Cheney ordered CIA to hide plan

Yeah cheney is evil


Dick was a very good man politician. He knew how to get away with corrupt activities. I mean what else are politicians good for?


Hiliary 2020
The CIA.

Where the hell does it say that every damn congressman and senator and even the average American citizen must know every detail of the CIA's actions and procedures.

I think all those people knowing would be a serious security breach or threat.

They could be compromised by many means,bribes, blackmail, extortion, threats ect.

Judging by what I've seen and heard from Pelosi Reed Fienstien and even Senator Al Franken, I'll put my trust in national security with the CIA over those "16 million dollars to save a swamp rat in San Francisco" anyday.

Just another smoke and mirrors attempt to sidetrack us stupid naive Americans as to whats actually happening.


Postal Paranoiac
Dick Cheney before he dicks you.
The CIA.

Where the hell does it say that every damn congressman and senator and even the average American citizen must know every detail of the CIA's actions and procedures.

I think all those people knowing would be a serious security breach or threat.

They could be compromised by many means,bribes, blackmail, extortion, threats ect.

Judging by what I've seen and heard from Pelosi Reed Fienstien and even Senator Al Franken, I'll put my trust in national security with the CIA over those "16 million dollars to save a swamp rat in San Francisco" anyday.

Just another smoke and mirrors attempt to sidetrack us stupid naive Americans as to whats actually happening.

If you don't want to adhere to your constitutional duties and limits....don't assume the office. It's just that simple.

We have a system of checks and balances (whether you particularly like who the check and balancers are or not) which bestow oversight authority to our elected, Congressional office holders....Don't like that system...there's always Colombia.:dunno:


Hiliary 2020
Cheap shot, but at least in Colombia the politicians don't create this kind of bullshit.

I'm not an expert on the constitution, but I know a little.

And I know that every politician in office is not privy to all the interworkings of the Intelligence agency, in any country.
Thats why its called intelligence and not public knowledge.

The congress and the press and the president have made people think that every detail of national security should be common knowledge of the common man.
Thats crazy.
I will not get dragged in this.... I will not get dragged in this... I will not get dragged in this!
Cheap shot, but at least in Colombia the politicians don't create this kind of bullshit.

I'm not an expert on the constitution, but I know a little.

And I know that every politician in office is not privy to all the interworkings of the Intelligence agency, in any country.
Thats why its called intelligence and not public knowledge.

The congress and the press and the president have made people think that every detail of national security should be common knowledge of the common man.
Thats crazy.

It's not common knowledge that's why there are committees with specific clearances to be able to execute the oversight duties of those committees. In case you've forgotten...Congress is the body of government which appropriates funding for all governmental operations including the CIA. It's the Congress who makes the laws for all of us to live by, including governmental agencies like the CIA...

But again, if you don't like the form of government the founders of the US thought necessary to maintain a system of checks and balances...there are other countries to live in. For all some of you hate about how our government does things....we could do ours is the worst besides every other system that's been tried.

BTW, Colombia doesn't create what shit?? The just allow drug manufacturing and corruption to run amuck.
If we knew every shady deal, lie, tweaked information, hidden agenda, covered up operation/deal/agreement, etc. etc. etc., it can go on and on. If we knew it all this country would be gone by now.

Thing is, it is hard for us as a society of citizens to comprehend the decisions and actions, especially that of the CIA. The CIA is a Intelligence Agency. What they do every day, if they told the public because the public wants to know for whatever dumbass reason, well, imagine the consequences and problems that would arise not only on a international scale because our enemies would know what we know and what we are planning to do, but within the country regarding us as a civilization.

Special forces, government agencies, and all those spook and shadow firms, what would we gain if we knew what it is they do every single day?

Oooh, the government, ultimately, lied. What else is new when it comes to politicians?
If we knew every shady deal, lie, tweaked information, hidden agenda, covered up operation/deal/agreement, etc. etc. etc., it can go on and on. If we knew it all this country would be gone by now.

Special forces, government agencies, and all those spook and shadow firms, what would we gain if we knew what it is they do every single day?

"We" the people don't have to know it all...or make every governmental decision or law...that's what we have elected officials for. They are the ones who are suppose to be informed....or else, how can they govern and make sure the agencies that work on our behalf are doing what they are supposed to be doing???

Gotta love the part-time patriots in this country...who only believe in our Constitution and way of government as long as who they want running it are in charge.

Will E Worm

Dick Cheney played a key role in US anti-terror policy after 9/11.

And.....the plans to carry out 9/11. ;)

Sara Taylor: "I took an oath and I take that oath to the president very seriously."

