Cheney ordered CIA to hide plan

Uh, aren't you in Europe??? Is Obama even your president??

Doesn't matter whether I am in Europe or not. What does matter is that people like Obama and any kind of socialist leader has to be impeached and fought against. I am against the implementation of socialism and the ghettoization of the USA as well as I am against socialist governments that are leading some European countries. When Europe will be lead by a majority of conservative leaders, I would be more reassured but that is not the case for the moment.
While I do not agree with the goals of the Cheney/Bush administration(let's be honest here, Cheney really was the proceeding President with W being the guy everyone wanted to drink beer with), this story seems to be politically motivated to divert attention. To think that every President has followed the every letter of the Constitution in regards to gathering intelligence is simply stupid and completely unrealistic. Granted I do not believe in torture, but the Dems have more or less had the prior two years to leak this story big time if a liberal media really exists. Are we all really that stupid to think that all the prisoners in Guantanamo were sitting around in the hot sun and playing chess with another. Seemed pretty obvious that torture was probably the order of the day. Hell a show like 24 was probably created by the Agency to massage the public's mind about such subjects just like Mission Impossible did.

With nobody really questioning how we are going to exit Iraq with out a major blood bath, fix the economy and repair our international image, I feel as if the nation has been completely asleep at the wheel trying to find ways of making money from nothing that no one seemed to care to what was obviously going on. This news story has to be subterfuge to keep our eyes away from the prize because most everybody in Congress and the nation seemed to buy the reasons for our actions and strategies in regards to creating such a colossally misguided war in the first place. If it gives the Democrats and the nation someone to scapegoat, then fine, but it seems a too little too late scenario for my taste. It seems we have more complicated issues that we need address like whether or not we are on the brink of a real World War.
So who in hindsight was the bigger threat to world peace? Bush-Chaney-Rumsfeld or the so called "Axis of Evil" that they were aggressively pursuing?

Are they directly responsible for architecting some of the current global political issues or have they merely helped influence them
While I do not agree with the goals of the Cheney/Bush administration(let's be honest here, Cheney really was the proceeding President with W being the guy everyone wanted to drink beer with), this story seems to be politically motivated to divert attention. To think that every President has followed the every letter of the Constitution in regards to gathering intelligence is simply stupid and completely unrealistic.

The first job of any POTUS no matter what his name or political party is to "preserve, protect and defend" the US Constitution and execute his duties in it faithfully. That is the ONLY thing by law you must do as POTUS.

Granted I do not believe in torture, but the Dems have more or less had the prior two years to leak this story big time if a liberal media really exists.

In order to have something to leak, you must have the facts. As long as the CIA was being run by the Bush WH and as is now apparent, Cheney was playing a shell game with the truth...the Demos could have had a billion years and wouldn't have been able to pursue or investigate this issue.

Hell a show like 24 was probably created by the Agency to massage the public's mind about such subjects just like Mission Impossible did.

No. "24" was created by the propaganda arm of the GOP, Fox. Of course it would be used to project a certain amount of anxiety and acceptance of Bush era interrogation techniques.
With nobody really questioning how we are going to exit Iraq with out a major blood bath, fix the economy and repair our international image, I feel as if the nation has been completely asleep at the wheel trying to find ways of making money from nothing that no one seemed to care to what was obviously going on. This news story has to be subterfuge to keep our eyes away from the prize because most everybody in Congress and the nation seemed to buy the reasons for our actions and strategies in regards to creating such a colossally misguided war in the first place. If it gives the Democrats and the nation someone to scapegoat, then fine, but it seems a too little too late scenario for my taste. It seems we have more complicated issues that we need address like whether or not we are on the brink of a real World War.

Well being in Iraq for lack of a better analogy is like thinking you can make it across some standing body of water in your car only to find out after your car starts floating it was a bad idea. You're in the shits and there are no good options to get yourself out of it. Obama has been in office little more than 6 months and he inherited a firestorm of shit. Unprecedented in recent history. I doubt he is so concerned as to try and deflect attention to Cheney. Actually, for all of his efforts...he really wants to turn the page on the last administration so that HIS agenda isn't bogged down dealing with their shit anymore than it already has been. Demos are actually mad at him for trying to do so.

