>>> Another Rep Point Update

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Retired Mod
Here is a Mods opinion. Set only the members Rep to zero, who posted in the thread "I'd give Rep to the member above me" more than one time. There is no greater artificial increase in rep points then those gained from this thread. That's assuming that rep points is no more than a game and really matters, which I don't think they do personally.
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Well, I just bought two pairs of underwear that probably won't fit, so I could cash out myfreeones points before they vanished. :( Anyway, like Georges I want to see this "feedback" that's prompted these decisions. No names attached, just the complaints that rocked the boat. If you don't have it, just admit it's a unilateral decision and we can all move on.
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Personally I feel that I've worked hard to earn my post count and MYFO points and would definitely not want to see them go to 0. As far as the rep system goes, I happen to like the comments that I've gotten from members here. I don't give out a lot of rep myself but if I see a post that I believe absolutely earned it, whether positive or negative, then I rep them. That's what I always thought the rep system was for. I do understand that some newer members see this as a popularity contest and try to get more rep points than actual post count but I think they are in the minority. Why punish the majority who actually contribute to the board because of the minority?:dunno: I don't mind the rep system going back to 0 and then putting some restrictions on it but I would like to keep my post count and MYFO points.
First, I have to admit to posting the infamous rep thread in games.

Haven't been there for a while, though, at least that I remember.

Why not just delete any rep that people have gotten from that thread (if applicable), and let's all go on our merry way.
whatever hehe...as long as # of posts don't go to 0...i wanna get my freeones shirt dammit!:D
I've never spent a single My Freeones point ever. It also never mattered that much about what my rep level was so it doesn't bother me. :dunno:


IMO there should be no rep, noone uses it fir what it is meant to be used for
Here is a Mods opinion. Set only the members Rep to zero, who posted in the thread "I'd give Rep to the member above me" more than one time.

In that case I'd be hosed, since I seem to recall leaving two posts there that said "because this thread is such bullshit".


Originally Posted by dick_van_cock
Why? If the system tells me to spread... what difference does it make whether I spread on the "I give to the willie above me" or otherwise?

imo the difference is that rather than rewarding someone who's simply trolling for rep, it doesn't take a whole lot more effort to find posts that actually contributed something to the boards.
Here is a Mods opinion. Set only the members Rep to zero, who posted in the thread "I'd give Rep to the member above me" more than one time. There is no greater artificial increase in rep points then those gained from this thread. That's assuming that rep points is no more than a game and really matters, which I don't think they do personally.

I like this idea. I used this thread a couple of times when I first joined, so I would prefer that the cutoff would be 5 posts rather than two. :tongue: I think it is more fair to do like Becks said and just remove all rep that anyone received in the rep the member above me thread.
Here is a Mods opinion. Set only the members Rep to zero, who posted in the thread "I'd give Rep to the member above me" more than one time. There is no greater artificial increase in rep points then those gained from this thread. That's assuming that rep points is no more than a game and really matters, which I don't think they do personally.

Well that is damn bad idea.

Some of us knew what the thread was, posted in it because of that, but didn't give the member rep.

I've not posted in it for a long time. I used to often say in it I'd just repped someone in it, when actually I hadn't. Simply because I knew the thread was set up as a joke. That was a little joke I used to play in it. The amount of PM's you used to get from members telling me it hadn't shown up and the system must be faulty :1orglaugh

Rep started as a game, some members made it a contest, now it's just a pain the ass! The only use it is now really is a quick, short PM.
in fact that points and post count have no material value, and I do not use MyFreeOnes at all... but I find the whole idea unfair, cuz all that stuff is kinda part of my history, part of my bio at the particular place. It is like someone wants to erase my memory, my background, and make all the people the same blank embryos. And the paradox is, that I better become an embryo in real life, and start it again, rather than accept that idea at virtual board! Just not very good feeling.
Though I am a newbie, spent only one year here. Had I right to speak? :1orglaugh
If you get rid of the rep points, how will I have any self value?

*Please note sarcasm in above post.

Apparently you do value rep highly though as you have used the "rep the member above me" thread for the purpose of boosting your rep levels.
Poor Petra. :)

It doesn't particularly effect me as I don't have a myFreeones account and I'm not especially active on the forum compared to some, but here are some random thoughts for you:

- Scrap points altogether, but retain the ability to leave comments on other people's posts.

- If you do retain a points system, scrap rep 'power'. Points inflation occurs because the more reputation you have, the more points each of your reps is worth. Make it so that you receive 1 point for 1 rep (regardless of who it came from), and you'd see a more balanced system. You could apply this retroactively too, without resetting to 0.

- Define reputation. Individual members can decide whether a post qualifies as deserving of reputation, but define what reputation is supposed to be. I'm not sure what that definition should be, but it should be broad ranging enough to cover the informative to the funny to simply hot galleries.

