Really! Don't put words in my mouth pls. I only talked about animals being killed
as a religious practice in a very well-established religion. And under our constitution, all religions are supposed to be equal, right? So what in your mind makes one religious practice any more legitimate than another? If the government sanctions poligamy, because it is a a religious practice, what is to stop it from sactioning other marriage arrangements that are
religious in nature? If anything, the slippery slope pandora's box goes more with what you brought up, religous poligamy, than with the
secular case for gay marriage.
But then again, I also stated that those same arguments were used when there was the debate about interracial marriage in this country. But obviously you choose to dismiss it because it doesn't suit your great deal of support for mescegenation, something the vast majority of Americans disagreed in the past.
This is getting silly now, picking things out of context, while dismissing everything else that was said. I further explained about the fact that straight mormons can still enjoy the benefits that come with being married to a person they can actually have sex with and be in love with, which is not the case for gays.
In the case of paedophilia and bestiality, the state has a legitimate interest in banning such marriages. To protect kids from abuse (rape), and c'mon, we all know animals can't agree to marriage. What is your logic? That you would could even think about that as a valid notion would be laughable if it wasn't a pathetic case of fear-mongering.
Then again, if you have to argue that gay marriage
might be wrong, because it
might lead to X and Y. It becomes pretty obvious you don't have a case against gay marriage itself. Which is not a good enough reason to deny them equality under secular law. Also, since you are not so fond to studying history it seems, it might help looking at the Netherlands, for example. After nearly a decade of same sex marriage being allowed, the country doesn't find marrying kids or animals any more acceptable than they did before SS marriage was allowed.