Cheney ordered CIA to hide plan

Where is he correct?? Is that your opinion or a fact??

I'll reserve judgement on someone you think is "correct" who has no clue as to what grounds our Congress has to impeach a POTUS. What that tells me is he is nothing more than another robot programmed to be "against" anything that doesn't conform to his narrow view of how things "ought to be".

Georges has no clue (like some many part time patriots already here) what it means to be American nor what principles and ideals she stands for beyond the one or two rights some of you tote around scribbled in arm tattoos to show you're a true member of "the 'Merican race". Like many of these other so-called 'Mericans...boy Georges' perception of what the US is about is likely derived from watching too many movies.

As far as the make believe "liberals" (progressives) and make believe "conservatives"....these batty loons have run so far apart from each other that they actually created a circle and have met. They little more than a different side of the same FOS coin who both believe damn the rights of individuals....laws and people should conform to their beliefs because they magically know what's right.

If I was a robot then I would post the message when posting but that is definitely not the case and it never was. Please make a little sense before posting such senseless bullshit. You think your views aren't narrow, you took and take every promise that Obama has made for real when he can't realize the fourth of all his promises in the best of the cases.

I have far more clues than you think about what is to be American. It is being grateful and thankful of the 2nd amendment granted by your constitution, it is being supportive of your troops whatever cause they are fighting for and of course thanking vets for what they did. My perception of the US is definitely not derived from watching many movies, those are absolute lies. When you are supportive of your country, you show patriotism and you don't go against it by organizing demonstrations that are disruptive of the good established law and order. There is also a behavior code which is enough to judge people and see whether they are anti american or not. Anti americanism, lack of respect to the vets and constant laxism are definitely not a part of the values that made America a strong country. If you think that F o x E l i p s u s was an American, well for the majority of old time members here, he was more an Anti American than a real American.
If I was a robot then I would post the message when posting but that is definitely not the case and it never was. Please make a little sense before posting such senseless bullshit. You think your views aren't narrow, you took and take every promise that Obama has made for real when he can't realize the fourth of all his promises in the best of the cases.

I have far more clues than you think about what is to be American. It is being grateful and thankful of the 2nd amendment granted by your constitution, it is being supportive of your troops whatever cause they are fighting for and of course thanking vets for what they did. My perception of the US is definitely not derived from watching many movies, those are absolute lies. When you are supportive of your country, you show patriotism and you don't go against it by organizing demonstrations that are disruptive of the good established law and order. There is also a behavior code which is enough to judge people and see whether they are anti american or not.Anti americanism, lack of respect to the vets and constant laxism are definitely not a part of the values that made America a strong country.

Thank you for demonstrating clearly you have no clue. I'm sure someone can easily point of for you what in your post proves conclusively your cluelessness.

And like I said and you most eloquently demonstrated...all you have in you quiver is approximately 2.5 rights that you think the US is wholly and solely about. Wrong Georges!:nono:


If you are in favor of democracy and it working then no matter what party or side left or right your on you should oppose an administration acting the way the Bush one did when they acted unilaterly without congressional oversight or involvement.Thats a dictatorship if thats the way things work.

I am not in favor of mob rule democracy, I am, however in favor of the rule of law i.e. Constitutional Republic.

Your statement suggests that your party is now and has always been squeeky clean. Never ! Both political parties are riddled with scandal, you know that.

More to the point : Not that I really give a hoot one way or another about Dick, but I don't foresee that the man will be prosecuted. These charges wouldn't have even come to the surface had the democrats not had one of their own in the direct line of fire to incur similar charges herself lol ! All of the attention will be on Cheney and away from the nutty bright eyed bushy tailed "polluter lady" :1orglaugh who flies back and forth coast to coast on a weekly basis with her government furnished Boeing 757 (carbon credits anyone ?)

Besides, all cheney has to say is that pat leahy is an incestuous leaker and the results of his (cheney) actions "Saved Lives" (if I may borrow one from obama) and America did not incur another terrorist attack during the bush regime. Done.

Other than that it's pure partisan politicking :
republicans will never seek the prosecution of one their own and the democrats, exactly the same. :sleep:
I am not in favor of mob rule democracy, I am, however in favor of the rule of law i.e. Constitutional Republic.

