U.S. shoots down Syrian military aircraft


Hiliary 2020
Everything I've written about the situation in Syria is true.
People can stick their heads in the sand and waive the flag like trained animals all they want.
But the US is the aggressor here.
They have no legal right, thats US law and International law to be in Syria or any other country theyhave invaded.


Now theyre playing nuclear chicken with all of our lives and what are you doing?
Giving me shit.

The US proxy army has lost. Syria beat them.
They didnt go down like the rest. Like Libya who never even fired a shot in their own defense.
So now the criminal murderers who place their own personal wealth above all of Earths People have a choice.
They can leave Syria alone and get the hell out or invade it.

Only problem is how to justify it this time.
Afghanistan- A tall bearded man is hiding in a cave somewhere and by golly we're gonna find him.....Right Daddy? We're gonna find him right?
Iraq- He's got WMD"s, meaning nukes, and he's gonna use them if we dont kill him first. But he never did. Look at the place now.
Libya- A country that was totally innocent and ZERO threat to anybody-
He look funny?. He dress funny?
Why was it that ISIS was the ones who killed him on video anyway?
We attacked and destroyed Libya. It was a USA invasion.
How did the bearded mercenaries get to him 1st? Why would "our enemy" kill him for us?
And where did the hundreds of billions , probably over a trillion of Libyan gold , money ect ect go?
Anybody have an idea?

But Syria, hmm, how can they justify this one?
If you think they won't resort to claiming Assad is gassing civilians, AGAIN, or to actually stage an attack in order to justify an invasion you gotta be either extremely naive or just plain stupid.


Hiliary 2020
Justify your claims that Assad doesn't kill his own people. His hands completely clean of any deaths by means of military action. By your estimations, Syria was the Garden of Eden at some fucking time. No oppression of the citizens. Rainbows and unicorns throughout the land. Happy couples enjoying a cup of coffee on outside cafes. Yea, tell me when this was YOUR understanding of Syria.

So what?
Even if what you say is true do you actually believe the USA is there for humanitarian reasons?
If you do then you are the one thinking of Rainbows Unicorns and Lollipops.