American special forces not popular with the US backed Syrian rebels


Hiliary 2020
So the US bombs Syrian troops....again.
Results- ISIS takes over a Syrian Army base.
We're sorry. Our bad.......again.

Then this Thing walks out of a UN meeting while the Russian UN Rep is speaking to go talk to the press with a pre-written bunch of lies

Accusing The Syrian Gov and Russia of the exact thing that the US is doing time and time again.
If the Syrian GOV is so horrible to their own people then why is the US "saying" that they are there to help them fight ISIS?
The reality is they are not there to help or fight alongside the Syrians or the Russians but to defend, protect, and aide ISIS.
ISIS. The same ISIS who the US claims is responsible for all the terror attacks and mass killings around the world.
It's all a show. Lies upon lies.
The USA is the bad guys. The GOV has been taken over by criminals. Unless the masses wake up to this pretty soon there is going to be some very bad things coming.
That "Thing" is right that at a time there COULD be US/Russian co-operation regarding at least one phase of the Syrian conflict Russia is instead playing an incredibly hypocritical, transparent PR game over this incident. I'm not surprised she looks and sounds pissed off. As americans we should all be.


Hiliary 2020
That "Thing" is right that at a time there COULD be US/Russian co-operation regarding at least one phase of the Syrian conflict Russia is instead playing an incredibly hypocritical, transparent PR game over this incident. I'm not surprised she looks and sounds pissed off. As americans we should all be.

Do you know who she is?
Do you know who her husband is?
Everything she said up there was a lie.
People should be pissed off that these people represent us.


Hiliary 2020
To be a little more specific.
What happened was the Syrians were in a battle with ISIS, the US proxys.
The Syrians were winning the battle when US war planes came by shooting up the Syrians (In a Syrian Army base) and dropping White Phosporous on them.
That alone is a war crime.
Then what do you know, just a few minutes later (I've been reading 7 minutes) here comes ISIS rolling in , guns blazing.
The only way ISIS could have known the airstrike was finished and been ready to move was if they had confirmation that it was over.
BTW this is the same blueprint that happened in Libya. UN and US blows the hell out of an area, ISIS rolls right in, beards and all.

60+ Syrian soldiers killed....with white phosporous? Who knows how many wounded or maimed for life.
These are young men fighting for their country and the US killed them.
The US did this. They admitted it. That is an act of war and if Russia and Syria declared war on the US for this they would be justified.
What do people need to wake up and see that the USA is ISIS? If this doesn't prove it what the hell will?

And for Cass Sunsteins wife to then get up there and repeat the same old things that they said about Hussein, Gaddafi, and many others who's countries they want to destroy, plunder and pillage....."oh well their leader is killing his own people so anything we do is ok".
The same old blueprint they use all the time.
That is just an added kick in the balls to both Syria and Russia. That is basically admitting the US has no remorse.
We have no interest in Syria other than to protect israel from anyone interfering with their crimes against humanity.
These people are psychopaths and they're gonna get us all killed. The world isn't gonna put up with this much longer.

The next step now towards WWIII is if israel moves in. Then Russia will fight israel and the US will fight Russia and then everybody else will start shooting. That is probably their last resort to get it going.
It's all very serious stuff. People in the US don't realize how close we are. Sitting on a powder keg smoking a cig.

BTW notice how everytime something serious happens there is a series of "terror attacks" in the US or Europe.
It's all planned.
Yes she's married to Cass Sunstein. Oh I see where you're going here: he's a Jew, yes? Which of course means he's part of the great All Controlling, All Powerful Hebrew Axis Of Evil, as is she, by association.

What do people need to wake up and see that the USA is ISIS?

Mandatory lobotomies would probably get the job done.


Hiliary 2020
Yes she's married to Cass Sunstein. Oh I see where you're going here: he's a Jew, yes? Which of course means he's part of the great All Controlling, All Powerful Hebrew Axis Of Evil, as is she, by association.

What do people need to wake up and see that the USA is ISIS?

Mandatory lobotomies would probably get the job done.

Nah I don't much care if he's Jewish. I just don't believe in what he believes.
I kind of gave up putting what I consider "The enemies from within (The Gov)" in the category of Jewish or not Jewish, although so many of them are Jewish. But a lot of them aren't.
I like to refer to the whole rotten bunch as The israel first crowd.

Bodes I'm sorry we are disagreeing about this but I think you know my feelings are justified.
I mean we are in Syria against the will of the Syrian people and the Syrian Gov. We just killed and injured almost 200 Syrian soldiers who we say we are there to help and allowed ISIS to take over a military base. And I'm sure they probably killed a lot more soldiers when they took it.
I don't believe this thing and so many others like it are coincidence or accidents. The US is helping the ISIS mercenaries.
Again, the same group we are claiming is responsible for all these terror acts and mass shootings and killings around the world.
There is a lot more going on here then what they are telling this point to me is very clear.

Plus the USA is killing civilians over there left and right. Kids man.
Groups of people, whole villages are trying to get away from the war zones and we are blowing them up.

Research it.

How can anyone not be against this?

Like I've said you can love your country all you want but it's time to realize that it's GOV has been taken over by criminals on every level.


Hiliary 2020
So basically at this point the cat's out of the bag. Everyone knows who the USA is fighting for.
Basically at this point the US and Russia are at war.
Interesting how this went down.
1st- The US bombs and kills 80 or so Syrian soldiers "by accident" while they just happened to be engaged in battle with ISIS.
They bomb them for over an hour "by accident". ISIS then immediately some how knows the bombing has stopped and moves right in.
2nd- The next day a food and aide supply convoy trying to send supplys to the literally starving Syrian human beings gets lit up.
20 or so people killed.
The US immediately blames Russia. A nice and convenient distraction for what happened the day before. (Why would Russia or Syria do that?)
3rd- Russia calls for an assembly at the UN regarding the US attack on Syrian soldiers which they had every right to do.
USA UN Rep Samantha "The Thing" Powers rips into Russia to the press. I guess that was her way of saying sorry.
4th- The day after the US "accidental" attack on the Syrian Army which saved ISIS's ass there are a series of silly bombs set off in the US.
The US blames ISIS, again. Another convenient distraction for the US media to play with.
Seems these lone wolf ISIS terror attacks always come at the perfect time when a distraction is needed.
That's about it..........But not for long!

Syria and Russia aren't letting this go. They want the US out of Syria now.
They are telling the world that ISIS is just a proxy army of the USA and if what just went down doesn't prove it then what will?
And they are right.

Now here is something else the MSM is not telling the people. This should be a huge story. Why isn't it?
So Russia lobbed bombs at a " coordination operations room” in western Aleppo" killing 30 "foreign officers".
30 Military officals from the israeli Mossad, The USA, England, Qatar, Suadi Arabia, and Turkey.
Wow, nice shot.
So why were there Mossad agents and Suadis ect in Aleppo? What business did they have there?
It was the control center. The people controlling the forces against the Syrians. ISIS.
This is why the media is not reporting this. Because it shows exactly who is behind this war.
Case Closed.
Meanwhile more Syrian civilians have been blown to bits while blowing up their water supply.
I wonder who was behind that?

This whole thing is so obvious.
Destroy every Arab country and destabilize it. Plunder the resources including Gold and Arms and put in a puppet leader.
At the same time create massive immigration into European countries and destroy them from the inside out.
Throw in fake terror attacks here and there throughout the world to terrorize the people and get them used to a police state.
Christians versus Christians versus Muslims . Who benefits?