Americans should not be allowed to own guns.

Can someone please explain to me why Americans feel it is a God-given right for them to own a lethal weapon? Because it makes no sense to me. Permitting any old Tom, Dick and Harry to own a device that could easily inflict deadly bodily harm on another person is not logical. And don't compare gun ownership to knife ownership. Guns are a lot more dangerous. Plus they are designed specifically to serve as weapons.

Because we are a free country or used to be. People like to feel safe at night that they have a way to protect themselves and families incase an intruder brakes into their home. There are all kinds of sickos out there.

It might not make any sense to you because you never were or witnessed a situation where you needed one to feel safe.

Tom, Dick, and Harry are law abiding citizens that pay their taxes and want to protect their families at night. If there was a gun ban, Tom, Dick, and Harry might turn their guns in on day one but the low life criminals would still have their guns or some other type of weapon and break in to their homes. Tom, Dick, and Harry might be defenseless.

Guns are weapons and the perfect tool in protecting ourselves. Criminals should think twice before breaking in on someone's home. This logic may not make sense to you or anyone else.


Staff member
1) It wasn't my intention to lie and I'm really suprised about the crime rate in Canada. Canada is always depicted as a nation with a low crime rate where you can even leave your front door open when your away. It's sad in a way because it would be nice if it were true.

2) The reality isn't that different. When there are many guns in circulation be it legal or illegal criminals have more opportunities to get a hold of a gun.

3) The bottomline is that you as a person on the right side of the fence think that everything can be resolved by using force (and from what I've read you want to resolve everything by using force). I'm on the left side of the fence and think that using force isn't the answer because it doesn't deal with the underlying causes. We will never agree because you think I'm a bleeding heart and I think you're a fear mongorer.

1) Ok fair enough but remember that what is written is not always true.
2) The reality is different, people who use guns in order to protect their underground economy like drug traffics or illegal firearms sales or prostitution networks are the ones who are fucking up the society. A law abiding citizen who is registered shooter in a gun club, has a clean record and which has been delivered his concelead carry weapon or gun permit by the competent authorities is not representing a problem for the society.
3) What should I do when my private property is forced or entered by undesirable people or that my life or the life of my friends or my parents is endangered??? Should I knee in front of the perp and beg him to let me alive?
I choose to use the deadly force this means using a machete or an axe and cutting his hands if necessary. With a gun, I would kneecap the bastard with a 44magnum or a 40s&w. I am not a fear monger but anyone who will trespass my private property, force my door or try to threaten me or/and my friends or my relatives will know me in better terms.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Can someone please explain to me why Americans feel it is a God-given right for them to own a lethal weapon? Because it makes no sense to me. Permitting any old Tom, Dick and Harry to own a device that could easily inflict deadly bodily harm on another person is not logical. And don't compare gun ownership to knife ownership. Guns are a lot more dangerous. Plus they are designed specifically to serve as weapons.

Because we see the tyranny that takes a hold of governments in places like Somalia, and Iraq. We see the corruption that takes place in countries governments, that leads to their citizens being oppressed, or imprisoned...or cleansed because they aren't the correct ethnicity. Maybe you should ask this question to one of the most effective pro gun groups in America, "Jewish gun owners of America". They'll give you a history lesson about who Adolph Hitler is, and what he did. More importantly, they will tell you HOW he did it.
Because we see the tyranny that takes a hold of governments in places like Somalia, and Iraq. We see the corruption that takes place in countries governments, that leads to their citizens being oppressed, or imprisoned...or cleansed because they aren't the correct ethnicity. Maybe you should ask this question to one of the most effective pro gun groups in America, "Jewish gun owners of America". They'll give you a history lesson about who Adolph Hitler is, and what he did. More importantly, they will tell you HOW he did it.

Your point would have had potential except for Iraq. They were one of the most arm societies in the middle east but all of their AKs were no match for helicopter gunships and mustard gas.
Because we see the tyranny that takes a hold of governments in places like Somalia, and Iraq. We see the corruption that takes place in countries governments, that leads to their citizens being oppressed, or imprisoned...or cleansed because they aren't the correct ethnicity. Maybe you should ask this question to one of the most effective pro gun groups in America, "Jewish gun owners of America". They'll give you a history lesson about who Adolph Hitler is, and what he did. More importantly, they will tell you HOW he did it.
So, because of what Hitler did we should all have guns?!? Amazing! :confused:
No because there appears to be a glorification & fetishisation of firearms in the US which I for one find quite disturbing.