Chalking this up to merely scapegoating Cheney is about as close to ducking your head in the sand as there is. They are trying their level best to give the asshole a pass on the shit he did. But apparently the more they find out the more astonished they are at his utter gall and temerity.

Certainly as a VP you are willing to give the guy some discretion but at what point do you HAVE to do something when it appears the guy flouted the law and effectively usurp the Constitutional role of another branch of government?? I mean, they let the guy coerce CIA into trumping up phony intel in order to invade another country, lie us into a war at the expense of allot of good peoples lives and taxpayer fortune..then shrug it off, hand pick his former company to funnel billions of taxpayer money to in said war. Then let the guy out a CIA NOC and scapegoat his COS for it. Now it looks as if he not only commanded CIA to do illegality but orchestrated it's concealment from the body of government who is supposed to exercise oversight against such activity....WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE??? WHEN HAS THIS BASTARD CROSSED THAT LINE IN YOU MIND??? We all know he can get drunk, accidentally shoot a friend and get away with it....Does he have to take a shot at the Pope or something???

If this fuck isn't held accountable for just half of the shit we know can you EVER hold anyone accountable???

20 years from now if history reflects all of this shit was true of Cheney, what answer do you give the 15 year who asks what became of this guy? What do you expect his interpretation of what his country stands for if a guy can do all of that shit and face zero sanctions???
Doesn't matter whether I am in Europe or not. What does matter is that people like Obama and any kind of socialist leader has to be impeached and fought against.

Apparently it does matter where you are....Tell us again what grounds Congress has the duty to impeach a POTUS....

I'll wait...
Apparently it does matter where you are....Tell us again what grounds Congress has the duty to impeach a POTUS....

I'll wait...
It will certainly happen before Obama's term ends. Not everyone is a blind Obama fanboy or believer. The grounds of impeaching will be the following:
-freeing dangerous prisoners that were held in Guantanamo and that will be certainly responsible of new attacks if they occur
-going against the 2nd amendement if the restrictions for selling class2 and class3 are made stricter when law enforcement people and honest citizens need them especially when living in big cities where there are too many ghetto gang members mother fuckers and criminal scum
-spending less for equipping the US Army with better and modern equipment than an old one which is aging and that has a costly maintenance. Who said that spending less on the army equipment was a good thing??
-trying to implement social security, free healthcare and social helps at the cost and expense of hardworking and honest law abiding citizens in order to feed trashy ghetto fuck tards and illegal aliens.
-spending honest citizens money for something that will never be realizable.

When you are not knowledgeable and not forwardplanned at managing money then you shouldn't be elected as president. The actual president was elected thanks to massive marketing hype but who will know how dearly and expensive will be the price and the cost of his lies in a way or another and maybe sooner than expected.
It will certainly happen before Obama's term ends. Not everyone is a blind Obama fanboy or believer. The grounds of impeaching will be the following:
-freeing dangerous prisoners that were held in Guantanamo and that will be certainly responsible of new attacks if they occur
-going against the 2nd amendement if the restrictions for selling class2 and class3 are made stricter when law enforcement people and honest citizens need them especially when living in big cities where there are too many ghetto gang members mother fuckers and criminal scum
-spending less for equipping the US Army with better and modern equipment than an old one which is aging and that has a costly maintenance. Who said that spending less on the army equipment was a good thing??
-trying to implement social security, free healthcare and social helps at the cost and expense of hardworking and honest law abiding citizens in order to feed trashy ghetto fuck tards and illegal aliens.
-spending honest citizens money for something that will never be realizable.

When you are not knowledgeable and not forwardplanned at managing money then you shouldn't be elected as president. The actual president was elected thanks to massive marketing hype but who will know how dearly and expensive will be the price and the cost of his lies in a way or another and maybe sooner than expected.

Just like I thought, you have no clue beyond what you think.
It will certainly happen before Obama's term ends. Not everyone is a blind Obama fanboy or believer. The grounds of impeaching will be the following:
-freeing dangerous prisoners that were held in Guantanamo and that will be certainly responsible of new attacks if they occur
-going against the 2nd amendement if the restrictions for selling class2 and class3 are made stricter when law enforcement people and honest citizens need them especially when living in big cities where there are too many ghetto gang members mother fuckers and criminal scum
-spending less for equipping the US Army with better and modern equipment than an old one which is aging and that has a costly maintenance. Who said that spending less on the army equipment was a good thing??
-trying to implement social security, free healthcare and social helps at the cost and expense of hardworking and honest law abiding citizens in order to feed trashy ghetto fuck tards and illegal aliens.
-spending honest citizens money for something that will never be realizable.

