Sometimes I don't know why I bother :dunno:
If you'd given my post a little more thought, you can clearly see that "My Right" is the same as "your Right" and also the same as the "Idiot on the street's Right".
Individual rights are just that - individual rights.
The beauty of the system is that you can choose to exercise your right, or not. There is no compulsion. That is what makes us a free society.
In other words - it is your right to own weapons. That you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you.
Similarly - watching porn is your right. That you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you.
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is (and yes, shooting heroin and snorting coke should also be) you right. That you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you.
So on and so forth.
I've also asked before: If the "we" decide that owning firearms is legal and approved, would you back it then? Thousands of counties throughout the United States approve of firearms, yet you insist on overturning the decisions of those "we". Why?
You keep talking about the "community" - yet ignore the basic, building block of the community - the individual.
You keep insisting that "the we" should come before the "I" - and I (as well as others) have repeatedly asked you ---- what if your "we" decide "slavery should be allowed"? What then? Or what if you live in a predominantly "white" neighborhood and the folks that live there (the "we") decide that the likes of "people of color" (which would include you) are not welcome and to kick you out?
The "we" of the United States also say that Gay Marriage should be banned - do you support the "we" now? The "we" of the US also want to ban flag burning - do I hear you supporting them?
As I said before - a forest cannot exist without it's individual constituent trees. People seem to have learned nothing from the disasters of those systems which sought to promote 'communal harmony' over 'individual liberty' From the ancient history of Plato's "Republic" to modern day fascism and communism - the lesson has repeated time and time again: If all that matters is what the we/community think and not the individual - what constitutes crime and punishment? Or morality and ethics for that matter?
This has nothing to do with "slavery" and "past slaves" or South Africa for that matter.
Any man who is not "free" is a "slave".
A free man controls his destiny and has his rights. A slave doesn't.
Pure and simple.
I could no doubt expand further but it would be utterly pointless.
And a complete waste of my precious time.
If you delved less in hyperbole and stopped looking for a hidden argument where none exist - You Might understand my posts better.
And save us both a lot of grief in the process.
Fox, this is actually the first response where I have quoted you directly in some months now - for precisely this reason. The previous times I may have referred to your post - I wasn't addressing you... but your post/argument (hence why I didn't quote you by name).
If you want to continue being obtuse and pedantic - it's your choice.Posts that go "I... I... I... my... I..." well, if that's not selfish, then what? OK, so we know it's all about *your* rights, but what about the rights of the community around you to set their own standards for a safe and liveable environment. That's why it should not be up to you - or the constitution - or the idiot on the street - whether guns and bombs and narcotics and chemical weapons are legal. It should be up to the community to decide on their own standards. "I" never speaks as loudly as "we" no matter how many times you say it.
If you'd given my post a little more thought, you can clearly see that "My Right" is the same as "your Right" and also the same as the "Idiot on the street's Right".
Individual rights are just that - individual rights.
The beauty of the system is that you can choose to exercise your right, or not. There is no compulsion. That is what makes us a free society.
In other words - it is your right to own weapons. That you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you.
Similarly - watching porn is your right. That you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you.
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is (and yes, shooting heroin and snorting coke should also be) you right. That you choose to do so or not is entirely up to you.
So on and so forth.
I've also asked before: If the "we" decide that owning firearms is legal and approved, would you back it then? Thousands of counties throughout the United States approve of firearms, yet you insist on overturning the decisions of those "we". Why?
You keep talking about the "community" - yet ignore the basic, building block of the community - the individual.
You keep insisting that "the we" should come before the "I" - and I (as well as others) have repeatedly asked you ---- what if your "we" decide "slavery should be allowed"? What then? Or what if you live in a predominantly "white" neighborhood and the folks that live there (the "we") decide that the likes of "people of color" (which would include you) are not welcome and to kick you out?
The "we" of the United States also say that Gay Marriage should be banned - do you support the "we" now? The "we" of the US also want to ban flag burning - do I hear you supporting them?
As I said before - a forest cannot exist without it's individual constituent trees. People seem to have learned nothing from the disasters of those systems which sought to promote 'communal harmony' over 'individual liberty' From the ancient history of Plato's "Republic" to modern day fascism and communism - the lesson has repeated time and time again: If all that matters is what the we/community think and not the individual - what constitutes crime and punishment? Or morality and ethics for that matter?
If you understood the ethical difference between a "right" and a "privilege", you would not have wasted time writing that paragraph.Another thing: attributing dirty and animal-like characteristics "grubby little paws" to your respectful opposition and comparing whether guns should be legal or not to slavery or serfdom is obnoxiously disrespectful a <snip> f. Hypocrisy to the core.:thumbsup:
This has nothing to do with "slavery" and "past slaves" or South Africa for that matter.
Any man who is not "free" is a "slave".
A free man controls his destiny and has his rights. A slave doesn't.
Pure and simple.
I could no doubt expand further but it would be utterly pointless.
And a complete waste of my precious time.
If you delved less in hyperbole and stopped looking for a hidden argument where none exist - You Might understand my posts better.
And save us both a lot of grief in the process.
Fox, this is actually the first response where I have quoted you directly in some months now - for precisely this reason. The previous times I may have referred to your post - I wasn't addressing you... but your post/argument (hence why I didn't quote you by name).