Well there is a certain element who appears to be religious about it but that's a separate issue from the ability to reasonably defend yourself and hunt game...which through our constitutional right, we enjoy.


From my own perspective... Someone broke into my house a couple years ago. I was in bed and heard the noise. I had a few minutes before the guy made his way into my bedroom and beat the shit out of me. If I had the gun I now own, it would have gone down a little different.
And on the other end of it, the police station was five minutes away. It took them over half an hour to arrive.

There couldn't have been a better post in this thread.

Another way to look at this is - Let's say that "Marcy", just down the street, experiences a similar situation as Stacey did in times past, yet Marcy employed her personal First Amendment Right to defend herself and once the bad guy came within 25 feet of Marcy, she snapped out the muzzle of her Browning Hi Power and the intruder armed himself, ran away saying DON"T SHOOT ! I"M LEAVING I"M LEAVING PLEASE DON"T SHOOT !!

Do you think that that will ever be coverd by your local news ?
It is too late !

1. There are just hundreds of billions and trillions guns out there.

2. The culture encourages people to bear arms to protect their home.

3. NRA is so powerful and I doubt even Obama and the Congress will touch this hot button.
Because I have the inalienable right to defend myself and my family.

I also hunt, and when archery season ends, have go with the .30-06.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
Americans should not be allowed to own guns.

Those who would deny others' freedoms deserve it not for themselves.

OK, so all the arguments against gun ownership have been based on lies, propaganda, and shit that was flatly made-the-fuck-up.

Here's some good reasons for gun ownership:

Tyrannical government loves an unarmed populace.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.

The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
The funny thing is that Canada also has a long tradition of hunting and owning guns with iirc 6-7 million guns in circulation yet the crime rate in Canada is only a fraction of that in the US. That should tell everyone something about American society.

Funny thing is Canada only has a fraction of the population that the US does.

That should tell everyone something about Canadian logic.

OK, so all the arguments against gun ownership have been based on lies, propaganda, and shit that was flatly made-the-fuck-up.
No they haven't, my argument that there's a glorification & fetishisation of firearms in the US is a fact! Look at american cinema & music videos & guns are everywhere. No wonder a lot of americans seem to adore their guns in some kind of borederline sexual way. Its so ingrained in the collective psyche of america that guns are cool & shooting things is cool. It will never change, but as long as it stays over there & doesn't, like a lot of stuff from US, creep over to the UK I not overly bothered just find it a state of mind that is hard to comprehend. :(


Actually, I don't care if you have one or not...and I really don't have any answers on controlling the wide-eyed crazies who sleep with their arsenals...
as long as I can have a functioning firearm when I want to have it, and my family has the same safety net, I am content.
Those who live elsewhere, and don't approve... stay there, and be "safe".
If your fear of America is predicated on news reports and HollyWeird movies you'd be too jumpy to enjoy the great country we have here; watch the news and see the easy asskicking the Iranian gov't is giving the unarmed population...they have the guns and the population doesn't.
Not gonna happen here...:thumbsup:
Actually, I don't care if you have one or not...and I really don't have any answers on controlling the wide-eyed crazies who sleep with their arsenals...
as long as I can have a functioning firearm when I want to have it, and my family has the same safety net, I am content.
Those who live elsewhere, and don't approve... stay there, and be "safe".
If your fear of America is predicated on news reports and HollyWeird movies you'd be too jumpy to enjoy the great country we have here; watch the news and see the easy asskicking the Iranian gov't is giving the unarmed population...they have the guns and the population doesn't.
Not gonna happen here.
Yeah, cos its THAT simple?!? If da good guys had gun everyfing wud be fine?!? :rolleyes:


There couldn't have been a better post in this thread.

Another way to look at this is - Let's say that "Marcy", just down the street, experiences a similar situation as Stacey did in times past, yet Marcy employed her personal First Amendment Right to defend herself and once the bad guy came within 25 feet of Marcy, she snapped out the muzzle of her Browning Hi Power and the intruder armed himself, ran away saying DON"T SHOOT ! I"M LEAVING I"M LEAVING PLEASE DON"T SHOOT !!

Do you think that that will ever be coverd by your local news ?

Shouldn't that read "pissed himself",...etc?:D

And if it happened here, we'd have Quannel X and his minions picketing "Marcy's" house for blatant racism and minority oppression if the perp wasn't a blue-eyed blond white guy.
It would make the news nationally if she was arrested for using a firearm, not if she actually saved her life by being legally armed.