Carrie Prejean meltdown on Larry King

It's instantaneously discrediting, huh ? :1orglaugh

Palin nor Prejean are "neocons"....doubtful either has a clue what one is.

The term is way overused and misapplied nowadays. All GOPers aren't "neocons" as the term refers to a small but very influential group of "conservatives" who's beliefs center more around a foreign policy agenda and much less about traditional domestic/moral issues.

Neocons or "Straussians" believe in projecting their ideals or what they perceive to the American ideals around the world by almost any means. They believe in perpetual conflict and strife as a necessary means of maintaining strength and exercising control over the masses. They believe any perceived threat ought to be dealt with preemptively and unilaterally if necessary by military force. They believe lying to effect what they perceive to be the greater good is not only necessary but noble...and they believe the 21st century is the American century and the time has come for the American empire as we are the world's only superpower.


Lost at Birth
much ado about nothing imo

most of those that hate her are giving her far too much credit
most of those that defend her are giving her far too much credit
meanwhile in the real world, lots of people died, lots of people are still jobless, homeless, abused, neglected, starving....etc.....but yeah, lets focus on this bitch.

again, tempest in a teapot.
I don't see the big deal here personally... it was wrong for her to lose her crown for her views, whether you agree with her or not. As much as it galls some "liberals," it's still ok for people to hold views contrary to theirs; in fact, I find it the height of hypocrisy that they attack this girl when "liberals" were protected bu thte same 1st Amendment decades ago. Larry King has always played favorites with his guest and he clearly doesn't like right-of-center Christians. Last, and most importantly, she's not the smartest girl in the world, but I think she's absolutely smokin' hot!! :)
I don't see the big deal here personally... it was wrong for her to lose her crown for her views, whether you agree with her or not. As much as it galls some "liberals," it's still ok for people to hold views contrary to theirs; in fact, I find it the height of hypocrisy that they attack this girl when "liberals" were protected bu thte same 1st Amendment decades ago. Larry King has always played favorites with his guest and he clearly doesn't like right-of-center Christians. Last, and most importantly, she's not the smartest girl in the world, but I think she's absolutely smokin' hot!! :)

She didn't lose her crown for her views.
I don't see the big deal here personally... it was wrong for her to lose her crown for her views, whether you agree with her or not. As much as it galls some "liberals," it's still ok for people to hold views contrary to theirs; in fact, I find it the height of hypocrisy that they attack this girl when "liberals" were protected bu thte same 1st Amendment decades ago. Larry King has always played favorites with his guest and he clearly doesn't like right-of-center Christians. Last, and most importantly, she's not the smartest girl in the world, but I think she's absolutely smokin' hot!! :)

I don't know why she lost her crown but the pageant as a private entity has every right to strip her of it for a multitude of reasons including expressing views they deem as harmfull to their image.If she had said " I love Osama Bin Laden and everything he stands for" they wouldn't have had to allow that would they and keep her ?

The right to free speech is about the govt trying to control or stop speech it does not apply in this case.As a private group,the Miss Universe pageant has their rights as well to only have people they think are what they want to represent their organization image wise.

And on this idea that Liberals or leftitsts whatever you want to call them were protected decades ago ,history says otherwise.Not only were many in hollywood blacklisted but memebers of the communist party were imprisoned.The imprisonment should have been seen as a 1st amendement violation,but the hysteria of the times was such it wasn't.But the blacklisting was never deemed illegal and only public sentiment that it was wrong and some brave people like Kirk Douglas who used Dalton Trumbo's name as screen writer for "spartacus" was what got rid of the blacklists.

Oh and if Larry king is known to be hostile why would she agree to appear.It's not like she was being forced to go on.If she likes she can just fade away and make no more public appearences,her choice.But if she is going to be out there in the public arena ,she better be able to take the heat.:flame::1orglaugh
I don't know why she lost her crown but the pageant as a private entity has every right to strip her of it for a multitude of reasons including expressing views they deem as harmfull to their image.If she had said " I love Osama Bin Laden and everything he stands for" they wouldn't have had to allow that would they and keep her ?

The right to free speech is about the govt trying to control or stop speech it does not apply in this case.As a private group,the Miss Universe pageant has their rights as well to only have people they think are what they want to represent their organization image wise.