When you are not knowledgeable and not forwardplanned at managing money then you shouldn't be elected as president. The actual president was elected thanks to massive marketing hype but who will know how dearly and expensive will be the price and the cost of his lies in a way or another and maybe sooner than expected.

You wouldn't happen to have saturdays lottery numbers as well georges?

And can I ask when you mean when you say 'ghetto' fuck tards?
Just like I thought, you have no clue beyond what you think.

I have far more clue than you do and than most of liberal bleedhearts too, I am not some liberal who believes in the so called change which was and is massively supported by the shittiest governmental administration America has ever had, the Obama administration. Continue and go praise Obama blindly like you and most naive people do, you will see how "good" were the results of his policy but don't complain when you will have to face difficulties and be in a more than beyond worse situation.
I don't really have much to add to this as Hot mega is doing helluva job refuting the nonsense posts.

I heard yesterday that this secret program is now reported to have been an assasination one for leaders of Al Queda but was never implemented.

The issue is not the idea or the program.Its that Cheney didn't trust anyone in congress to be told about it, Republican or democrate.

If your ok with an administration acting that way with no input or oversight from the other elected branches then so be it.But you have to realize then that you are basically supporting a dictatorship as your form of govt.That doesn't surprise me as I think a lot of the freedoms and responsibilities that the govt of the US is suppose to be about would never last long if the masses at any given time had their way and could get rid of them.

This probably was never leaked out by the CIA during the Bush years because it was never implemented.People of conscience in the CIA did leak about the other stuff the Bush administration was up to like the warrantless wiretaps etc.Those damn liberals at the CIA.:rolleyes::1orglaugh

And just because Cheney is out of office is no reason he should be immune to prosecution etc.

And I deny this nonsense that this is all some plot to change the subject by the dems.They have no big scandles (at least yet).Nancy and the torture issue is small potatoes compared to the actual people who ordered the torture.

What republicans are now saying is an investigation into all this would damage the intelligence capability of the US,not that what Cheney did was correct.They may be right about that and Obama seems to be very hesitant and has been since taking office to drag the country through such an investigation.

People here on the right whine left and right about what Obama is supposedly doing.But they can't say he is doing anything secrectly and wiithout congress being involved and informed.

If you are in favor of democracy and it working then no matter what party or side left or right your on you should oppose an administration acting the way the Bush one did when they acted unilaterly without congressional oversight or involvement.Thats a dictatorship if thats the way things work.
You wouldn't happen to have saturdays lottery numbers as well georges?

And can I ask when you mean when you say 'ghetto' fuck tards?

I don't really care about lottery. The ghetto fucktards in USA are a group of people living in the scummiest suburbs of USA, often they have their records filled with several charges and are member of gangs. They live of easy money, drug dealing, prostitution business, illegal firearm sales, rackeetering, car jacking, theft, money laundering, assault with a weapon, murders and murder for hire.


cold mega said:
:("I'll Wait"

Enough already with your blindly partisan and tormenting jackassery ! wtf is that ? -> Trolling :yesyes:

Must you split every post with various self righteous, snidely provocative arrogant pejoratives, huh ? You are clearly attempting to inflame the tempers (trolling) of those who oppose your ideology.

Bad !! Tedious !!!!
I don't really care about lottery. The ghetto fucktards in USA are a group of people living in the scummiest suburbs of USA, often they have their records filled with several charges and are member of gangs. They live of easy money, drug dealing, prostitution business, illegal firearm sales, rackeetering, car jacking, theft, money laundering, assault with a weapon, murders and murder for hire.

:1orglaugh How naive my child....:1orglaugh
less naive than you who belives in Obama as the godsaver of America :yesyes:

Point to me where I said that....

Again...I'll wait...

In the mean time most people who voted for Obama did so because they thought he was a monumental improvement over the Schleprock POTUS we had before him and the Mummy from Arizona running against him.

BTW for those who don't know who or what a Schleprock is..

Badluck Schleprock is a character from the 1970s Hanna-Barbera animated television series The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm cartoon.

The character has since been assimilated into popular culture and become an icon and stereotype for unlucky or hapless individuals.