Your statement suggests that your party is now and has always been squeeky clean. Never ! Both political parties are riddled with scandal, you know that.

More to the point : Not that I really give a hoot one way or another about Dick, but I don't foresee that the man will be prosecuted. These charges wouldn't have even come to the surface had the democrats not had one of their own in the direct line of fire to incur similar charges herself lol ! All of the attention will be on Cheney and away from the nutty bright eyed bushy tailed polluter lady who flies back and forth coast to coast on a weekly basis with her government furnished Boeing 757 (carbon credits anyone ?)
Besides, all cheney has to say is that pat leahy is an incestuous leaker and the results of his actions "Saved Lives" (if I may borrow one from obama) and America did not incur another terrorist attack during the bush regime. Done.

Other than that it's pure partisan politicking :
republicans will never seek the prosecution of one their own and the democrats, exactly the same. :sleep:

Dems always squeaky clean? Not me I would never suggest anything that involves humans could ever be perfect and all can screw up and power corrupts all.

I won't address really the rest , like the plane Pelosi has which the defense dept determined she should have.Or that Pat Leahy one of the more ethical and better senators is some sort of well knwn leaker.Never heard that,got any links that say he leaked something he shouldn't have.But leaks are debatable anyway.Some are for the good,some are not.I'm glad some in the CIA decided some of what was going on needed to be known and leaked it.

Will Dick be prosecuted? Probably not but at least we can get him to shut up maybe lol.

And there have been times when elected people went after their own party members.Many pubs like Ike denounced McCarthy and many of them also voted to go after Nixon in the watergate hearings.Sometimes its just bigger than what party you belong to.It may not be entirely just noble ethics on the elected people part eitheir.Even republicans in the congress should not like the way their authority and role was being stymied by Bush and company.Like I said if thats OK with some so be it.I am really not that fond of democracy anymore anyway,it may not be able to deal with big problems as you need all this agreement lol.

I'm for build nuclear plants(screw what anybody says) ,tax that carbon producing shit and tax those rich bastards a lot more (also screw what anybody says).Ban those right to lifers free speech and offer free abortions and contraceptives etc.Cut the stupid defense budget (war is obsolete and most unwinnable anyway,can you say vietnam,Iraq,afghanistan).All that money spent of defense is just a subsidy to the arms contractors and is by far the biggest spot for waste in the govt.Its not that the defense dept can't even just flunk an audit (meaning the money went where it shouldn't) but they can't even be audited as they can't even say what a lot of the money is spent on.Just saw on C-span yesterday someone saying how outraged Rumsfeld was when informed of that in 2001 when being confirmed as Sec of Defense and he would clean it up.Well he didn't and we still spend way to much and that ain't changing anytime soon apparently no matter which party is in.

So shoot them all, dems pubs etc and make me dictator lol.:thumbsup:
Thank you for demonstrating clearly you have no clue. I'm sure someone can easily point of for you what in your post proves conclusively your cluelessness.

And like I said and you most eloquently demonstrated...all you have in you quiver is approximately 2.5 rights that you think the US is wholly and solely about. Wrong Georges!:nono:

My cluesslessness??? And you what are you doing all the time? Praising Obama blindly with Obama did this and Obama did that. Please don't tell me that is not cluesslessness when is worse than that, it is blind fanboyism.
Do you think you live in a society where someone owes something to you?? None owes you nothing, remember it.
My cluesslessness??? And you what are you doing all the time? Praising Obama blindly with Obama did this and Obama did that. Please don't tell me that is not cluesslessness when is worse than that, it is blind fanboyism.
Do you think you live in a society where someone owes something to you?? None owes you nothing, remember it.

Dick Cheney was and is one of the most intelligent men in this country. The only reason we were attacked by terrorists is because Clinton was asleep at the wheel and did absolutely nothing about prior attacks. At least Bush and Cheney had the balls to attack terrorists who attacked this country.
Dick Cheney was and is one of the most intelligent men in this country. The only reason we were attacked by terrorists is because Clinton was asleep at the wheel and did absolutely nothing about prior attacks. At least Bush and Cheney had the balls to attack terrorists who attacked this country.

And where did that get you? Has anything really changed since the war started? I cant see it if it has.