And on this idea that Liberals or leftitsts whatever you want to call them were protected decades ago ,history says otherwise.Not only were many in hollywood blacklisted but memebers of the communist party were imprisoned.The imprisonment should have been seen as a 1st amendement violation,but the hysteria of the times was such it wasn't.But the blacklisting was never deemed illegal and only public sentiment that it was wrong and some brave people like Kirk Douglas who used Dalton Trumbo's name as screen writer for "spartacus" was what got rid of the blacklists.

Oh and if Larry king is known to be hostile why would she agree to appear.It's not like she was being forced to go on.If she likes she can just fade away and make no more public appearences,her choice.But if she is going to be out there in the public arena ,she better be able to take the heat.:flame::1orglaugh

While I don't agree with her on gay "marriage", I also think you can't compare support for Jihad with being against gay marriage. Those are not in the same ballpark.

So you don't find it ironic that the so-called Champions of Free Speech when it comes to their art blackballed someone who didn't agree with them? I find that more than a little hypocritical. Many right-leaning actors and others in Hollywood have to hide their beliefs for fear of the same kind of discrimination that lefties did there in the 50's. Freedom to your own opinions and views, unless they are harmful of course, should not be reserved only for those who agree with prevailing opinion... that leads to mob rule and the death of individual rights, and is why the guys who wrote the Constitution sought to protect minorities from the tyranny of public opinion. :2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Carrie Prejean on pornography:

"Unfortunately, pornography has become mainstreamed -- it rushes at us through big screens, portable screens; soft-core porn is on mainstream TV cable stations, hard-core porn is just a mouse click away on the internet, and the envelope of what seems acceptable seems to get pushed farther and farther as more and more people are exposed to this material.

The result is that girls grow up in a culture where it is hard to have an innocent, healthy, normal view of themselves, how they should behave, how they should act, and how they should dress."

Say, when you finger bang yourself in front of a video camera 7 or 8 times and then distribute it to another person, that's not pornography? :confused:

I shouldn't even be asking that question. That's just me being inappropriate again.
The result is that girls grow up in a culture where it is hard to have an innocent, healthy, normal view of themselves, how they should behave, how they should act, and how they should dress.

Can't the same thing be said of beauty pageants?

Of course they aren't as extreme as pornography but I highly doubt little girls are going to be subject to porn at such an early age. It's not the case with these types of pageants, I’m sure there still is an audience of girls out there who watch them when they’re young. Some of whom are even entered into them – some forcibly so. Aren’t the contestants who compete in these events doing exactly the same thing, they're promoting an image of femininity that obviously can't be reached by all. This if taken seriously by some is going to lead to unhealthy obsession at a far younger age than those who are introduced to porn years later. Now, what is doing more damage to the minds and self image of girls in society today and those in the past, pornography or beauty pageants?

The fact that she paraded herself around on stage in just a bikini and that she made a sex tape gives her no room to comment on this issue at all. Her comments do nothing other than make her look like a complete hypocrite.
While I don't agree with her on gay "marriage", I also think you can't compare support for Jihad with being against gay marriage. Those are not in the same ballpark.

So you don't find it ironic that the so-called Champions of Free Speech when it comes to their art blackballed someone who didn't agree with them? I find that more than a little hypocritical. Many right-leaning actors and others in Hollywood have to hide their beliefs for fear of the same kind of discrimination that lefties did there in the 50's. Freedom to your own opinions and views, unless they are harmful of course, should not be reserved only for those who agree with prevailing opinion... that leads to mob rule and the death of individual rights, and is why the guys who wrote the Constitution sought to protect minorities from the tyranny of public opinion. :2 cents:

What you're missing C/S is it's not about what was said in terms what some find's the right of private entities to establish what they deem appropriate representation of their cause.

Sports leagues and organizations sanction their members for far less objectionable language.

The right to free speech simply means the government may not sanction you for most language not directly or proximately injurious to others. Has nothing to do with what private organizations or what the general public finds objectionable and/or ensuing the backlash one may experience as a result of making their private feelings public.:2 cents:

In fairness to Carrie Prejean....the goofy fucking idiot who asked the question apparently presupposed there was only one answer...the one "he" felt appropriate.
While I don't agree with her on gay "marriage", I also think you can't compare support for Jihad with being against gay marriage. Those are not in the same ballpark.

