I could also add as far as data transmission goes that people who engineer, plan, build and maintain all of that must do the worst jobs within each of those companies, and that's saying something considering how crappy the rest what they do is run.
I have yet to see anything run smoothly data wise, especially outside of an area of relatively high population density. Not only do people pay too much for what they get, they usually don't even get the services that are implied to them. I have heard so much of what goes wrong with the entire system. At least with a normal cellular phone call you just get dropped. When you add in everything from ridiculously slow transmission rates (sometimes, actually make that often, despite a strong signal) from what you should have or even what you were promised, weak fluctuating signals, dropped transmissions during potentially critical downloads, shoddy sharing of towers and networks, small data caps, a ridiculous amount of downtime with the data or software components of the system sometimes where whole districts can go down, and retooling the hardware components because they don't plan ahead well or don't know what they are going to do it takes it to a whole new level.
Telecommunication companies also seem the most apathetic companies in the country when it comes to properly expanding service or even serving the people they already cover adequately, except when they want some government grant, subsidized infrastructure, deregulation, or good PR then they will lie and still not end up doing it. They are very good at making excuses. Where once the US lead the world there are a lot of countries that now perform much better than us. They are also good at lobbying, not only national government, but also local ones whenever their hold on power might be threatened.
After all that I have yet to even mention customer service, oh God the customer service they have. They must run schools somewhere on how to maintain the worst customer service possible. It’s some of the worst among any type of industry, and again that saying something.