Where is he correct?? Is that your opinion or a fact??
I'll reserve judgement on someone you think is "correct" who has no clue as to what grounds our Congress has to impeach a POTUS. What that tells me is he is nothing more than another robot programmed to be "against" anything that doesn't conform to his narrow view of how things "ought to be".
Georges has no clue (like some many part time patriots already here) what it means to be American nor what principles and ideals she stands for beyond the one or two rights some of you tote around scribbled in arm tattoos to show you're a true member of "the 'Merican race". Like many of these other so-called 'Mericans...boy Georges' perception of what the US is about is likely derived from watching too many movies.
As far as the make believe "liberals" (progressives) and make believe "conservatives"....these batty loons have run so far apart from each other that they actually created a circle and have met. They little more than a different side of the same FOS coin who both believe damn the rights of individuals....laws and people should conform to their beliefs because they magically know what's right.
If I was a robot then I would post the message when posting but that is definitely not the case and it never was. Please make a little sense before posting such senseless bullshit. You think your views aren't narrow, you took and take every promise that Obama has made for real when he can't realize the fourth of all his promises in the best of the cases.
I have far more clues than you think about what is to be American. It is being grateful and thankful of the 2nd amendment granted by your constitution, it is being supportive of your troops whatever cause they are fighting for and of course thanking vets for what they did. My perception of the US is definitely not derived from watching many movies, those are absolute lies. When you are supportive of your country, you show patriotism and you don't go against it by organizing demonstrations that are disruptive of the good established law and order. There is also a behavior code which is enough to judge people and see whether they are anti american or not. Anti americanism, lack of respect to the vets and constant laxism are definitely not a part of the values that made America a strong country. If you think that F o x E l i p s u s was an American, well for the majority of old time members here, he was more an Anti American than a real American.