Anthony Bourdain versus Andrew Zimmern


I have to go with Anthony Bourdain due to I like how his show shows a lot of the culture it has a mix of Travel Channel and Food Network in it. Andrew Zimmern has the crazy different foods that I like. And would love to try. For me I have to go with Anthony Bourdain.

Though I wish he'd stay out of the public political arena and just stick with food and showing different countries and cultures.
I like Zimmern. His show is like a culinary splatter & gore movie. I just saw him the other day eating a bull's penis in Vietnam. He apparently liked it. Although his descriptions are a wee bit monotonous. Everything unclassifiably disgusting tastes "nutty". :dunno:
I like both shows, but I appreciate Zimmern's more because he takes on more while traveling. Bourdain seems inconvenienced at times while abroad, which is funny sometimes and plain annoying other times.
I could have indeed set up as a poll. This however gets responses this way. Not every versus thread has to be a poll. Don't be lazy and type something. If not move on.
Bourdain, no contest. Bourdain is basically a culture warrior who imparts information necessary for all americans to shed the stigma of the "Ugly American" or the "American Boor" whenever we travel abroad :o

I actually want to go to Singapore specifically because of watching No Reservations Singapore...looks like a great culinary paradise. Same with Spain...
Anthony, because he can be funny @ times, and he love pork.


Actually I like both shows, but for me Bizarre Foods is way more entertaining and funnier, because IMO Bourdain sees himself as some kind of rock'n'roll bad boy while coming across as a big douche. But...his show is okay, gotta admit that, though Zimmern is funny while being crazy.

So Andrew Zimmern for me...:glugglug:


Member, you member...
Bourdain - he eats strange stuff sometimes, but not every show he is eating bugs and pig nostrils.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
See I am waiting for Zimmerman to go all cannibal on Bourdain, and Zimmerman might as well cook up that twat who does Man vs. Food, what's his fucking name??? Or as I like to call him the poor mans Guy Fieri.
Zimmern. He's got nicer boobs.