- Scrap the rep games - they're clearly causing problems in the functioning of the system. Posts should be made because a person has something to genuinely contribute, not because they're in desperate need of another green dot or because they're suffering from forum addiction. The database obviously links rep comments to posts, so it shouldn't be too difficult to delete rep from those threads clearly intended to farm points.

- Whatever you decide, bear in mind that as long as you tie myFreeones to rep, points will be about winning prizes and galleries rather than genuine appreciation of a person's post. This might become a long term problem for you.

- For anyone lamenting a possible reset to 0, if you're so desperate to keep the comments people have made about your posts, why don't you just save the pages now?
Makes me really laugh when people keep saying scrap the rep the member above you thread. Does anyone hold a gun to your head making you rep the person above you as quoted. It was a joke thread that caught on. Half the members who posted in it never actually repped the person above. They just made up some silly or joke comment on why they should. Well at least that's how it used to be. I don't know how it goes nowdays as I very rarely visit the games threads of that type. Just don't have the time when I come on here.

Scrapping them still isn't going to stop the rep clubs. They'll just go round other threads to rep the other member. We all have threads that we regularly go into, so it's not that hard to find a member if you want too. You could at the end of the day search them on the members list and then rep them on a previous post.

Most the stuff you suggest DreamSparrow has been suggested before. End of the day it still won't work, as you can still go round and rep the same members in rotation.

There has been and never will be a fair system to rep points on any board. So to make it worth something is a big mistake.

As some here know I have a thread on another board on one person. I don't post anywhere else on that board. But they have a rep system. Now my thread is the second most viewed thread on it after the new member introduction thread. All the rep I've received on it is from that one thread. I've never given any out as I don't go anywhere but that one thread on it. As now just about no one else posts on it except comments on posts I've made or a thank you. I have no reason to rep anyone in that thread. As I sort of don't need any help with anything in it.

But this has still got me comments off members their asking why I haven't repped them back or have never repped them. I've also had comments sent to me saying I'm rep whoring to have the figure I've got. All I do is laugh at them, you know why. Their rep system isn't even linked to anything and still cause me headaches.

So what the system going to do here linking it?

This has also brought me to another thought too. If we are going to have a fair system then on rep. Which means you get repped for the quality of your posting and such. Then you are going to have to lift some rules for some of us.

Another example...
I can't post most the things I could in a certain models thread. Reason why, I'd be advertising some site I had something to do with.
(Which means I'm still not getting a fair deal. As like others will be in the same boat. That is even if my MyFreeOnes account was still linked to my board name :1orglaugh)
I am pissed about the prospect of rep being reset, just like I was the last time...whether that was a year ago or 14 months or whatever. When I see someone's rep points...esp. someone whose rep total is higher then his post total, I take it with a grain of salt. But I know I've never gotten a rep point except for a post I made that somebody else appreciated, and I've never given one out for any other reason either. I've never participated in stupid rep game threads. So yeah, for some people on this board rep is a way to quantify the contribution they're making to the board...the amount of stuff they've posted that somebody appreciated enough to make the effort to rep them for it. Maybe it's silly and pointless, but it does give you something to take away from the board other than the porn you jacked off to. It'd be a shame if it kept getting fucked with or went away.

86 the rep game threads, don't tie rep to anything that gives more incentive to inflate it, and let everyone get on with their business. :2 cents:
No, not poor Petra :nono:. Actions have always to be justified and not to be taken all of sudden behind people's back or without talking with them of the "supposed" problem. You know generally that unjustified actions lead to justified sanctions (spamming, threatening a member or name calling). Long time members remember who was THFCMAD (a former mod) and how a terrible person he was. He was a rude person with few tact and thinking he was all allowed. One day one very bad action and his constant bad attitude cost him his place.
I am still waiting Petra to post proofs of this "so called" back up. These decisions better had to be justified and not based solely on someone's opinion about rep points because otherwise it completely voids the credibility of rep points system and makes of that decision totally absolutely ridiculous, unjustified and unfair on many points towards a big majority of members who used and still use the rep system fairly. I only and always take in consideration the law of majority because the law of the minority I personally don't consider it at all. Also a personal food for thought, the honest majority has not to pay the broken bud vases of an irresponsible minority. The majority is not a sole individual taking decisions for others without their approval and their agreement. Those are my personal and very honest feelings and they will never change.
THFCMAD was a terrible person before he started his shit.

He`s a Tottenham fan afterall :D
I am still waiting Petra to post proofs of this "so called" back up. These decisions better had to be justified and not based solely on someone's opinion about rep points because otherwise it completely voids the credibility of rep points system and makes of that decision totally absolutely ridiculous, unjustified and unfair on many points towards a big majority of members who used and still use the rep system fairly.<cut>

I'm afraid it's the truth :( We're (Admins/programmers) currently working very hard to make it happen. :crash: Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

We're working on an alternative solution to the problem, in which we don't have to reset the rep points. However, given the time available it's more than likely that we'll have to reset the points in order for the changes to go through.
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