Anyone looking forward to Dead Rising 2?

I kind of am.

I hope they bring back the photography part of the game because with it being set in "Vegas" you know there are going to be tourist cameras at least. So far, I see there is no photography.

Supposedly 7,000 zombies are to be on screen. Combination of weapons (a dirtbike with chainsaws attached to the handlebars?) and seemingly decent array of vehicles this time around.

Personally it looks decent. They changed the save system to appease to the people who didn't know how to work the first one. I wish they would have kept the original save system.

What you think about the sequel to Dead Rising?

:2 cents: :2 cents: :2 cents:
To be honest I havent even seen any trailers or anything to it yet but I am sure it will be a good game like the first one and definitely one I will pick up and try
Am I looking forward to this game?. Not really. No.

The bastards still have that shitty time limit feature in the storymode in DR2. That is what ruined the game for me most of all. It didn't allow you to free roam and go on a killing spree till you were bored, then do storymode missions. You had to do things within a certain time frame to get the good ending. Otherwise it was time to re-start the game and try again.

We all know how bad the save system on the first one was, so no need to mention that. And even if they fix that this time round, the fact there's a time limit like in the first one, well that's enough to put me off the game.

This whole earning exp points to upgrade your health bar so you can see the end of the game thing is a shit idea as well. As I saw the start of DR several times before I even saw the end once. Do you realise how repetitive that was for me. It's a morale killer. The game [DR] feels like a chore. And chores suck.

A full health bar at the start [not four small bars and the rest need to be unlocked] and a no time limit and a decent save system is what this game series needs. Nothing else. Just those things.
You can free roam if you run out of time, and on top of that you will see one of the different endings. You have to level up if you want to get far, it was designed for many replays, that is why it's so short of a storyline.

The saving isn't bad either. Once you save you have two options: quit and return to title screen and that will have you start a whole new game; continue the game, of which you can turn the system off or return to the dashboard, and be able to return to that particular part you just saved during.

You aren't going to do everything at levels between 1-5. You going have to level up to be able to escort multiple survivors and protect them at the same time. Once you get high up in levels you go through those zombies and bosses, even the special forces, like a hot knife through butter.

Time limit isn't all that bad if you know how to manage your time properly. At low levels, though, you just aren't going to do everything, it was not designed for that. This game is not a watered down, easy casual game. Which is probably why so many people dislike it, it provides a challenge. Well, at first, until you get high up in levels and then it becomes easy.

However, as for Dead Rising 2, I am kind of mixed on it. Dead rising wasn't all that hard. Just people seemed to not take the time to understand the mechanics behind it, so immediately hated it because it had no checkpoints and held their hand during the game.

Hopefully Dead Rising 2 delivers, though. Going miss Frank West I know that. This Chuck guy... hmmm.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I never played the first one so no.
It needs to be like GTA and Saints Row. Meaning that it needs to be free roam with no restrictions, so as you do what you want, when you want. If it did that, it would be good. But it didn't do that and neither is the sequel, it is just giving us more of what the first one gave us. Which is basically you watching paint dry with a controller in your hand.

The flaws far outweight the positive points. So sugar coat it how you like if it makes you sleep easier at night, it wont change a thing, as the game will still be shit at the end of the day. Dead Rising is broken on so many levels that it's not funny. And them keeping the biggest flaw from the first one [the time limit] for the sequel, well, that just isn't a wise move.

The most painful part of Dead Rising is the price tag. It was around forty pounds when it first came out. It isn't even worth ten pounds from the second hand section of the game shop. Hate doesn't come from nowhere, there is good and valid reason why most people dislike the first DR game. Only some live in denial of that. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

Why is it some developers try and fix what isn't broken and others dont try and fix what is broken.
I am looking forward to it. Although I wait for it to go cheap first as I will most likely not have any money for it.

I enjoyed the first one alot even if I only played abit of it.
Am I looking forward to this game?. Not really. No.

The bastards still have that shitty time limit feature in the storymode in DR2. That is what ruined the game for me most of all. It didn't allow you to free roam and go on a killing spree till you were bored, then do storymode missions. You had to do things within a certain time frame to get the good ending. Otherwise it was time to re-start the game and try again.

We all know how bad the save system on the first one was, so no need to mention that. And even if they fix that this time round, the fact there's a time limit like in the first one, well that's enough to put me off the game.

This whole earning exp points to upgrade your health bar so you can see the end of the game thing is a shit idea as well. As I saw the start of DR several times before I even saw the end once. Do you realise how repetitive that was for me. It's a morale killer. The game [DR] feels like a chore. And chores suck.

A full health bar at the start [not four small bars and the rest need to be unlocked] and a no time limit and a decent save system is what this game series needs. Nothing else. Just those things.
Totally agree. The game was a great idea but a wasted opportunity.
I don't think people really understand storylines. They complain all day. "I hated that feature". If the game's storyline is timed, the game is timed. Anyway, I'm very excited for the sequel. The weapon customizing feature looks amazing and the setting looks to be freshly unique. I hope the psychopaths are in it and hopefully equal to better upgrade system.
This game is flying under the radar quite a bit for a sequel to a notoriously fun and well reviewed game. I think its gonna be a big surprise how insanely good this game turns out..........
This game is flying under the radar quite a bit for a sequel to a notoriously fun and well reviewed game. I think its gonna be a big surprise how insanely good this game turns out..........

Agreed. For such a critically acclaimed game, it sure is getting next to no attention.
The only problem I had with the first one was how stupid the survivors could be, until I learned to equip them with weapons that would kill zombies in one hit: kitana, machete, chainsaw, and battle axe. Just clear a path and direct them to the clear spot and make sure to stick close to them and slice a pathway to whatever door you're headed to. Simple as that.

I hope the second one stays the same regarding time limit and one save. It added a challenge. The game is meant to be played multiple times, you won't play the same way each time, there is so much to see, do and try out.

I just hope the second one delivers and sticks to what made the first one so great. the addition to more vehicles seems nice; variety of weapons, and, most of all, hope the new main character will be cool and not a loser.

It is unknown too about whether there will be photography. Because developer said it is not always going to be photo journalists that survive a zombie outbreak. Given the city it is set in you know there will be a lot of tourist cameras and all that available, so hopefully they will not completely do away with it. I like taking pictures ^_^
The only problem I had with the first one was how stupid the survivors could be, until I learned to equip them with weapons that would kill zombies in one hit: kitana, machete, chainsaw, and battle axe. Just clear a path and direct them to the clear spot and make sure to stick close to them and slice a pathway to whatever door you're headed to. Simple as that.

I hope the second one stays the same regarding time limit and one save. It added a challenge. The game is meant to be played multiple times, you won't play the same way each time, there is so much to see, do and try out.

I just hope the second one delivers and sticks to what made the first one so great. the addition to more vehicles seems nice; variety of weapons, and, most of all, hope the new main character will be cool and not a loser.

It is unknown too about whether there will be photography. Because developer said it is not always going to be photo journalists that survive a zombie outbreak. Given the city it is set in you know there will be a lot of tourist cameras and all that available, so hopefully they will not completely do away with it. I like taking pictures ^_^

Yeah, the AI was difficult at times, but the overall gameplay was really, really good, which makes the case so much more puzzling.