Carrie Prejean meltdown on Larry King


Official Checked Star Member
I don't think she did anything wrong in the Larry King interview, especially since he was asking questions he knew he wasn't to ask.

However, this girl IS a dumb bitch. A lying, hypocritical one at that. You can't write a book, preach to the world about your views and project yourself as a good Christian girl....when you're really just a slut who's trying to make a few bucks. She's as transparent as clingwrap and needs to step off her 15 minutes of fame before her ex see's the opportunity in all of this and makes millions off her sextapes.
I saw Jay Leno get interviewed about his time on the Tonight show. He mentioned some no mark celeb who was going to come on the show (I can't for the life of me remember which one). Just before the show her manager was making noises about the fact that she won't answering this or that question about her scandal and Leno's producers told them flatout that the scandal was the reason they were on the show in the first place, so tehy had better get used to it.

Larry King has been doing this shit since the Trueman administration. It is a little cute to pretend to be all surprised by his schtick. The Larry King show is generally seen as a very soft option for people hawking product. Did Ms Prejean mistake this mildly inquizative format for an infomercial?
Her next gig will be on this show:

Carrie will present the Word of the Day:


Hope she doesn't try to use Bert's head as a dildo.


Post of the Month :hatsoff:


Hope she doesn't try to use Bert's head as a dildo.

Fistin' is said to be real hott these days, why not Ernesto's ? :bowdown:

While all of that is going on she could tie shoelaces together w/ Mr Rogers while...... 'better not :nono:
However, this girl IS a dumb bitch. A lying, hypocritical one at that. You can't write a book, preach to the world about your views and project yourself as a good Christian girl....when you're really just a slut who's trying to make a few bucks. She's as transparent as clingwrap and needs to step off her 15 minutes of fame before her ex see's the opportunity in all of this and makes millions off her sextapes.

I could not add anything more to this. Perfectly sums up my thoughts. She's so out-of-her-league and in love with herself and fame that I don't even feel like making a comment about how she's just the latest person to kiss up to the Nascar demo and flog merch at them....while pretending to be one of these --> :angels:
What's the big deal? Most people against gay marriage are just like her...they can fornicate, cheat, divorce, have kids out of the wedlock, etc...but heaven forbid two people of the same sex want to be together and have the same rights given to those in straight relationships.:rolleyes:
A lot of these pharisaical people often use "god" as their excuse. Men created God in their image, and boy is he homophobic!!!:1orglaugh


Hiliary 2020
ah you people, some of you hate her because she thinks marraige is for men/women, even though she is not against homosexuality.
some of you hate her simply because she has apparent conservative views on life.
most people simply hate her because they are following the herd and dont even know why they hate her.
The extreme libs created her fame, be it as flash in the pan as it might be, by asking her that question that had no business being asked in a beauty pageant in the first place.
At least she answered honestly.
Now people are basking in the hatred as if its some sort of feel good drug for you all,

mega no ones falling for anything, its the liberal media that are keeping her batteries charged, just to make money and promote hatred for those who dont share their opinion.

sex tape? dont know much about it but alot of people on this board praise some rich bitch with a horrible attitude fucking some degenerate because its in fashion and other chics who fuck for money but for some reason you got a problem with this girl and nobodys even seen the tapes yet.
I got a bunch of videos with ex girlfriends, are they stupid ignorant sluts too?
fuckin hypocrites, another reason i se no hope for the future of that place.
ignorance, its like a contageous disease.
ah you people, some of you hate her because she thinks marraige is for men/women, even though she is not against homosexuality.
some of you hate her simply because she has apparent conservative views on life.
most people simply hate her because they are following the herd and dont even know why they hate her.
The extreme libs created her fame, be it as flash in the pan as it might be, by asking her that question that had no business being asked in a beauty pageant in the first place.
At least she answered honestly.
Now people are basking in the hatred as if its some sort of feel good drug for you all,

mega no ones falling for anything, its the liberal media that are keeping her batteries charged, just to make money and promote hatred for those who dont share their opinion.

sex tape? dont know much about it but alot of people on this board praise some rich bitch with a horrible attitude fucking some degenerate because its in fashion and other chics who fuck for money but for some reason you got a problem with this girl and nobodys even seen the tapes yet.
I got a bunch of videos with ex girlfriends, are they stupid ignorant sluts too?
fuckin hypocrites, another reason i se no hope for the future of that place.
ignorance, its like a contageous disease.