Sen. Leahy responded by giving Ms. Taylor a lesson from Civics 101. He reminded her that she took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States; not to uphold George W. Bush. He said: "Your oath is not to uphold the president."

Didn't Bush Jr take an oath to uphold the Constitution, instead of subverting it at every turn? Hmmm

But, he had the "Patriot" Act drawn up. :rolleyes:

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a g*dd****d piece of paper!"

There's no conspiracy? :rolleyes: Wake up.


Hiliary 2020
Mega Mega,
I think your taking it too far. This peoples right to know.
We don't even know the details on what the article is about because they ain't tellin us.
Just inuendo (did I spell that right.)

I'm just saying simply that Although Congress does decide what to fund, they and us don't and shouldn't know all the details of the inter-workings of the intelligence agency.

Thats why its called intelligence and not public knowledge.
I can't say more, thats all I've got.
Mega Mega,
I think your taking it too far. This peoples right to know.
We don't even know the details on what the article is about because they ain't tellin us.
Just inuendo (did I spell that right.)

I'm just saying simply that Although Congress does decide what to fund, they and us don't and shouldn't know all the details of the inter-workings of the intelligence agency.

Thats why its called intelligence and not public knowledge.
I can't say more, thats all I've got.
It's not making intelligence public knowledge to provide members of the government charged with executing a function related to such information.

All individuals privy to intelligence or classified information are not privy to all intelligence or classified information...even if they are cleared up to and above a certain security class level.

Individuals with clearances are given access to classified information on a "need to know" basis.

If for example, there are closed committee meetings on enhance interrogation techniques....then the members of the Congressional committee charged with that oversight must be provided all accurate and truthful information regarding that subject matter...period..the end. There is no wiggle room in that.

They "need to know".
Fuck Cheney, Fuck Bush and fuck Republicans! We had 8 years of bullshit! No more.
Cheap shot, but at least in Colombia the politicians don't create this kind of bullshit.

I'm not an expert on the constitution, but I know a little.

And I know that every politician in office is not privy to all the interworkings of the Intelligence agency, in any country.
Thats why its called intelligence and not public knowledge.

The congress and the press and the president have made people think that every detail of national security should be common knowledge of the common man.
Thats crazy.

You would fit very well with the old USSR, where the Central Intelligence is king and nobody can find out what they are doing. If you trust your government to always work within the rules and adhere to our constitutional rights then you, sir, are very naive. Just the kind of guy that Cheney would want as a voter.
You would fit very well with the old USSR, where the Central Intelligence is king and nobody can find out what they are doing. If you trust your government to always work within the rules and adhere to our constitutional rights then you, sir, are very naive. Just the kind of guy that Cheney would want as a voter.

That’s funny, the same could be said of Obama. Who cares about what Cheney did you idiots, is he in office...NO! Pay attention to what is currently going on, plus the Cheney plan was never implemented, which makes it a non story. So the question becomes, why was this even brought up? It was brought up for the reason of deflecting from Pelosi lying like hell about not being informed on torture from the CIA…which we all know she was informed.
It was brought up for the reason of deflecting from Pelosi lying like hell about not being informed on torture from the CIA…which we all know she was informed.

I guess you haven't been keeping score....
CIA Admits It Misled Congress in Past, Lawmakers Say (Update1)

By James Rowley

July 8 (Bloomberg) -- Six Democrats on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said the head of the CIA admitted the agency misled Congress since 2001 about “significant actions.........

......Reyes, who wasn’t among the six lawmakers who signed the letter to Panetta, praised the CIA chief’s “recent efforts to bring issues to the committee’s attention’’ that “had not been previously conveyed’’ to it.

Reyes was blunter in a July 7 letter to the panel’s top Republican, saying that the CIA had lied to the committee at least once.

Information Panetta gave the panel June 24 “brought to light significant information on the inadequacy of reporting to the committee,’’ Reyes wrote to Representative Pete Hoekstra of Michigan.

The information provided by Panetta “led me to conclude that this committee has been misled, has not been provided full and complete notification and (in at least once case) was affirmatively lied to,’’
Reyes said in a letter, first reported by Congressional Quarterly.

I dont keep score, politicians are all bad, it doesnt matter to me if they are a democrat or a republican. If a politicain is an idiot, as Nancy P. is and always has been I'm going to say so. The rest of you who are still hung up on men and women who are not in office anymore are pathetic...get the phuck over it, they are not making policy anymore.

And what does that have to do with Cheney? Nancy lied, and these democrats are going to bat for her...its obvious, sorry you cant see it. As I said before, its deflection from comments Nancy had made before all this and the article you chose to source.