My younger brother is also into this doom and gloom outlook of the near future. He listens everyday to Alex Jones and truly believes that the US is going to hell in a hand basket. My brother now has a very negative vibe about him, he has lost the few friends he had, he would try to shove all the Alex Jones rhetoric down their throats to the point of yelling and getting angry at those who wanted to change the subject. My older brother has made the comment that he would not be surprised if we find our brother dead one day. He really worries me also.
All we need to know about Alex Jones is Y2K and epic fail... remember Y2K and all of the fear mongering late night talk radio type salesmen who successfully made millions upon millions of dollars selling gas masks, MREs, 25 gallon plastic water containers, 100 pack batteries, flashlights, tents (and various and sundry camping gear), non genetically altered fruit and veggie seeds? AHHHHHHHHHH! The sky is falling! At the drop of a large ball in Manhattan, planes will begin falling from the sky, our power will go out and everybody will have to fend for themselves! Why, before long, we'll have to cannibalize our fellow man until there's no bodies left to eat! :eek:
... not that I don't have 6x5 gallon tanks of propane, 2 X 90 days worth of sustainable food and h2º and a bajillion rounds of 12ga., .40 S & W, .45ACP, .380 & 7.62 x 51mm (.308 Winny) on hand in the event that the iranians launch an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapon/rocket or two simultaneously (from virtually any contracted ocean freighter 100 miles off shore on both the east and west coasts, but geesh, I'm not about to lose my mind over the prospect of it happening!
EP Mayor, tell your brother to chill and that Alex is simply a businessman who uses his First Amendment rights as a vehicle to enhance his personal gain, nothing more, nothing less.