Darling, that witch casted a spell on you:crash: I don't see the big deal either....most Americans are just like her...against gay marriage in the name of the Lord, but fornication, etc. AHHHHHMEN!!:D
ah you people, some of you hate her because she thinks marraige is for men/women, even though she is not against homosexuality.
some of you hate her simply because she has apparent conservative views on life.
most people simply hate her because they are following the herd and dont even know why they hate her.
The extreme libs created her fame, be it as flash in the pan as it might be, by asking her that question that had no business being asked in a beauty pageant in the first place.
At least she answered honestly.
Now people are basking in the hatred as if its some sort of feel good drug for you all,

mega no ones falling for anything, its the liberal media that are keeping her batteries charged, just to make money and promote hatred for those who dont share their opinion.

sex tape? dont know much about it but alot of people on this board praise some rich bitch with a horrible attitude fucking some degenerate because its in fashion and other chics who fuck for money but for some reason you got a problem with this girl and nobodys even seen the tapes yet.
I got a bunch of videos with ex girlfriends, are they stupid ignorant sluts too?
fuckin hypocrites, another reason i se no hope for the future of that place.
ignorance, its like a contageous disease.

Carrie Prejean is in the news today because she's attempting to defend herself. In so doing however, she's representing herself as some type of puritan or at minimum old fashioned, conservative girl.

More and more she's appearing to be in reality a typical new school, attention seeking slut.

GOPers are buying a wholesome image of some a-typical young beauty of high moral standards and values. Some of the people who know her seem to know her as a lying, manipulative woman who likes to make videos of herself engaging in sex acts.

That is recognized as at minimum a contradiction between public Prejean and private Prejean. When what do in private doesn't match what you present in public you're typically viewed as a hypocrite and not credible. A fact that is meaningless unless you expect people to listen to you and/or take what you say serious.

People don't have a problem when others are who they represent....there's no hypocrisy nor contradiction there. Porn chicks don't tend to hold themselves out as puritans or moralists so what's the contradicting circumstance with a person watching porn chicks ply themselves in their trade?

There are some that probably don't look favorably on her for one reason or another but she's not doing a very good job of acquitting herself.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Funny thing is...she's way more famous now because she lost the pageant than she ever would've been had she won. Does anyone remember the name of the girl who won? I didn't think so.

Still...she's a stupid cunt who needs to shut the fuck up and stop playing the victim.


She is a victim. She was asked a question in a pageant and answered honestly. People threw a bitch fit because they didn't like her answer. It is stupid that people target her for her beliefs. :2 cents:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I don't think she did anything wrong in the Larry King interview, especially since he was asking questions he knew he wasn't to ask.

However, this girl IS a dumb bitch. A lying, hypocritical one at that. You can't write a book, preach to the world about your views and project yourself as a good Christian girl....when you're really just a slut who's trying to make a few bucks. She's as transparent as clingwrap and needs to step off her 15 minutes of fame before her ex see's the opportunity in all of this and makes millions off her sextapes.

How is she a dumb bitch? Half the people in porn talk about how they are Christians and believe in God. Then they turn around and do sex acts for money. Nothing she has done has made her a slut. Wow there is a tape of herself masterbating that she made for her boyfriend when she was 18 or 19. In case you haven't noticed junior high and high schools kids are taking racy pics and video's and posting them online or sending them out in texts. That doesn't make them sluts, that makes them idiots. You work in an industry where everyone wants to be seen and known. :2 cents:
I think you're forgetting the chain of events, JaneB. She violated terms of the pageant regarding photos she took as a 17 yr old SoCal model. Now we know that the photos were the first step of her filming her sexuality--she went toward private sex tapes, which I grant she never thought would get released--she answered a question honestly but grossly out of touch with a tolerant, all-inclusive image of a beauty queen, blamed others for her failure to win (how American), and then, when the photos came out, she "converted" to become a champion of "Christian values"? How convenient.