In fact the world is far more a dangerous place now than it ever was before they waged war. Of course they had to retaliate but the situation we're in now would have been better if they would have actually finished what they started in Afghanistan rather than basically forgetting about it all together and moving onto the non-threat that was Iraq out of nothing more than greed.

Bush/Cheney and the rest of the administration are at fault and there is no getting away from that.
My cluesslessness??? And you what are you doing all the time? Praising Obama blindly with Obama did this and Obama did that. Please don't tell me that is not cluesslessness when is worse than that, it is blind fanboyism.
Do you think you live in a society where someone owes something to you?? None owes you nothing, remember it.

Where did I praise Obama the man?? I laid out what he's said and what he's done....there is no more object means testing that that. Time will tell if his works are successful...not Georges or 'Mega.

Unlike GWB who fucked up time and time again...but just like the daddy's boy he is who's been propped up, looked after, excused for and coddled his entire life....the Bushists refuse to see anything but a halo around the clown's noggin' not matter what he fucked up or ignored.

And don't try and lecture me. I'm an educated, sell made man who's done for himself, by himself and also served my country in a military and civilian capacity among other accomplishments in my life.

But here's a glimpse of what the US stands for;

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

This the poem you'll find written by Emma Lazarus titled "The New Colossus" which greets you at Ellis Isle...home of our Statue of Liberty.
I have far more clues than you think about what is to be American. It is being grateful and thankful of the 2nd amendment granted by your constitution, it is being supportive of your troops whatever cause they are fighting for and of course thanking vets for what they did. My perception of the US is definitely not derived from watching many movies, those are absolute lies. When you are supportive of your country, you show patriotism and you don't go against it by organizing demonstrations that are disruptive of the good established law and order. There is also a behavior code which is enough to judge people and see whether they are anti american or not. Anti americanism, lack of respect to the vets and constant laxism are definitely not a part of the values that made America a strong country. If you think that F o x E l i p s u s was an American, well for the majority of old time members here, he was more an Anti American than a real American.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I won't address really the rest , like the plane Pelosi has which the defense dept determined she should have.
Pelosi screamed, stamped, kicked and squawked for that near jumbo jet 757, as the aircraft originally provided wasn't good enough for her. Isn't it a little duplicitous to ignore her "carbon foot print" ? Isn't it something to the order of $64,000 round trip from one coast to the other in total costs to the taxpayer flying that jet ? Geesh ! You woulda thought that she was a repukingcunt. :rolleyes:

Or that Pat Leahy one of the more ethical and better senators . . .]
Sure, if you're a radical activist type who yearns for America to lose it's battles while under an "R" president.

Never heard that,got any links
Well, being that leaks are typically of highly classified material by select democrats for the purpose of undermining a republican presidency (as well as compromising the safety of the country at large), it would be going against the grain of the main stream democratic constituent media to report on such leaks.

"So shoot them all, dems pubs etc and make me dictator" lol.:thumbsup:"

Ah Ha ! The revelation has finally come ! :D ;)
Well, being that leaks are typically of highly classified material by select democrats for the purpose of undermining a republican presidency (as well as compromising the safety of the country at large), it would be going against the grain of the main stream democratic constituent media to report on such leaks.

How original, "the dog ate my homework". Sheesh.

Nonsensical as usual. Which is it? Congress is leaking but the duplicitous, "liberal media" is burying the story? Or there are no leaks because their isn't an "R" presidency to undermine??

In either case what you're telling us is "the dog ate my homework".:1orglaugh
"So shoot them all, dems pubs etc and make me dictator" lol.:thumbsup:"

Ah Ha ! The revelation has finally come ! :D ;)

Why include the smiley at the end? It's always the Conservatives who trot out the domestic terrorism card these days. "Let's bomb our way back to 1950! Yay!:rolleyes:"

Facetious, it would be unwise to let any California citizen anywhere CLOSE to U.S. Gov't. You elected Arnie:rolleyes: I worry that a Facetious appointed Cabinet would include: Dennis Miller, John Voight, The Right Wing Baldwin Brother, :sing:Lee Greenwood:sing:, Pastor Rick Warren and Pastor Bill McCartney.
In all of your ubiquity, is this your regular day job or are you under house arrest? :confused: :eek:

Of course I'm under house arrest for letting the dog eat my work at my "regular" day job.:rolleyes: