Best Video Games of 2006

The year isn't quite over yet , but since there isn't any more big games coming out untill 2007 then I tought it would be a great moment to ask the question what is your best game ( or games ) of 2006 ?

Here are mine in no particular order

Gears Of War
Test Drive Unlimited
The Elder Scroll IV : Oblivion
For me it would have to be (in no particular order):

God of War
Burnout Revenge
Lego Star Wars 2


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Rise of Legends
and all the latest WW2 action and sim games. I honestly cant tell one from the other. Band of Call of Medal of Battlefield: World War 2.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'll say Gears of War, though I've never played it, I've found some gameplay footage on the net and it looks fuckin sick! As does F.E.A.R.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'll say Gears of War, though I've never played it, I've found some gameplay footage on the net and it looks fuckin sick! As does F.E.A.R.

Gears of War is like mixing Half Life 2, Halo 2 and Goldeneye altogether. Its got the kickass enemies *WITH* interesting and excellent ways to kill and be killed by them(A la HL2) great visuals.. and multiplayer that would make hardcore goldeneye buffs nut spontaneously.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Gears of War is like mixing Half Life 2, Halo 2 and Goldeneye altogether. Its got the kickass enemies *WITH* interesting and excellent ways to kill and be killed by them(A la HL2) great visuals.. and multiplayer that would make hardcore goldeneye buffs nut spontaneously.

you refering to golden eye from N64? I used to LOVE 4 player split screen on that!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
you refering to golden eye from N64? I used to LOVE 4 player split screen on that!

It was quite awesome, indeed! To think I settled for a 20 inch screen running at the 512x384 N64 resolution...

These days I could run it at 1280 res on a 30ish inch TV using USB controllers... 'cept everyone has jobs and lives now and wont play goldeneye with me for hours on end. Man, back in the day.. slappers only.. golden guns..always Natalya Simonova with the solitaire control setup. I was wicked in that game.

Ya know what sucks? I havent played a decent bond game, since. HOW COULD THEY GO WRONG?!?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yep that game pwned all other FPS games since. Best FPS ever IMHO! The game itself sucked but the multiplayer was just tits!
I forget what the gun was called but we used to call it the "hose cannon"! RCP somethin or nuther I think. I could kill a weekend, playin that game with friends, stoned the entire time! Great times, great times! Ah life was so much simpler back then!
^RCP90. I loved that game. It was so simple, and me and my friends spent so much time on it. Not a heap of options or stats or anything to keep just good solid fun.
madden is always a topper
My pick is New Super Mario Bros. (DS), and I also liked Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin (DS), Oblivion (360), and Dead Rising (360) as well. Didn't get a chance to try out Zelda: Twilight Princess or Gears of War though.
The F.E.A.R. Extraction Point was very good and little short though...
The original is First Rate!!! Check it out, it the best FSP I think!

PC, Xbox 360, PS3


Gears of War.
Resistance: Fall of Man.