as a civilization.
Special forces, government agencies, and all those spook and shadow firms, what would we gain if we knew what it is they do every single day?
Oooh, the government, ultimately, lied. What else is new when it comes to politicians?