James Toney is never going to shut up. Call JT what you want, but don't call him a pussy... fact still remains, he's the only boxer to actually go this route, especially amongst those who talked shit. Also, he still has yet to be knocked out, neither Holyfield or RJJ was able to do the job.
JT lives anyone, anytime, anywhere... no matter what. I, more or less, lost some respect for Couture in this one. Here's a man in JT who knows he was out of shape, hadn't been boxing, and he comes to your world as a man ready to fight your style, in your back yard, and you don't even at least attempt to show you stand up skills. You bill yourself as an all-around fighter, but didn't fight an all-around fight. Show some respect to the warrior that came in even when there are MMA fighters that back down from fights with you. In the end, Couture didn't break JT. In fact, Toney was generally unfazed and undamaged by the loss. That fight didn't really do anything for anyone, at all. Period.