Will do Petra. I just took offense to his Cuban remarks since I am Cuban and he knew that when he posted that. :thumbsup:
Not sure why...I didn't say anything demeaning nor derisive. I stated quite correctly in the context of this discussion...to the degree that Cuban Americans have a political agenda..it is generally to get other Americans to give a shit about communism in Cuba.
WASHINGTON - WASHINGTON—Fidel Castro's exit from the world stage—an eventuality that gained renewed urgency with his relinquishing of presidential power last week—could shake up decades of Republican dominance among Cuban-American voters.
South Florida's large Cuban-American population has long been one of the party's most loyal constituencies, rallied to political events by cries of "Cuba si, Castro no." At least 8 in 10 of Florida's nearly half-million Cuban-American voters backed President Bush in 2000, when he won the state by just 537 votes, though a survey after the 2004 election showed a slip.
But as the number of hard-line exiles declines—replaced by second- and third-generation Cuban-Americans, who polls show are more concerned with pocketbook issues than foreign policy—some suggest that the loss of Castro's visage could erode the potency of the voting bloc.
Continued at link.....
Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2006/08/04/14502/cuban-americans-become-a-less.html#ixzz0mTDBEYoi