Can You Watch This Entire Vid (< 2mins.) Without Laughing or Vomiting??

I always expect Glen Beck to break down crying, and he was so close!

C'mon Glen cry!!!!

As for the ad, wow I actually think they believe what they're saying :rolleyes:
I had to laugh. I watch BBC World News if i want to know what's going on. It's about the only News program that doesn't have a political agenda.
Enjoy socialism Libs! Your going to get what you voted for.:thefinger

Actually, I'm NOT a liberal, I'm more to the left than that.

Further, if you think that Obama is giving us socialism that only exposes your own ignorance. Look up any genuinely, openly socialist group. Most, if not all, of them have serious, fundamental problems with Obama. Just because someone is not as far to the right as Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc. doesn't mean they're socialist. Get real.

In any case, you're pretty cocky, a 3-post newb coming on here and flipping people off.