Haven't we seen enough of nitwits forcing their morality down the throats of the masses all while *hoping* that their own skeletons remain in the closet?

Basically, the sex tapes should be the last straw. She is just an attention whore now and if the media will go back to giving us the Jon & Kate updates we so desperately need , maybe we can all get on with our lives...:dunno:
I don't agree with her social views, but Larry King was being a total asshole to her on his show. I would have walked sooner. Actually, I didn't like her before I saw that, but when I saw how he was treating her it made me have sympathy for her.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I think you're forgetting the chain of events, JaneB. She violated terms of the pageant regarding photos she took as a 17 yr old SoCal model. Now we know that the photos were the first step of her filming her sexuality--she went toward private sex tapes, which I grant she never thought would get released--she answered a question honestly but grossly out of touch with a tolerant, all-inclusive image of a beauty queen, blamed others for her failure to win (how American), and then, when the photos came out, she "converted" to become a champion of "Christian values"? How convenient.

Haven't we seen enough of nitwits forcing their morality down the throats of the masses all while *hoping* that their own skeletons remain in the closet?

Basically, the sex tapes should be the last straw. She is just an attention whore now and if the media will go back to giving us the Jon & Kate updates we so desperately need , maybe we can all get on with our lives...:dunno:

Like I said teenagers do stupid things. That doesn't make you a slut. All I have heard of was one sex tape and frankly it doesn't sound like a very good one. Lacking good judgement does not make you a slut or a whore. How was her answer grossly out of touch for a beauty queen? Plenty of Americans agree with her answer. I don't, but I have no problem with other people's beliefs. This story blew up because people didn't like what she had to say.

There are a lot of attention seeking people in this world. If you don't like it don't read the stories, buy their books, or post about them on a forum. :2 cents:
I didn't say she's a slut. I have no problem with her trying to model or making a tape she probably thought wouldn't see the light of day. Or maybe she did. Sex sells, right?

I have a problem with her being a deceptive person and now she's trying to appeal to the Joe the Plumber/Palin/Teabagger crowd?

What else can we do but vent publicly? The media won't let her fade away....we are a celebrity-obsessed culture, but can't we obsess over REAL CELEBRITIES who actually do interesting stuff?
I didn't say she's a slut. I have no problem with her trying to model or making a tape she probably thought wouldn't see the light of day. Or maybe she did. Sex sells, right?

I have a problem with her being a deceptive person and now she's trying to appeal to the Joe the Plumber/Palin/Teabagger crowd?

What else can we do but vent publicly? The media won't let her fade away....we are a celebrity-obsessed culture, but can't we obsess over REAL CELEBRITIES who actually do interesting stuff?
Who cares? It is her right to appeal to whoever she wants. They have the right to accept or reject it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Go for it, Carrie! :nanner:

Porn Kings Trying to Release Prejean Sex Tape
Posted Nov 13th 2009 5:33PM by TMZ Staff

The world's largest porn company has obtained a copy of the Carrie Prejean solo sex tape -- and TMZ has learned they're desperately trying to release it.

The porn company -- Vivid Entertainment -- tells us they obtained the tape legally, but they want Carrie to sign off on it personally before it goes wide. Good luck with that...

As TMZ first reported, the solo sex tape was played in front of several people during settlement negotiations between Prejean and the Miss USA Pageant just a few weeks ago. Once Prejean saw the tape, she instantly dropped her $1 million demand.

For the record, TMZ has had the tape for weeks, but elected not to publish it -- and we have not disseminated it.

Vivid Prez Steven Hirsch tells TMZ, "The third party that brought the tape to Vivid affirmed that she was over 18 years of age at the time it was made."