If I had a dollar for every time you've said "bearded mercenaries" I'd have $264.
can you use "bearded clams" just once? Mix it in there some time to keep us on our toes.
AF I say bearded mercenaries because that is the most accurate term.
Do you think they are religious?
On a Jihad?
If they were would they roll into every country we carpet bombed into the stone age and start raping and slaughtering people?
Chopping people up into pieces?
This is what they are. They are an army, a big fucking army.
They have plenty of weapons even tanks.
Think about the amount of money it takes to pay, feed, clothe, mobilize, and arm hundreds of thousands of mercenaries.
They dont work cheap.
Now think of all the intelligence agencies our country spends billions each year on. None of them have any clue where the money comes from?
They cant figure it out?
No, they can just have the mouthpeice of the day lie and tel the world "I'TS IRAN" when Iran along with Russia and Syria are the only ones actually fighting and killing them.......but yet
they are our enemy. Go figure.
There is only 1 country in the world with the wealth to pay for all this. A lot of that wealth comes from the countries we invaded and robbed.
Not to mention the massive amount of opium from Afghanistan suddenly flooding the planet since 2003.
Is this even a secret anymore?
So some people can laugh about how the USA completely arms and funds the exact same people they claim to be fighting which they are clearly not nor ever were.
They can laugh at the fact that we use these mercenaries to commit atrocities all over Africa and the Middle East. You know, kill millions of women and children........hahaha, funny shit.
And they can get angry everytime someone goes on a killing spree and shouts "Aloha Snackbar" while theyre doing it.
Cant blame them really, their just weak minded who can't think for themselves. Controlled masses.
Its us, The United States run by criminals and israel first neocons who arm and pay these BEARDED MERCENARIES.
Then they tell us they are our enemy and they will protect us from them. When was the last time we tried to fight them?