So you don't find it ironic that the so-called Champions of Free Speech when it comes to their art blackballed someone who didn't agree with them? I find that more than a little hypocritical. Many right-leaning actors and others in Hollywood have to hide their beliefs for fear of the same kind of discrimination that lefties did there in the 50's. Freedom to your own opinions and views, unless they are harmful of course, should not be reserved only for those who agree with prevailing opinion... that leads to mob rule and the death of individual rights, and is why the guys who wrote the Constitution sought to protect minorities from the tyranny of public opinion. :2 cents:

I know what you are getting at but you are laying it on a bit too thick. Lives were destroyed by the McCarthyistswho wielded real power. To the best of my knowledge there are no house committees for unhomosexual activities with the power to subpoena a witness for a ritual sacrifice.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
What you're missing C/S is it's not about what was said in terms what some find's the right of private entities to establish what they deem appropriate representation of their cause.

Sports leagues and organizations sanction their members for far less objectionable language.

The right to free speech simply means the government may not sanction you for most language not directly or proximately injurious to others. Has nothing to do with what private organizations or what the general public finds objectionable and/or ensuing the backlash one may experience as a result of making their private feelings public.:2 cents:

In fairness to Carrie Prejean....the goofy fucking idiot who asked the question apparently presupposed there was only one answer...the one "he" felt appropriate.

Wasn't it Perez Hilton that asked the question? He is a goofy fucking idiot.
I love Larry King! Did she expect a TMZ interview? If you go on a serious show, expect some real Q&A and stick to you guns, but she just wilthered away on them. I hope her 5 minutes of fame are over do to a lack of spine.


Hiliary 2020
I love Larry King! Did she expect a TMZ interview? If you go on a serious show, expect some real Q&A and stick to you guns, but she just wilthered away on them. I hope her 5 minutes of fame are over do to a lack of spine.

she obviously doesnt want to talk about the question that the mentally disturbed hate filled homosexual man asked her 7 months ago.
It was also agreed upon not to discuss it or take calls BEFORE the show began.
but that snake zeigler that you love threw that out the window as soon as the cameras went live.
thats what vampires like him do and thats why its impossible to do business with his type.
they'll fuck you in the ass everytime given the chance.
either way he wins.
if she talks about it the sheeple will find a way to trash her, if she doesnt you still find a way.
and both ways the station and ziegler create hate ,divisevness while laughing all the way to the bank, thats been their thing for a thousand years.

1) the lady said 4 times she legally couldnt talk about it, she asked him politely to stop.
2) the girl said she wants to continue school and help the special olympics.

but this society has gotten so twisted and lost that many find something wrong with that.
I'm not defending her, just whats right.
this girl has done nothing wrong.
Where are you getting this "it was agreed upon not to discuss" bullshit?!?!?!?

Do you have a copy of a legal document signed by Larry King?!?!?



Hiliary 2020
she said she couldnt talk about it because it was a legal agreement not to discuss it.
Would you sacrifice your money to answer a question from him?
What she said was agreed upon beforehand was no calls.
King said he didnt know.
Funny how the first call which she didnt even hear was a gay man asking her opinion about a gay issue, a setup.
but no, i dont have the legal contract.
she wasnt there to talk about gay marriage, dont you think her people would stipulate that beforehand?
whatever, you want to find fault with her behavior go ahead.
I find fault with zeiglers trashy sneaky tactics.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
this girl has done nothing wrong.

Well, she does tend to lie an awful lot.

Every contestant who enters the Miss California pageant, including Carrie Prejean, must sign a statement confirming they have never appeared in any nude or semi-nude photos or videotapes.

^ That and she apparently tried to get Mr. Ex-boyfriend to lie about how old she was in her finger banging videos, so no one could make an issue of them. And now it seems she *may* have been lying about the agreement she supposedly had with the Larry King show.

When this first became an issue back in May, I actually defended her right to speak her mind on another board. But all I can see from her now is one lie after another.