Will E Worm

Doesn't matter whether I am in Europe or not. What does matter is that people like Obama and any kind of socialist leader has to be impeached and fought against. I am against the implementation of socialism and the ghettoization of the USA as well as I am against socialist governments that are leading some European countries. When Europe will be lead by a majority of conservative leaders, I would be more reassured but that is not the case for the moment.

:1orglaugh How naive my child....:1orglaugh

less naive than you who belives in Obama as the godsaver of America :yesyes:

Georges has it correct and he doesn't live in this country.
What does that tell you?

Americans don't know or even care about what goes on in their own government.
Too many are illiterate or functional illiterates who only want to party, get drunk, high, and "laid."

It could be that they are liberals who don't know what they are talking about.
So "open-minded" that their brains fell out.
Georges has it correct and he doesn't live in this country.
What does that tell you?

Americans don't know or even care about what goes on in their own government.
Too many are illiterate or functional illiterates who only want to party, get drunk, high, and "laid."

It could be that they are liberals who don't know what they are talking about.
So "open-minded" that their brains fell out.

Where is he correct?? Is that your opinion or a fact??

I'll reserve judgement on someone you think is "correct" who has no clue as to what grounds our Congress has to impeach a POTUS. What that tells me is he is nothing more than another robot programmed to be "against" anything that doesn't conform to his narrow view of how things "ought to be".

Georges has no clue (like some many part time patriots already here) what it means to be American nor what principles and ideals she stands for beyond the one or two rights some of you tote around scribbled in arm tattoos to show you're a true member of "the 'Merican race". Like many of these other so-called 'Mericans...boy Georges' perception of what the US is about is likely derived from watching too many movies.

As far as the make believe "liberals" (progressives) and make believe "conservatives"....these batty loons have run so far apart from each other that they actually created a circle and have met. They little more than a different side of the same FOS coin who both believe damn the rights of individuals....laws and people should conform to their beliefs because they magically know what's right.
Point to me where I said that....

Again...I'll wait...

In the mean time most people who voted for Obama did so because they thought he was a monumental improvement over the Schleprock POTUS we had before him and the Mummy from Arizona running against him.

BTW for those who don't know who or what a Schleprock is..

Badluck Schleprock is a character from the 1970s Hanna-Barbera animated television series The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm cartoon.

The character has since been assimilated into popular culture and become an icon and stereotype for unlucky or hapless individuals.

Show me the results of the improvements of his policies since he was elected with concrete facts please.
I guess you don't like individualism and an everyone for their own society. So if you take the reasoning of a liberal, the hardworking citizens and the ones who are wealthy have to lag and are forced to assist unwilling to work parasites, social help and free health care leechers as well as granting indirectly illegal Aliens access to America. How brilliant :wtf::lame: I always knew America as a country where the one who works the hardest and better than the others succeeded, not as a country where the one who works hard has to drag the poor and unwilling to work people as well as illegal aliens. You think everyone in America is happy to see how "well" and "cleverly" is spent their money by the current "brilliant" administration? I don't personally pity some type of people, you want something then bust your fucking ass off to deserve it but don't take the opportunity for asking others to work for you to deserve it.
I remember a coverage several years ago where a wealthy businessman answered to the journalist :"Wait, I have sacrified my life to make myself a name and build this empire. Don't even think I am going to be like mother theresa to the needy, because none was there I was needing help. In America, it works as the following: "If you don't want to stay and die poor, then bust your ass off since you are young and be a good student otherwise you will stay poor and die poor." " The society of today is a meritocracy not a kindergarten where people are fed with a silver spoon in their mouth, we don't live under socialism thankfully.
I have seen enough of socialism in my country to know how it can be dangerous for USA especially with Obama.
Show me the results of the improvements of his policies since he was elected with concrete facts please.

Well what did you expect to be the improvements 6 months into inheriting a disastrous circumstance...I mean really...what?

Better yet, cite one improvement GWB orchestrated 9 or 10 months into his presidency.

The only thing I can go on is whether or not he's living up to what he campaigned on and the people apparently voted for. To that he is more than living up to them where it's up to him and doing his part where it's not solely up to him.

If you merely disagree with his politics, say that. But you really lose all grown up credibility with me when all you do is toss out scud missiles full of bull and hyperbole not based on one single fact.:sleep: