Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
- GREEN: completed and live
- PURPLE: in testing before being put live
- BLUE: in progress
- Orange: planned but not actively worked on yet
- RED: on hold
To the untrained eye it doesn't look like we're doing a lot. However, we've decided to put the admin upgrade on hold for a month or two in order to really focus on getting the Premium Content live. Why is this important to us? THIS is the feature that will get the myFreeOnes content back in the game! For these 2 weeks we're ONLY focusing on creating a place in the admin for the Premium Content to exist as well as the functionality to allow YOU to purchase it with your credits.
We're also focusing on getting the content synced from the old storage to the new and putting it live. In sprints 36/37 we'll work on getting your old transaction history imported and connected to the content.
The other super big project is getting the FreeOnes blog integrated into the site as a "news" section on the site. We'll be able to publish relevant articles that will appear in the what's new channel when published and in relevant babe/channel/category feeds. We'll also FINALLY be able to communicate new features and changes as well.
And the last big thing is a feature that will allow you, the user, to suggest new features or changes. Then everyone can vote on them! ALL members will be able to participate however we will be looking at giving our Premium Members more say.
Oh, and I almost forgot. The improvement of the site menu planning. We're looking at what we can merge to make the giant menu smaller. I believe GIFs will get merged into Photos, Reviews will be added to the relevant channel and possibly Video on Demand will go to Videos. Keep an eye out!
MAJOR Planned Updates/Fixes
- Upgrading admin (on hold)
- Add Premium (i.e. myFO) content to site
- Integrate blog with FreeOnes
- Improve main site menu (planning)
- Suggest and vote on new/upcoming features
- add membership statistics to the admin
- game page improvements
- comments out of sync (bug fix)
- videos should be full width on mobile/tablets (UI fix)
- bullet points for extra text not indenting properly (bug fix)
Will be stored on the 2022 roadmap. Click here
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