I dont keep score, politicians are all bad, it doesnt matter to me if they are a democrat or a republican. If a politicain is an idiot, as Nancy P. is and always has been I'm going to say so. The rest of you who are still hung up on men and women who are not in office anymore are pathetic...get the phuck over it, they are not making policy anymore.
And what does that have to do with Cheney? Nancy lied, and these democrats are going to bat for her...its obvious, sorry you cant see it. As I said before, its deflection from comments Nancy had made before all this and the article you chose to source.
You claimed Pelosi lied. How can you credibly make such a claim absent any of the facts?? Ohhh, I get it...GOPers, FOX and Rush say so...ergo it must be fact.
Well the facts are, it was suggested Pelosi (and others) knew about water boarding specifically. Errr, that wasn't the
actual claim...as it was claimed she knew about "enhanced interrogation techniques" (of which there are many..and apparently some deployed that are quite legal). Many then asserted that necessarily meant she knew about water boarding specifically. Pelosi then claimed she was never told they were water boarding detainees..More pointedly, that they WERE NOT water boarding.
CIA issued a statement where DCIA Panetta states it is not the policy of CIA to mislead congress. Interesting...if you look at the semantics of the statement it doesn't necessarily speak to nor can it speak to what happen BEFORE his watch. Literally and contextually (based on the statement maker) it says current policy is not to mislead congress. Further CIA says it's up to congress to go over their reports and records to determine what if any misleading occurred.
Simutaneously, GOPers far and wide began to chant a theme suggesting Pelosi is the one lying...Even some whom could never know what she was told or not. But that doesn't stop political spin. They asserted that in order for her to prove CIA mislead her and other members of congress, she should produce the documents. Of course that was a red herring as they know full well Madame Speaker has no authority to release or declassify classified material. Of course Pelosi is fairly trounced trying to defend herself because she has to tip toe around what she can say and what would constitute a classified material breach if she says it.
However, subsequent (June 24) information provided to congress by DCIA Panetta is alleged to have affirmatively demonstrated CIA routinely mislead members Congress since '01 which is the basis for the article I attached you now claim to not understand it's relevance.
Where Darth Sidious (Cheney) ties neatly into this is it's not only being suggested he gave the illegal orders to employ illegal techniques but he also is behind whatever effort CIA undertook to mislead congress as CIA falls under the exec. branch.
Got it? Good.
Why are you offering exceptions as opposed to rules ?

Americans generally don't expatriate when they're betrayed by the the actions or inactions of their government, they vote 'em bums out, that is, if they can, with all of the slimy mob rule demokratik gerrymandering going on. But even then, we opt to fight ! as in revolt ! I'm not going anywhere !
Why didn't you accept your very own offering and flee the country when the last idiot was president ? He wasn't that bad ? :rofl:
As usual, you missed the pointy end of the subject. The individual apparently now has an issue with the duties assigned to various branches of our government by our Constitution. Are you a patriot all the time or some of the time?? Or do some of you merely pick and chose what areas of the Constitution you are willing to defend with torches and pitchforks??